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Lic. Fil. Zaragoza - Bourgogne, M.A. Pennsylvania, Ph.D. Pompeu Fabra
Senior Lecturer in Spanish


I am currently an Honorary Faculty Research Fellow at the University of Oxford and a Beatriz Galindo Distinguished Senior Researcher at the University of Seville, funded by a competitive international talent attraction programme of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain. Previously, I was Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Spanish and Co-ordinator of Spanish at the University of Oxford for 15 years, responsible for teaching Paper XII - Hispanic Sociolinguistics. I was also Director of the John Rutherford Centre for Galician Studies (2017-2022). I obtained my PhD from Pompeu Fabra University and an MA in Romance Languages from the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN).  

My research interests are motivated by the observation that a significant portion of scholarly inquiry on second language (L2) acquisition centres on the “micro” environment, which encompasses specific tasks and classroom interventions. However, it is also important to acknowledge the influence of “macro” elements such as institutional frameworks and policies. Both micro and macro factors are integral to the understanding of the dynamics of L2 acquisition. Consequently, my research investigates the interplay between these dimensions, recognising their joint significance in shaping language learning outcomes.  My research has featured in Spanish and international media, such as El País, France 24, Radio France Internationale, La Vanguardia and RNE Radio Exterior. I have also delivered keynote addresses at international conferences and other events in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and the UK.

My research focuses on three themes: 

1) Connections between language contact and multilingualism. I have proposed a multilingual approach to the use of translation in L2 teaching (Language, Culture and Curriculum). I explore the dynamic processes of contact, cross-linguistic lexical influence (Spanish in Context), lexical transfer between English and Spanish (Signos), and the implications of multilingualism on language learning (International Journal of Multilingualism); 2) Integration of technology in language learning, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). I have studied student-teacher interaction in online L2 Spanish learning environments (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and proposed a theoretical framework for integrating AI into L2 teaching (Hispania), as well as the PPI (Planning, Personalizing, Implementing) model for technology-mediated language teaching (Routledge book); 3) Impact of institutional contexts on language teaching. I have analysed the teaching of language diversity in connection with institutions and policies (agents) and the teaching profession (voices) (Journal of Spanish Language Teaching). I study the research engagement of L2 Spanish teachers to understand how higher education's reliance on insecure part-time faculty impacts research (Language Awareness) and to what extent theoretical and empirical research permeates teaching practice and what factors facilitate or hinder this transfer (Applied Linguistics). 

My research leadership experience includes leading the VocEs, InteracEs, and DemoLing international research teams, being a Principal Co-Investigator of Comunidad Virtual del Español (COMUN-ES), an international collaboration between the universities of Oxford and Salamanca, and a Principal Investigator of the “Portal de lingüística hispánica - Hispanic Linguistics.” I have also published textbooks focused on error correction, writing skills, oral interaction, and idiomatic language.  

On the editorial front, I am the creator and editor of the Routledge Speed up your Language Skills Series, based on error correction as a tool for improving students' language skills. Following the original approach of the Spanish book, the series has grown to include Chinese, Arabic, French, Korean and German. I am also co-editor of the Routledge Spanish Language Handbooks Series, which provides comprehensive and state-of-the-art overviews of topics in Hispanic Linguistics, Hispanic Applied Linguistics and Spanish Language Teaching, and editor and creator of the Routledge Advances in Spanish Language Teaching Series, which showcases the latest research on the teaching and learning of Spanish. I am also the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Spanish Language Teaching (Routledge). 

My contributions to society include serving as President of Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (ASELE), Trustee of Instituto Cervantes, and a corresponding member of the Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE). The University of Oxford rewarded my achievements with a Merit Award (2009), an Award for Excellence (2015), and a Best Online Teaching Practices Award (2020). In 2023, I received a Leadership Award from the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP).


Spanish language, translation, grammar, writing skills, oral skills and Paper XII (Hispanic Sociolinguistics).



