Office: Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages | 41 Wellington Square | GB - OX1 2JF Oxford | 0044-1865-270498 | | twitter | Medieval German Studies at Oxford | Personal website | Lüne letters | Medingen Manuscripts | Reformation project | Editor Oxford German Studies | Co-Director of Oxford Medieval Studies
College (use as mail address): St Edmund Hall| Queen’s Lane | GB – OX1 4AR Oxford

Vita and Research
Henrike Lähnemann's research interests are medieval manuscripts, the relationship of text and images and how vernacular and Latin literature are connected, currently mainly in late medieval Northern German convents. She is currently working on a Gerda Henkel Stiftung funded project to edit the letters of the nuns from Lüne (together with Eva Schlotheuber), and the edition of prayer-books from the Abbey of Medingen. A major theme is the engagement with the Reformation.
From 2015 to 2024, she held a Senior Research Fellowship at the FRIAS for two months every summer, made possible by generous co-funding of the Chair by the VolkswagenStiftung, the DAAD, and the University of Freiburg.
Graduate Teaching
I am currently supervising graduate students on a range of topics, from manuscripts to medieval convents, and from Old High German via the Reformation to 20th century medievalism, and am happy to consider requests for supervision over the medieval and early modern period, especially projects which focus on manuscript and early print studies, the intersection of visual and textual culture, medieval nuns and their books, and Latin-German bilingual writing. Have a look at the medieval German website for further information.

Monographs, Edited Books, Papers and Book Chapters, Articles, Podcasts, Blogs and Online Articles
- Der ›Renner‹ des Johannes Vorster. Edition und Untersuchung des cpg 471 (Bibliotheca Germanica 39) Tübingen 1998.
- ›Pontus und Sidonia‹, Heidelberger Universitätsbibliothek cpg 142. Literar- und kunsthistorische Einführung (Codices illuminati medii aevi 49), München 1999. Open access on manuscripta medievalia; manuscript facsimile Heidelberg University digibib project
- Williram von Ebersberg: ›Expositio in Cantica Canticorum‹ und das ›Commentarium in Cantica Canticorum‹ Haimos von Auxerre, herausgegeben und übersetzt (edited and translated together with/zusammen mit Michael Rupp), Berlin 2004. Reviews by Angelika Overath (NZZ 26.03.05), Stephanie Seidl (iasl-online 10.05.05); Nigel F. Palmer (Medium Aevum LXXIV 2005); Gisela Vollmann-Profe (Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 2007) etc.
- ›Hystoria Judith‹. Deutsche Judithdichtungen vom 12. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert (Scrinium Friburgense 20), Berlin/New York 2006. Reviews by Angelika Overath, in: NZZ June 2007; Maja Misiak, in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik. Neue Folge 18.2 (2008), p. 400-403; Edith Feistner, in: Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur: ZfDA 138 (2009), p. 106-112. etc.
- (together with Ulrike Hascher-Burger) Liturgie und Reform im Kloster Medingen. Edition und Untersuchung des Propst-Handbuchs Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. liturg. e. 18 (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation 76), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013. ISBN 978-3-16-152804-0. Table of contents. Review by Volker Honemann, Germanistik 54 (2013); Ida-Christine Riggert, Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte 86 (2014) etc.
- (together with Eva Schlotheuber) Netzwerke der Nonnen. Edition und Erschließung der Briefsammlung aus Kloster Lüne, vol. 1 , Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, in press.
- Open access edition of the letters (introduction, facsimile, diplomatic transcription, critical edition and commentary) in the Digital Library of the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel.
- Documentary "The Nuns' Network" of the project in six episodes by L.I.S.A. (August/September 2020), short video feature on the project by the NDR filmed at Kloster Lüne, and podcast by NDR 1 (4 March 2020)
- Article in "Der Spiegel" on the edition.
- (together with Eva Schlotheuber) Unerhörte Frauen. Die Netzwerke der Nonnen. Berlin: Propyläen 2023. ISBN 978-3-54-910037-0. Preview by the publisher. Blogpost with reviews and launches with reading samples in German and English and podcasts of book launches.
- (together with Eva Schlotheuber): The Life of Nuns. Love, Politics, and Religion in Medieval German Convents, transl. by Anne Simon, Cambridge: Open Book Publishers 2024,
- Bilingual Devotion. The Medingen Prayer-Book of 1478 (Dombibliothek Hildesheim Ms J 29), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (under contract for the series Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation).
- Digital facsimile of the manuscript as part of the Polonsky German project.
Editorial work

- 'Encomia-Deutsch'. Sonderheft der deutschen Sektion der International Courtly Literature Society, Tübingen 2000, ed. by Christoph Huber and Henrike Lähnemann (full text as pdf).
- Courtly Literature and Clerical Culture. Selected papers from the Tenth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Tübingen 2002, ed. by Christoph Huber and Henrike Lähnemann. (Introduction and Table of Contents).
- 'Bildwelten. German Literature and Visual Culture', Oxford German Studies, Vol. 37, Issue 2 (2008), ed. by Henrike Lähnemann and Nigel F. Palmer
- Dichtung und Didaxe. Lehrhaftes Sprechen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, Berlin 2009, ed. by Henrike Lähnemann and Sandra Linden. Introduction 'Was ist lehrhaftes Sprechen?', p. 1-10. The full volume is accessible free of charge.