Technology-Mediated Language Teaching: From Social Justice to Artificial Intelligence (AI) (with Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez and Luis Cerezo) Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2025 (forthcoming) (pp. 336, ISBN: 978-1-800-41986-5) Book Weblink

La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). London and New York: Routledge, 2024 (pp. 418, ISBN: 978-0-367-70450-6) (with Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez and Luis Cerezo) Download Full Book in Open Access Reviewed in Hispania 108.1 (2025), Estudios de lingüística 43 (2025), Didacticae 17-19 (2025), Círculo de lingüística aplicada 100 (2024), Estudios de lingüística del español 49 (2024), Porta Linguarum 44 (2024), Verba Hispánica 32.1 (2024), Resercle 5 (2024), Lenguas Modernas 63 (2024), Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada 62.1 (2024), Lingüística 40 (2024), DobleELE 10 (2024), Revista LinRed 21 (2024), EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages 11.2 (2024), Cultura, lenguaje y representación 33 (2024), RedELE 36 (2024), Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 11.1 (2024) 

  • Translation into Basque: Download Full Book in Open Access Teknologiak bideratutako hizkuntzen irakaskuntza: justizia sozialetik Adimen Artifizialera (AA). Donostia: HABE (2024) (pp. 400, ISBN: 978-84-96769-13-7) (with Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez and Luis Cerezo) Book Presentation

Spanish Vocabulary Learning in Meaning-Oriented Instruction. London and New York: Routledge, 2022 (pp. 200, ISBN: 978-1-138-29590-2) (with Joe Barcroft) Book Weblink

La diversidad del español y su enseñanza. London and New York: Routledge, 2021 (pp. 378, ISBN: 978-0-367-65169-5) (with Natividad Hernández Muñoz and Carlos Soler Montes) Book Weblink Reviewed in Círculo de lingüística aplicada 90 (2022), Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 10.2 (2023)

Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge, 2021 (pp. 472, ISBN: 978-1-138-09671-4) (with Yolanda Pérez Sinusía) Book Weblink Reviewed in Revista LinRed 19 (2022), Études Romanes de Brno 44.2 (2023) 

Ideology, Censorship and Translation. London and New York: Routledge, 2021 (pp. 142, ISBN: 978-0-367-60989-4) (with Martin McLaughlin) Book Weblink Reviewed in Verba Hispánica 29.1 (2021), Estudios de lingüística del español 47 (2023)

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teachingmetodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2. London and New York: Routledge, 2019 (pp. 724, ISBN: 978-1-138-18290-5) (with Elisa Gironzetti and Manel Lacorte) Book Weblink Download Introduction. Reviewed in Lingüística 38.2 (2022), Applied Linguistics 41.3 (2020), Hispania 103.1 (2020), Círculo de lingüística aplicada 81 (2020), Bulletin of Spanish Studies 96.9 (2019), Hispanic Research Journal 20.4 (2019), Lenguas Modernas 53 (2019), Estudios de lingüística  del español 40 (2019), Onomázein 46 (2019), Verba Hispánica 27.1 (2019), Revista LinRed 17 (2019) and Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 6.1 (2019)

Developing Writing Skills in Portuguese / Manual prático de escrita em português. London and New York: Routledge, 2019 (pp. xii + 142, ISBN: 978-1-138-29055-6) (with Yolanda Pérez Sinusía, Marianne David and Clélia F. Donovan) Book Weblink

Lingüística hispánica actual: guía didáctica y materiales de apoyo. London and New York: Routledge, 2017 (pp. xi + 330, ISBN: 978-0-415-78876-2) (with Manel Lacorte) Book Weblink. Read Introduction. Reviewed in Hispania 102.2 (2019), Revista LinRed 16 (2018), EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages 5.1 (2018) and Estudios de Lingüística del Español 39 (2018)