- The Sword of Judith. Judith Studies Across the Disciplines, ed. by Kevin Brine, Elena Ciletti, and Henrike Lähnemann, Cambridge 2010 (Introduction to the section 'Christian Tradition', pp. 15-22). Full text.
- Companion to Mysticism and Devotion in Northern Germany in the Late Middle Ages, ed. by Elizabeth Andersen, Henrike Lähnemann and Anne Simon (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition 44), Leiden 2013 (Introduction: Mysticism and Devotion in Northern Germany, pp. 1-19). View the Table of contents and read the introduction (pre-print version).
- German Manuscripts in Oxford'. In Honour of Nigel F. Palmer', Oxford German Studies, Vol. 46, Issue 2 (2017).
- Lehren, Lernen und Bilden. XXIII. Anglo-German Colloquium, ed. with Nicola McLelland and Nine Miedema, Tübingen 2017.
- Series editor for Treasures of the Taylorian. Series One: Reformation Pamphlets.
1: Martin Luther. Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen (2017) - Reviews. 2: Martin Luther. Sermon von Ablass und Gnade (2018) - Reviews. 3: Martin Luther. Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen (2020). 4: Passional Christi und Antichristi (2021). 5: Martin Luther. Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen und Fürbitte der Heiligen (2nd revised and expanded edition, 2022). 6: Martin Luther. 'Mönchkalb' and 'Ursache und Antwort' (2023). 7. Hans Sachs. 'Canon and Cobbler' (2024)
Series Two: Writers in Residence. 1. Ulrike Draesner: Twin Spin. 17 Shakespeare Sonnets (2016). 2. Yoko Tawada in Dialogue (2018).
Series Three: Cultural Memory. 1. Alexandra Lloyd: The White Rose: Reading, Writing, Resistance (2019). 2. Laura Banella and Francesco Feriozzi: Dante’s Lyric Poetry in Oxford. Catalogue of the Digital Edition (2021). 3. Aoife Ni Chroidheain. Dangerous Creations 2022: Papers from a Roundtable Discussion (2022) 4. Mary Boyle: Violent Victorian Medievalism (2022). 5. Charles Webster: In Times of Strife (2023). 6. Thea Gomelauri: The Lailashi Codex (2023). 7. Mary Boyle, Philip Flacke, Timothy Powell: Epic! Homer and the Nibelungenlied in Translation (2024). 8. Rebecca Bowen: In Search of Dante (2024).
Papers and Book Chapters

- Landschaftsdarstellung und Moraldidaxe. Die Bilder der ›Renner‹-Bearbeitung cpg 471, in: Natur und Kultur in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Colloquium Exeter 1997, hg.v. Alan Robertshaw und Gerhard Wolf, Tübingen 1999, pp. 103-118.
- Latein in der Stadt. Die Septem Psalmi de sacramento eucharistie des Erhard Groß. Daphnis 28 (1999), p. 387-417.
- Belehrung zwischen Kloster und Stadt. Das ›Witwenbuch‹ des Erhart Groß, in: Geistliches in weltlicher und Weltliches in geistlicher Literatur des Mittelalters, hg.v. Christoph Huber, Burghart Wachinger und Hans-Joachim Ziegeler, Tübingen 2000, pp. 305-328.
- Biblische Ikonographie in der Illustrierung höfischer deutscher Texte, in: Testo e immagine nel medioevo germanico. Atti del XXVI convegno dell‹ associazione italiana di filologia germanica 1999, hg.v. Maria Gracia Saibene und Marina Buzzoni, Mailand 2001, pp. 115-130.
- (together with/zusammen mit Michael Rupp) Erzählen mit Unterbrechungen. Zur narrativen Funktion parenthetischer Konstruktionen in mittelhochdeutscher Epik, PBB 123 (2001), p. 353-378.
- Sündenfall als Gesellschaftsspiel. Ein Theologumenon auf höfischen Abwegen, in: Der ›Tristan‹ Gottfrieds von Straßburg. Symposion Santiago de Compostela, 5. bis 8. April 2000, ed. by Christoph Huber und Victor Millet, Tübingen 2002, pp. 221-242.
- Margarethe von Savoyen in ihren literarischen Beziehungen, in: ›Encomia-Deutsch‹, Berlin 2002, pp. 158-173. Full text
- Didaktische Verfahrensweisen in Johannes Rothes ›Ritterspiegel‹, in: Literatur und Macht im mittelalterlichen Thüringen, ed. by Ernst Hellgardt, Stephan Müller und Peter Strohschneider, Wien 2002, pp.179-190.
- (together with/zusammen mit Timo Kröner): Die Überlieferung des ›Sigenot‹. Bildkonzeptionen im Vergleich von Handschrift, Wandmalerei und Frühdrucken. Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft 2003/2004, pp. 175-188 (dazu die Dokumentation im Web).
- Didactic strategies in the ›Ritterspiegel‹ of Johannes Rothe, in: The Court Reconvenes: Courtly Literature Across the Disciplines, ed. by Barbara Altmann und Carleton Carroll, Woodbridge 2003, pp. 99-106.
- Dietrich Schernbergs ›Spiel von Frau Jutten‹ als Sünderheiligendrama, in: Literatur für Bayern 77 (2004), pp. 34-39.