The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies. London and New York: Routledge, 2017 (pp. xxv + 714, ISBN: 978-0-415-72283-4) (with Laura Lonsdale and Manuel Delgado) Book Weblink. Read Introduction. Reviewed in Hispanófila 190 (2020), The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 79.1 (2019), Hispania 101.4 (2018), Bulletin Hispanique 120.2 (2018) and Verba Hispánica 25.1 (2017)

Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica. London and New York: Routledge, 2017 (pp. xii + 546, ISBN: 978-0-415-63157-0) (with Nina Moreno, Inma Taboada and Manel Lacorte) Book Weblink. Read Introduction. Reviewed in Spanish in Context 16.1 (2019), Revista internacional de lingüística iberoamericana 16.2 (2018), Borealis 7.2 (2018), Studia Romanistica 18.2 (2018), Hispania 101.2 (2018), Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 5.1 (2018), Círculo de lingüística aplicada 73 (2018), Onomázein 42 (2018), Verba Hispánica 25.1 (2017), Estudios de Lingüística del Español 38 (2017), Revista LinRed 15 (2017)

Spanish Idioms in Practice: Understanding Language and Culture. London and New York: Routledge, 2013 (pp. xvi + 212, ISBN: 978-0-415-53392-8) (with Yolanda Pérez Sinusía and Marianne David) Book Weblink. Reviewed in Bulletin of Spanish Studies 92.6 (2015), Hispania 97.4 (2014), Porta Linguarum 22.2 (2014), and Revista LinRed 11 (2013)

¡A debate! Estrategias para la interacción oral (Nivel C). Madrid: Edelsa, 2013 (pp. 172, ISBN: 978-84-7711-797-1). ¡A debate! Guía metodológica para el profesor. Madrid: Edelsa, 2013 (pp. 144, ISBN: 978-84-7711-769-8) (with Elisa Gironzetti and Yolanda Pérez Sinusía) Book Weblink Reviewed in Hispania 98.1 (2015), Lenguas Modernas 46 (2015), Estudios de Lingüística (ELUA) 28 (2014), Vida Hispánica 48.1 (2014)

The Limits of Literary Translation: Expanding Frontiers in Iberian Languages. Kassel: Reichenberger, 2012 (pp. xvi + 370, ISBN: 978-3-937734-97-2) (with Catarina Fouto, Laura Soler-González and Tyler Fisher) Book Weblink. Reviewed in Translation Studies 8.1 (2015), Hispania 97.3 (2014), Iberoamericana 14.56 (2014), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 91.2 (2014), and Verba Hispánica 21 (2013)

Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011 (pp. xxiv + 273, ISBN: 978-1-84888-064-1) (with Marianne David) Download Introduction. Reviewed in Journal of Intercultural Studies 36.1 (2015), Ethnic and Racial Studies 37.10 (2014), Diaspora Studies 7.1 (2014)

Developing Writing Skills in Spanish. London and New York: Routledge, 2011 (pp. xii + 372, ISBN: 978-0-415-59083-9) (with Yolanda Pérez Sinusía and Marianne David). Reviewed in Bulletin of Spanish Studies 90.7 (2013), Hispania 96.1 (2013), Vida Hispánica 46.2 (2012), and Revista RedELE 23 (2011)

Speed up your Spanish. Strategies to Avoid Common Errors. London and New York: Routledge, 2009 (pp. xii + 260, ISBN: 978-0-415-49332-1) (with Marianne David and Olga Núñez Piñeiro). Reviewed in Hispania 95.2 (2012), Vida Hispánica 44.2 (2011), and Revista RedELE 19 (2010)

Editorship of Special Issues of Journals

Guest Co-Editor with Craig Neville, Barbara Lafford and Concepción Godev of a Special Issue entitled 'Applied Translation in Spanish Language Teaching (SLT),' for Hispania, 106.2 (2023) Journal Weblink.

Guest Co-Editor with Natividad Hernández Muñoz of a Special Issue entitled 'El español en la era global: ideología, modelos de lengua y diseño curricular / Spanish in the Global Era: Ideology, Language Varieties and Curriculum Design,' for the Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 6.2 (2019) Journal Weblink. Download Introduction.

Guest Co-Editor with Martin McLaughlin of a Special Issue entitled 'Ideology, Censorship and Translation across Genres: Past and Present,' for Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 24.1 (2016) Journal Weblink. Download Introduction.

Research Articles, Book Chapters, and Encyclopedia Entries

'The Rising Insecurity of Language Teaching Jobs in Higher Education and Its Effects on Research,' Language Awareness (2025) (with Elisa Gironzetti) Open Access Article

'El capital humano del español en Europa: universidad, mercado laboral y empleabilidad,' Policy Briefs - Observatorio del Español en Europa (Accepted, forthcoming, 2025) (with Francisco Moreno Fernández, Héctor Álvarez Mella and Pilar Valero Fernández) 

'El Sesgo Lingüístico Digital (SLD) en la inteligencia artificial: implicaciones para los modelos de lenguaje masivos en español / The Digital Linguistic Bias (DLB) in Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Large Language Models in Spanish,' Lengua y sociedad 23.2 (2024) 623-647 (with María del Mar Palomares Marín and Francisco Moreno Fernández) Open Access Article 

'The Impact of Multilingualism and Proficiency on L2 Vocabulary Knowledge: Contrasting High and Low Multilinguals,' International Journal of Multilingualism (2024) (with Marjana Šifrar Kalan, Pablo Robles García, Tripp Strawbridge, and Claudia Sánchez-Gutiérrez) Open Access Article

'Interactional Patterns in the Online Language Classroom: A Quantitative Analysis across Proficiency Levels and Lesson Types,' Computer Assisted Language Learning (2023) (with Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez, Tripp Strawbridge, and Laura Acosta Ortega) Open Access Article

'Communities of Practice in Language Education,' In The Politics of Language Teaching and Learning, eds. Inma Álvarez and Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez (John Murray Press/Hachette UK, forthcoming 2025) (with Carlos Soler Montes)

'Spanish Language Program Development and Administration,' In The Routledge Handbook of Language Program Development and Administration, eds. A. V. Brown, C. Crane, B. Dupuy & E. Ene. (Routledge, forthcoming 2025) (with A. V. Brown)

'Multilingüismo y enseñanza de lenguas en Europa: del perfil multilingüe a la competencia plurilingüe,' In El español como lengua de mediación en contextos educativos y profesionales, eds. Sonia Bailini, Maria Vittoria Calvi and Elena Liverani, pp. 26-42 (Milan, Instituto Cervantes, 2024) Open Access Chapter

'Oportunidades de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de lenguas / Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Language Teaching and Learning,' In La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), eds. Javier Muñoz-Basols, Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez and Luis Cerezo (Routledge, 2024: 343-365) (with Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez) Open Access Chapter

'Feedback interactivo y autonomía,' In Teoría sociocultural y español LE/L2, eds. Eduardo Negueruela-Azarola, Próspero N. García and Arturo Escandón (Routledge, 2024: 100-118) (with Sonia Bailini) Open Access Chapter

'Asociacionismo y enseñanza del español en Europa,' Archiletras científica. Revista de investigación de lengua y letras, 10 (2023) 55-68. (with Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez) Weblink

'Interacción en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje / Interaction in Virtual Learning Environments,' In La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), eds. Javier Muñoz-Basols, Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez and Luis Cerezo (Routledge 2024: 186-217) (with Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez) Open Access Chapter

'Huellas y testimonios de las actitudes hacia los anglicismos en la tradición lexicográfica hispánica' Glosas. Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española, 10.5 (2023) 116-128. Open Access Article

'Potentialities of Applied Translation for Language Learning in the Era of Artificial Intelligence,' Hispania, 106.2 (2023) 171-194 (with Craig Neville, Barbara Lafford and Concepción Godev) Open Access Article