- ›An dessen bom wil ik stighen.‹ Die Ikonographie des Wichmannsburger Antependiums im Kontext der Medinger Handschriften, in: Oxford German Studies 34 (2005), pp. 19-46.
- (together with/zusammen mit Michael Rupp) Von der Leiblichkeit eines ›gegürteten Textkörpers‹. Die ›Expositio in Cantica Canticorum‹ Willirams von Ebersberg in ihrer Überlieferung, in: Wolfram-Studien 19, ed. by Eckart Conrad Lutz, Berlin 2006, pp. 95-116. The Preprint as free pdf-download.
- Haken schlagende Reden. Der Beginn des 9. Buchs des Parzival, in: Formen und Funktionen von Redeszenen in der mittelhochdeutschen Großepik, ed. by Franz Hundsnurscher und Nine R. Miedema (Beiträge zur Dialogforschung 36), Tübingen 2007, pp. 261-280. The Preprint as free pdf-download.
- Concordia persanctae dilectionis. Freundschaft als literarisches Modell in der Aurelius-Vita Willirams von Ebersberg, in: Oxford German Studies, Vol. 36, Nr. 2 (2007), pp. 184-194. The Preprint as free pdf-download
- Leich, Lied und Leise. Singen im Tristan, in: Impulse und Resonanzen. Tübinger mediävistische Beiträge zum 80. Geburtstag von Walter Haug, ed. by Gisela Vollmann-Profe, Cora Dietl, Annette Gerok-Reiter und Christoph Huber, Tübingen 2007, pp. 179-191. The Preprint as free pdf-download.
- Neniae meae, quas in Cantica canticorum lusi. The poetic and aesthetic treatment of the Song of Songs by Williram of Ebersberg, in: Il Cantico dei cantici nel Medioevo. International Conference of the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (S.I.S.M.E.L.), ed. by Rossana Guglielmetti, Florence 2008, pp. 255-276.
- Versus de despectu sapientis. Ein Einblick in die lateinisch-deutsche Literaturszene um 1200, in: Texte zum Sprechen bringen. Philologie und Interpretation. Festschrift für Paul Sappler, ed. by Christiane Ackermann and Ulrich Barton, Tübingen 2009, pp. 19-33. The Preprint as free pdf-download.
- Per organa. Musikalische Unterweisung in Handschriften der Lüneburger Klöster, in: Dichtung und Didaxe. Lehrhaftes Sprechen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, ed. by Henrike Lähnemann and Sandra Linden, Berlin/New York 2009, pp. 397-412. The full text as free pdf-download.
- Die Erscheinungen Christi nach Ostern in Medinger Handschriften, in: Medialität des Heils im späten Mittelalter, ed. by Carla Dauven-van Knippenberg, Cornelia Herberichs, and Christian Kiening, Chronos 2009 (Medienwandel - Medienwechsel - Medienwissen 10), pp. 189-202.
- Schnipsel, Schleier, Textkombinatorik. Die Materialität der Medinger Orationalien, in: Materialität in der Editionswissenschaft, ed. by Martin Schubert, Tübingen 2010 (Beihefte zu editio), p. 135-146. The Preprint as free pdf-download.
- From Print to Manuscript. The Case of a Manuscript Workshop in Stuttgart around 1475, in: The Book in Germany, ed. by M.C. Fischer and William A. Kelly, Edinburgh 2010, pp. 17-34. The Preprint as free download.
- Reimprosa und Mischsprache bei Williram von Ebersberg. Mit einer kommentierten Ausgabe und Übersetzung seiner 'Aurelius-Vita', in: Deutsche Texte der Salierzeit - Neuanfänge und Kontinuitäten im 11. Jahrhundert, ed. by Stephan Müller and Jens Schneider, München 2010 (Mittelalter Studien 20), pp. 205-237. Preprint
- Der Auferstandene im Dialog mit den Frauen. Die Erscheinungen Christi in den Andachtsbüchern des Klosters Medingen, in: Passion und Ostern in den Lüneburger Klöstern, ed. by Linda Maria Koldau, 2010, pp. 105-134. Published version.
- The Cunning of Judith in Late Medieval German Texts, in: The Sword of Judith. Judith Studies Across the Disciplines, ed. by Kevin Brine, Elena Ciletti and Henrike Lähnemann, Cambridge 2010, pp. 239-258.
- The Maccabees as Role Models in the German Order, in: Killing for the Faith - Dying for the Faith. Old-Testament Faith-Warriors (1 and 3 Maccabees) in historical perspective, ed. by Gabriela Signori, Leiden 2011 (Brill's Series in Intellectual History), pp. 177-193. Preprint
- Eine imaginäre Reise nach Jerusalem. Der Geographische Traktat des Erhart Groß, in: Sehen und Sichtbarkeit in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, ed. by Ricarda Bauschke, Sebastian Coxon and Martin Jones, Berlin 2011 (Akademie-Verlag), pp. 408-424. Preprint
- Also do du ok. Andachtsanweisungen in den Medinger Handschriften, in: Text und Normativität (XX. Anglo-Deutsches Colloquium), ed. by Franz-Josef Holznagel and Elke Brüggen, Berlin 2012, pp. 437-453.