'Los profesionales del español en el mundo: la asignatura pendiente,' IX Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española. Cádiz 2023. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes. Article Weblink Watch Video 

'Networking digital global para el español: la plataforma COMUN-ES / Global Digital Networking in Spanish: the COMUN-ES Platform,' UNAM Internacional, 4 (2023) 220-231 Article Weblink

'Research Engagement and Research Culture in Spanish Language Teaching (SLT): Empowering the Profession,' Applied Linguistics, 43.5 (2022) 978-1005 (with Elisa Gironzetti) Article Weblink

'Acquisition of Idiomatic Language in L2 Spanish.' In Spanish Vocabulary Learning in Meaning-Oriented Instruction,  eds. Joe Barcroft and Javier Muñoz-Basols (Routledge, 2021: 62-88) (with Frank Boers) Article Weblink

'Teacher Perceptions and Student Interaction in Online and Hybrid University Language Learning Courses.' In Current Perspectives in Language Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Contexts, eds. Margarita Planelles, Alice Foucart and Juana M. Liceras (Thomson Reuters, 2020): 507-539 (with Elisa Gironzetti and Manel Lacorte) Article Weblink

'Going beyond the Comfort Zone: Multilingualism, Translation and Mediation to Foster Plurilingual Competence,' Language, Culture and Curriculum, 32.3 (2019): 299-321 Gold Open Access Article

'El español en la era global: agentes y voces de la polifonía panhispánica,' Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 6.2 (2019) (with Natividad Hernández Muñoz) Article Weblink

'¿Nos hacemos un/una selfie con la/el tablet? Cross-Linguistic Lexical Influence, Gender Assignment and Linguistic Policy in Spanish,' Revista Signos. Estudios de lingüística, 52.99 (2019): 77-108 (with Danica Salazar) Article Weblink

'Translation of Hispanic Comics and Graphic Novels,' in The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies, eds. Roberto A. Valdeón and África Vidal (London and New York: Routledge, 2019): 365-384 (with Enrique del Rey Cabero) Book Weblink

'Selección y elaboración de materiales didácticos significativos,' in Manual de formación para profesores de ELE, eds. Francisco Jiménez Calderón and Anna Rufat (Madrid: SGEL, 2019): 64-84 (with Elisa Gironzetti) Article Weblink

'Expresión oral / Speaking,' in The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2, eds. Javier Muñoz-Basols, Elisa Gironzetti and Manel Lacorte (London and New York: Routledge, 2018): 198-212 (with Elisa Gironzetti) Article Weblink

'Análisis y corrección de errores / Error Analysis and Error Correction,' in The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2, eds. Javier Muñoz-Basols, Elisa Gironzetti and Manel Lacorte (London and New York: Routledge, 2018): 94-108. (with Sonia Bailini) Article Weblink

'Social Criticism through Humour in the Digital Age: Multimodal Extension in the Works of Aleix Saló,' European Comic Art, 11.1 (2018): 107-128 (with Marina Massaguer Comes) Gold Open Access Article

'Perfil laboral, formativo e investigador del profesional de español como lengua extranjera o segunda (ELE/EL2): datos cuantitativos y cualitativos,' Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 4.1 (2017): 1-34 (with Alberto Rodríguez Lifante and Olga Cruz Moya) Article Weblink

'Human Memory and the Act of Remembering in Contemporary Iberian Graphic Novels,' in The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies, eds. Javier Muñoz-Basols, Laura Lonsdale and Manuel Delgado. (London and New York: Routledge, 2017): 652-670. (with Micaela Muñoz-Calvo) Book Weblink

'Cross-Linguistic Lexical Influence between English and Spanish,' Spanish in Context, 13.1 (2016): 80-102. (with Danica Salazar) Article Weblink

'Enseñanza del lenguaje idiomático,' in Enciclopedia de lingüística hispánica, ed. Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach. London and New York: Routledge (2016): 442-453. Article Weblink