- "Medinger Nonnen als Schreiberinnen zwischen Reform und Reformation" and "V.28 Ornat für eine Engelsskulptur", in: Rosenkränze und Seelengärten. Bildung und Frömmigkeit in niedersächsischen Frauenklöstern, ed. by Britta-Juliane Kruse (Wolfenbüttel 2013), pp. 37-42 (paper open access); pp. 319-320 (order the catalogue).
- Text und Textil. Die beschriebenen Pergamente in den Figurenornaten, in: Heilige Röcke. Kleider für Skulpturen in Kloster Wienhausen, ed. by Charlotte Klack-Eitzen et al., Regensburg 2013, p. 71-78 (and the textual part of the catalogue pp. 79-173).
- Bilingual Devotion. The Relationship of Latin and Low German in Prayer Books from the Lüneburg Convents, in: Mysticism and Devotion in Northern Germany in the Late Middle Ages, ed. by Elizabeth Andersen et al. (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition 44) Leiden 2013, pp. 317-341. Preprint
- Das mittelniederdeutsche Passionsfragment aus Kloster Wienhausen, in: Niederdeutsches Jahrbuch 137 (2014), pp. 29-57.
- Saluta apostolum tuum. Apostelverehrung in Kloster Medingen, in: Weltbild und Lebenswirklichkeit in den Lüneburger Klöstern. IX. Ebstorfer Kolloquium vom 23. bis 26. März 2011, ed. by Wolfgang Brandis and Hans-Walter Stork, Berlin 2015, 41-64. Offprint online
- 'Lübeck', in: Europe: a Literary History, 1348-1418, ed. by David Wallace, Oxford 2016, 596-610.
- The Materiality of Medieval Manuscripts, in: Oxford German Studies 45 (2016), 121-141.
- Der Medinger "Nonnenkrieg" aus der Perspektive der Klosterreform. Geistliche Selbstbehauptung 1479-1554, in: 1517-1545: The Northern Experience. Mysticism, Art and Devotion between Late Medieval and Early Modern. Antwerp Conference 2011, ed. by Kees Scheepers et al., Ons Geestelijk Erf 87 (2016), pp. 91-116.
- Das Erfurter 'Enchiridion' in der Goslarer Marktkirchen-Bibliothek, in: Marktkirchen-Bibliothek Goslar. Beiträge zur Erforschung der reformationszeitlichen Sammlung, ed. by Helmut Liersch, Regensburg 2017, pp. 232-243.
- Introduction, in: Martin Luther, Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen (Treasures of the Taylorian. Series One: Reformation Pamphlets 1), ed. Howard Jones, and Henrike Lähnemann (Oxford: Taylor Institution Library 2017), pp. vi-xiii.
- From devotional aids to antiquarian objects. The prayer books of Medingen, in: Reading Books as Cultural Objects, ed. Evanghelia Stead, Palgrave 2018, pp. 33-55.
- The Taylorian Copies: Production, in: Martin Luther. Sermon von Ablass und Gnade (Treasures of the Taylorian. Series One: Reformation Pamphlets 2), ed. Howard Jones, Martin Keßler, Henrike Lähnemann, and Christina Ostermann (Oxford: Taylor Institution Library 2018), pp. xxxix-lii.
- Verhüllte Schrift. Pergamentmakulatur aus den Lüneburger Klöstern, in: Codex und Material, ed. by Patrizia Carmassi and Gia Toussaint (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien 34), Wiesbaden 2018, pp. 119-135. (off-print online)
- Handschriftenproduktion im Kloster. Das Beispiel Medingen, in: Schatzhüterin. 200 Jahre Klosterkammer Hannover, hg. von Katja Lembke / Jens Reiche, Dresden 2018, pp. 182-187.
- The Medingen Manuscripts at Harvard: Houghton Library’s MS Lat 395 and MS Lat 440, together with Laura Godfrey, Joseph Leake, Gennifer Dorgan, and Micah James Goodrich, pp. 1-56. 1.: From Medingen to Harvard: The Wanderings of Two Medieval Manuscripts, in: Harvard Library Bulletin Summer 2017, Vol. 28/2, published April 2019, pp. 2-26. (post-publication off-print online)
- (with Elizabeth Andersen): Heilige Wunden. Passionsfrömmigkeit im niederdeutschen Frühdruck, in: Verletzungen und Unversehrtheit in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. XXIV. Anglo-German Colloquium (Saarbrücken 2015), ed. by Sarah Bowden, Nine Miedema and Stephen Mossman, Tübingen (Francke) 2020, pp. 95-109.
- Biblische Geschichte für den Druck. Die Vier Historien (Bamberg 1462), in: Anglo-German Colloquium (Manchester 2017), ed. by Sarah Bowden, Stephen Mossman, Manfred Eikelmann, Michael Stolz, Tübingen (Francke) 2020, pp. 299-320.
- (with David Bourgeois and Caroline Danforth): Letters for Apollonia, Franciscan Studies, Volume 79, 2021, pp. 165-196. DOI.
- Armbrust und Apfelbaum. Eine lateinisch-niederdeutsche Hoheliedauslegung (Mscr.Dresd.A.323), in: Auf den Schwingen des Pelikans. Studien und Texte zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. In Verbindung mit der Wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek der Stadt Trier herausgegeben von Ralf Plate, Niels Bohnert, Christian Sonder und Michael Trauth. ZfdA - Beiheft 40 (2022), pp. 403-429. Open Access Volume.
- (with Carolin Gluchowski): Salve festa dies-Bearbeitungen in den Medinger Andachtsbüchern, in: Vom Hymnus zum Gebet. Gattungs- und Gebrauchswechsel liturgischer Lieder in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, herausgegeben von: Pavlina Kulagina und Franziska Lallinger (Liturgie und Volkssprache 6), Berlin (de Gruyter) 2022. Open Access Volume.
- Reimprosa und Codeswitching. Zur Rhetorik mittelniederdeutscher Andachtstexte, in: Wolfram-Studien XXVII, ed. by Franz-Josef Holznagel, Berlin 2024 (in press).
- (with Marlene Schilling): Willkommen, Ostertag! Personifikation in den Medinger Andachtsbüchern, in: Papers of the SFB ‚Andere Ästhetik‘, ed. by Sandra Linden & others, in preparation.
Shorter Articles / Lexikonartikel und Rezensionen
- ›Johannes Vorster‹, in: Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon, Bd. 10, Berlin/New York 1997, col. 537-538.
- ›Zittauer Fastentuch‹, in: Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon, Bd. 10, Berlin/New York 1999, col. 1569-1570.
- Review of/Rezension zu: Eleonore von Österreich, Pontus und Sidonia, hg.v. Reinhard Hahn, Berlin 1997, PBB 122 (2000), pp. 176-179.
- Review of/Rezension zu: Alexanderdichtungen im Mittelalter. Kulturelle Selbstbestimmung im Kontext literarischer Beziehungen, hrsg. von Jan Cölln, Susanne Friede und Hartmut Wulfram (Veröffentlichung aus dem Göttinger Sonderforschungsbereich 529 ›Internationalität Nationaler Literaturen‹, Serie A: Literatur und Kulturräume im Mittelalter, ed. by Klaus Grubmüller, Günter Holtus, Ulrich Mölk, and Fidel Rädle, Bd. 1), Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag 2000, in: Arcadia 36 (2001), pp. 215ff.
- Review of/Rezension zu: Maria Sherwood-Smith: Studies in the Reception of the ›Historia Scholastica‹ of Peter Comestor, Medium Aevum 71 (2002), pp. 161-162.
- (together with/zusammen mit Michael Rupp) ›Parenthese‹, in: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik, Bd. 6 (2003), col. 573-576.
- Review of/Rezension zu: Rudolf Kilian Weigand, Der ›Renner‹ des Hugo von Trimberg. Überlieferung, Quellenabhängigkeit und Struktur einer spätmittelalterlichen Lehrdichtung, Wiesbaden: Reichert 2000 (Wissensliteratur im Mittelalter 35), in: ZfdPh 123 (2004), pp. 439-442.
- ›Wichmannsburger Antependium‹, in: Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon, Bd. 11, Berlin/New York 2004, col. 1665-1666.
- Review of/Rezension zu: ›Germanistik 1998-2001. Internationales Referatenorgan mit bibliographischen Hinweisen. Elektronische Version der Germanistik Jahrgänge 39-42, ed. by Wilfried Barner, Richard Brinkmann, Ulla Fix, Klaus Grubmüller, Helmut Henne, Johannes Janota, Christine Lubkoll, Wolfram Mauser, Wilhelm Voßkamp. Niemeyer, Tübingen 2003‹, ZfdPh 124 (2005), pp. 317-318.
- Review of/Rezension zu: Wells, David A.: The Central Franconian Rhyming Bible ("Mittelfränkische Reimbibel"). An Early-Twelfth-Century German Verse Homiliary. A Thematic and Exegetical Commentary. With the Text and a Translation into English. Amsterdam/New York, NY, Rodopi, 2004, XVI, 359 p. (Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur 155), Germanistik 45 (2004), p. 745.
- Artikel/Articles ›Blanscheflur 1‹ (p. 41ff), ›Brangäne‹ (p. 47f), ›Isolde 1‹ (p. 202ff) und ›Isolde 2‹ (p. 204f), ›Marjodo‹ (p. 291f), ›Marke‹ (p. 292f), ›Morolt‹ (p. 318f), ›Riwalin‹ (p. 381f)und ›Tristan‹ (p. 446-452), in: ›Gestalten des Mittelalters. Ein Lexikon historischer und literarischer Personen in Dichtung, Musik und Kunst‹, ed. by Horst Brunner and Mathias Herweg, Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner 2007.
- Review/Rezension zu: Horst Wenzel & C. Stephen Jaeger (eds): Visualisiserungsstrategien in mittelalterlichen Bildern und Texten (Philologische Studien und Quellen, Bd. 195), Berlin 2006, in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik. Neue Folge 18.2 (2008), pp. 413-417.
- Review/Rezension zu: Althochdeutsche Literatur. Eine kommentierte Anthologie. Althochdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Altniederdeutsch / Neuhochdeutsch. Übers., hg. und komm. von Stephan Müller (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 18491), Stuttgart 2007, in: ZfdA 138 (2009) pp. 85-87.
- Review/Rezension zu: Riedel-Bierschwale, Heike: Das 'Laiendoctrinal' des Erhart Groß. Edition und Untersuchung, Münster [u. a.]: Waxmann 2009, in PBB 134 (2012) pp. 143-146.