'La traducción de textos humorísticos multimodales,' in La traducción. Nuevos planteamientos teórico-metodológicos, ed. María Azucena Penas Ibáñez. (Madrid: Síntesis, 2015): 159-184. (with Micaela Muñoz-Calvo) Book Weblink

'Hacia una internacionalización del discurso sobre la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera,' Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 1.1 (2014): 1-14. (with Micaela Muñoz-Calvo and Jesús Suárez García) Article Weblink

'Phonological Jokes,' in The Encyclopedia of Humor Studies, ed. Salvatore Attardo. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (2014): 570-572. Book Weblink

'Phonological Humor as Perception and Representation of Foreignness,' in Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse, eds. Leonor Ruiz Gurillo and Belén Alvarado Ortega. (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013): 159-188. (with Pawel Adrjan and Marianne David). Book Weblink

'Consolidar el dominio de la lengua oral en los niveles C1-C2,' Revista New Routes, 51, Disal: Brasil (2013): 44-47. (with Elisa Gironzetti and Yolanda Pérez Sinusía) Article Weblink

'Cromatismo y percepción sensorial: nuevos indicios sobre la técnica compositiva de la novela Aura de Carlos Fuentes,' Ars & Humanitas, 6.2, University of Ljubljana, (2012): 49-62. Article Weblink

'Learning from the Past: The Legacy of Medieval Iberia for 21st Century Education,' Teoría de la Educación: Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información, 13.1, Universidad de Salamanca (2012): 334-367. (with Marianne David)

'On the Interrelationship between Sound and Meaning,' in Con/Texts of Persuasion, ed. Beatriz Penas Ibáñez (Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2011): 179-192. Book Weblink 

'Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: An Unstable Concept,' in Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011): xii-xxiv. (with Marianne David) Article Weblink

'The Sarajevo Haggadah: A Cultural Metaphor for Diaspora Studies,' in Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011): 251-270. (with Marianne David) Article Weblink

'Los grafiti in tabula como método de comunicación: autoría, espacio y destinatario,' Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 65.2, CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (2010): 389-426. Article Weblink

'Más allá de la dicotomía del sic et non: inventio, dispositio y elocutio en el Libro de buen amor,' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 87.4 (2010): 397-413. Article Weblink

'Translating Sound-Based Humor in Carol Weston's With Love from Spain, Melanie Martin: A Practical Case Study,' in New Trends in Translation and Cultural Identity, eds. Micaela Muñoz-Calvo, Carmen Buesa Gómez and M. Ángeles Ruiz-Moneva (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008): 249-266.

'Topografía e hipotiposis: dos tipos de rebeldía descriptiva con un propósito conjunto en Nada de Carmen Laforet,' Neophilologus, Universiteit vam Amsterdam 89.2 (2005): 235-248. Article Weblink

'The Sound of Humor: Linguistic and Semantic Constraints in the Translation of Phonological Jokes,' SKY: Journal of Linguistics, University of Helsinki, 16 (2003): 239-246. (with Pawel Adrjan) Article Weblink

'La funcionalidad de la adopción discursiva en La Celestina: de Melibea a Melilithbea,' Celestinesca, Universidad de Valencia, 27 (2003): 107-124. Article Weblink

'Tipografía y representación metatextual en algunas composiciones de Miguel Labordeta,' Hybrido, The City University of New York, VI.6 (2002-2004): 79-85.

Translator: Shakespeare, el cine y los medios de comunicación (Shakespeare, Film and Media), MIT Open Course Ware (Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002)

Translator: Introducción a la lingüística (Introduction to Linguistics), MIT Open Course Ware (Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002)

Book Review

'Moreno-Fernández, Francisco. 2018. Diccionario de anglicismos del español estadounidense (DAEE). Instituto Cervantes at Harvard University.' Hispania 102.3 (2019): 444-446 Article Weblink