- Artikel/Article 'Sixt Birck', in VL16: Frühe Neuzeit in Deutschland 1520-1620. Literaturwissenschaftliches Verfasserlexikon, ed. by Wilhelm Kühlmann, Jan-Dirk Müller, Michael Schilling, Johann Anselm Steiger and Friedrich Vollhardt, vol. 1: Aal, Johannes – Castellio, Sebastian (de Gruyter 2011), col. 268-275
- Review/Rezension zu: Notker der Deutsche. Notker latinus zu Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae. Buch 1/II; Buch III; Buch IV/V, hg. von Petrus W. Tax, in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 47 (2012), pp. 296-297.
- Review/Rezension zu: Emblemata Hamburgensia. Emblembücher und angewandte Emblematik im frühneuzeitlichen Hamburg, hg. von Antje Theise und Anja Wolkenhauer, Kiel 2009, in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 47 (2012), pp. 296-297.
- Handschriften im Hasenpelz, in: Heimatkalender für Stadt und Kreis Uelzen 2012, pp. 88-89 (open access)
- Von Medingen nach Michigan oder: die überraschenden Wanderungen mittelalterlicher Handschriften. Eine Detektivgeschichte von Henrike Lähnemann, in: Der Heidewanderer, 89. Jahrgang - Nr. 27, 6 July 2013, pp. 105-108 (open access; and in an English translation
- Großbritannien, in: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes 2018, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, ed. Mark-Georg Dehrmann & Albrecht Hausmann.
- “Luther Bible III. Literature,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception 17 (Berlin/Boston 2019: De Gruyter) 224–26. Online: H. Lähnemann, Luther Bible III. Literature. In Encyclopedia of the Bible Online. 2019. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Download pdf. Retrieved 4 Nov. 2019, from
- “Remembering the Reformation - Lessons from 1983 and 2017”, pp. 496-503, in: Seán M. Williams, Anniversaries, the Public, and Academia (German Life and Letters 73:3 July 2020, Special Issue: Anniversary Capital, ed. Anna Saunders), pp. 490-517. Open Access
- Article 2.1.j "Gebetbuch Medingen, um 1500", in: Pilgerspuren. Wege in den Himmel. Lüneburg ans Ende der Welt. Catalogue ed. Hartmut Kühne 2020, p. 130.
Podcasts, Press Releases and Online Resources
- Inaugural Lecture: The Materiality of Medieval Manuscripts. Further public Oxford talks on Henrike Lähnemann's Oxford University Podcast site.
- Newspaper articles and blog posts on Brexit and other current topics: Devestated but determined (English translation of German article in FAZ 29/06/2016), Podcasts, Gänsefedern, Luthers Thesen (uni'leben 02/2016, p. 12). Die akademische Welt und der Brexit (Badische Zeitung 3/8/2016), "Jetzt erst recht / Now more than ever" (DAAD Letter 03/2016, pp. 8-11), Inselutopie? Der Brexit im historischen Kontext (Expertendienst 31/7/2017), Wetten auf den Brexit (uni'leben 2/2019).
- Documentation of Reformation related events on the Reformation in Oxford blog, e.g. Luther's Legacy (Summertown URC Spring Talk); Study Day of the Society for Ecumenical Studies: Reformation 500 - Ecumenical Perspectives; Reformation Day Re-enactment with film; Workshop on Reformation Hymns for Kidlington Methodist Church with report. Interview with Anke von Claer-Schaar, author of the feminist Reformation drama "Schwestern unter sich"
- Collaboration with the Oxford Bach Soloists, e.g. Interview, film feature (by Alex Lloyd) and documentation of the concerts from the tour with the Oxford Bach Soloists in 2016, among them the lecture-recital 'Christ lag in Todesbanden' at Kloster Lüne; Introduction to performances of the four Bach cantatas for Reformation Day (URC: Gott der Herr ist Sonn' und Schild - programme notes, St Michael's Northgate: Gelobet sei der Herr - programme notes, Exeter College: Nun danket alle Gott - programme notes; podcast, New College: Ein feste Burg - programme notes, sermon). Introduction and programme note to 'Ich habe genug' Februrary 2023; translation and programme note for the St John Passion 2023.
- Impact Case Study REF2014: Medieval Heritage in North German Convents (with link list to videos of supporting evidence), linked to database of Medingen Manuscripts.
- Fragmented Text. The Nuns' Dust from Wienhausen. July 2015 for the Early Book Society 'Telling Tales: Manuscripts, Books and the Making of a Narrative'.
- Where the Material Meets the Digital. Presentation at the Teaching the Codex 2016 Symposium. Blog with podcast.
- Perfumed Breasts. The Sense of Smell in Williram von Ebersberg's Song of Songs Commentary. Presentation for the Medieval Church & Culture Seminar series on the Senses, spring 2017.
- Zur Situation der Grundwissenschaften in Großbritannien, in: H-Soz-Kult, 27.01.2016,
. - Interviews with AcademiaNet: A Voice for Medieval and Modern German (Jan 2014); Starting in Oxford (Feb 2016); Networking Nuns and Medieval and Modern Knowledge Exchange (Feb 2021).
- Interview with Bacio di Tosca TV on Ludwig Hölty in Kloster Mariensee (2014).
- Launch and public reading of the Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen as part of the celebrations of 70 years town twinning Oxford-Bonn. programme. podcast. 2017
- Das Weltwissen spätmittelalterlicher Nonnen. Keynote Herrenhäuser Symposium der VolkswagenStiftung 2016. Conference report: Weltwissen - Kleine Fächer. Podcast.
- Forum: Zur Situation der Grundwissenschaften in Großbritannien, in: H-Soz-Kult, 27.01.2016,
; reblogged and translated into English on the Teaching the Codex Blog. - Singing the Psalms in Sixteenth Century Germany. Seminar for the Oxford Psalms Network (April 2017). Podcast.
- Opening talk for the "FrauenORTE Niedersachsen 33: Odilie von Ahlden (Mariensee)". Podcast: "per me, Odilia de Alden. Die Äbtissin und ihre Handschrift".
- Singing the Reformation. Presentation for the Reformation500 Study Day of the Society for Ecumenical Studies (June 2017). Podcast.
- What is Reformation? Keynote Lecture for the 2017 Women in German Studies Conference 'Reform and Revolt'. June 2017. Podcast.
- Vorreformatorische Lieder im 'Enchiridion'. July 2017 Public lecture in the Marktkirche Goslar. Podcast.
- Singing the Reformation in English. Public lecture on Miles Coverdale's Goostly psalmes and spirituall songes. Podcast
- Grab the goosequill. Podcast (German with English subtitles) on teaching manuscript studies at Freiburg University (8/8/2017).
- Singing and Printing. On the Success Formula of the German Reformation (Humanities Colloquium at FRIAS July 2017). Podcast.
- Reading Books as Cultural Objects. July 2018 for the Launch of the volume edited by Evanghelia Stead at FRIAS.
- Remembering the Reformation - Lessons from 1983 and 2017. August 2018 for AGS Lead Panel "Anniversary Capital". Podcast. Open Access article in German Life and Letters
- Opening Medieval Manuscripts. Blogpost for Know it Wall (KiW) January 2019.
- The Medingen Manuscripts in Oxford, Wolfenbüttel and Hildesheim. Blogpost with embedded video clips of handling the manuscripts in the Cathedral Library Hildesheim for the Polonsky German project at the Bodleian Library and the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, February 2019.
- Remembering the Reformation from the Right. May 2019 for the Conference Medieval Studies and the Far Right. Podcast.
- Letting Go of the Letters. Luther's Bible Translation and Its Impact. October 2019. Interactive keynote for the Conference Found in Translation at Greene's Institute. Podcast. Handout.
- The Nuns' Network. Project presentation with Edmund Wareham and Konstantin Winters. January 2020. podcast of the joint presentation at the Transnational Seminar: Embodying Female Spirituality
- History of the Book blog: Project run with the Master students at the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages.
- Willkommen, Ostertag! Personifikation in den Medinger Andachtsbüchern. Presentation for the SFB "Andere Ästhetik" April 2020
- Teaching Medieval German Literature Online:
- Hadlaub-Rezeption bei Ludwig Tieck und Gottfried Keller (for lecture series "Minnesang des 13. Jahrhunderts" by Prof. Dr. Sandra Linden) May 2020
- In Dialogue with Ulrike Draesner about translating Walther von der Vogelweide (Under der linden and "Preislied") May 2020
- Lecture Series 'Easter Plays' (Hilary Term 2019) on the 'Innsbrucker Osterspiel' and the 'Osterspiel von Muri' with bonus session on the 'Wienhausen Easter Play'
- Lecture Series “Minnesang” (Michaelmas Term 2020). Lecture Series Recordings 2020
1.Defining Minnesang – Walther von der Vogelweide „Saget mir ieman waz ist minne?“ Recording * Bibliographie
2.Oral Poetry and Dawn Songs – Dietmar von Aist: „Slâfest du, vriedel ziere“ Recording * 2020 Prelims Lecture on Medieval German Poetry (for Der von Kürenberg, Falkenlied) and lecture on Heinrich von Morungen’s dawn songs in the lecture Series on Morungen
3.French Style Canzone: Friedrich von Hausen „Ich denke underwîlen“ Recording
4.Romance and Song: Gottfried von Straßburg. Recording. Special edition on the occasion of what would have been the 100th birthday of Prof. Peter F. Ganz, the first Professor Medieval German Literature at Oxford on 3 November 2010. He edited Gottfried von Straßburg’s “Tristan”. The lecture therefore features the “Literaturexkurs” read from his edition and discussed in its relationship to “Minnesang”. Read more about Peter Ganz in this article and listen to a discussion of his life and legacy recorded on 3 November 2020
5.Nature and Neidhart. Recording
6.Johannes Hadlaub and the Codex Manesse. Recording.
7.Polyphonic and International – Oswald von Wolkenstein „Wach auf, mein hort“,„Lochamer Liederbuch“ and Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Recording. Plus a recording of Oswald’s Farewell to the World read by Manfred G. Scholz and a recording of the version in the ‘Rostocker Liederbuch’
8.Minnesang Revival – Three Examples of Romantic Love Songs, 1. Johannes Brahms’ setting of the Volkslied “Schöner Augen schöne Strahlen”: Blog post - recording, 2. Robert Schumann’s setting of “Talismane”: Blog post - recording, 3. Clara Schumann’s setting of “Lore-Ley”: Blog post - recording
- Lecture Series 'Topics in Historical Linguistics'; playlist
Spring 2021 1. Translation as a Linguistic Phenomenon - from Tatian via Luther to Bibel in gerechter Sprache. - 2. Forms of Address - from Parzival’s Irzen to Swiss Duzis machen, with special guest Prof. Horst Simon (FU Berlin). - 3. Muttersprache and Vaterland: Language and Nationalism in 19th Century Germany (lecture), with special guest Prof. Martin Durrell (Manchester). - 4. Language Purism - from the Sprachgesellschaften to the Verein deutsche Sprache, with special guest Prof. Nils Langer (Flensburg). - 5. Standardization of Written German - Dictionaries, Grammars, Language Guides, with special guest Prof. Claudine Moulin (Trier). - 6. Women in the History of Linguistics, with special guest Prof. Nicola McLelland. (Nottingham). - 7. Language Purism in Austria and the "Verein Muttersprache Wien" (VMW), with special guest Dr Falco Pfalzgraf (QMUL). - 8. Totalitarian and nationalistic language - from LTI to AFD, with special guest Dr Geraldine Horan (UCL).
Spring 2022 Lecture series on linguistic topics in Hugo von Trimberg: Der Renner, e.g. lecture 2 on vowels
Spring 2023 1. What is German. - 2. Middle Low German. - 3. Guest lecture Andrea Seidel: History of Swearing. - 4. Guest lecture Geraldine Horan: Swearing. - 5. Guest lecture Aletta Leipold: Old High German words for writing. - 6. Guest lecture Philip Durkin: German loan words in English.
Spring 2024 1. Helmbrecht - a Linguistic Commentary. - 2. Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen - a Linguistic Commentary. - 3. Guest lecture Malena Ratzke: Forms of Address in Jörg Wickram. - 4. Guest lecture Henk de Berg: Resonances of Rhetoric - Trump and Hitler - Recycling Parchment. Manuscript Fragments in Medieval Dresses. Presentation for the ICON Paper Conservation group, April 2020
- The Joys of Enclosure - A Medieval Perspective. Lunchtime Talk for FRIAS May 2020.
- Singing Together, Apart 1 - Gregorian Chant workshop from the Crypt of St-Peter-in-the-East and the Weston Library, November 2020.
- The Art of Enclosure - conversation with the artist group enclosure convened by Stacie Vos, June 2020.
- Reisen im Geiste - Public lecture for the 650 anniversary of the Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg, December 2020.
- Singing Together, Apart 2 - Gregorian Chant workshop singing from the Medingen manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, February 2021.
- In Interview with the DAAD. Profile page for their Social Media Campaign in 2021.
- Lecture Recital 'Christ lag in Todesbanden' in cooperation with the Lay Clerks of Christ Church Cathedral for the Easter Festival of the Oxford Bach Soloists, March 2021.
- Digital Edition Launches. Series of online events launching the Taylor Editions of the Modern Languages Master students in the Method Option 'Palaeography, History of the Book, Digital Humanities', April to June 2021.
- Treasures of the Taylorian, a live presentation with Emma Huber for the Alumni Network of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, April 2021.
- The Nuns' Network. Letter Writing and Lobbying in Late Medieval Germany. St Edmund Hall’s Fellowship Lectures, May 2021.
- Der Nachlass von Kloster Lüne - interview on 'The Nuns' Network' and the visibility of women in German and British academia with the gender equality representatives of the Faculty for Catholic Theology at the University of Bochum, Julia van der Linde and Aleksandra Brand, part of a series Frauen in Theologischer Forschung und Lehre, June 2021.
- Manuscripts Live: Singing from Medieval Sources in the Bodleian Library (IMC Leeds 2021 fringe event), July 2021.
- Panel discussion on Manuscript Journeys for the Polonsky German Project, July 2021, and the final film 'Manuscript Journeys. From German Lands to Digital Libraries'.
- From Medingen & St Albans with Love - talk for the Medieval Summer at St Alban’s Cathedral about medieval manuscripts traveling through Europe, tracing the criss-crossing of manuscripts such as the St Albans Psalter and prayerbooks from Medingen between Germany and England and discussing their transition from devotional to antiquarian objects, July 2021.
- Reading of eight key passages from Hartmann von Aue 'Gregorius' in Middle High German with an illustrated commentary, October 2021.
- Extract 'Nowell Sing We' from a recording of medieval carols in the Crypt of St-Peter-in-the-East, December 2021.
- Lecture Series 'Middle High German' based on Hugo von Trimberg's 'Renner' (1: Language Change, 2: Vowels, 3: Strong Verbs, 4: Loan Words, 6: Pronouns of Address, 7: Gender, 8: Dialects), Hilary Term 2022.
- Teaching Typesetting via Zoom in the Bibliographic Press of the Bodleian Library for a course in book history run by Prof. Kathryne Beebe (Texas), February 2022.
- Keynote for the 'Bible Epics' conference organised by the 'Mediävistische Erzählforschung' research group: Ostern erzählen: Die Medinger Handschriften, March 2022.
- Latin-Old High German Compline for the workshop on the 'Murbach Hymns' in the Crypt of St-Peter-in-the-East (St Edmund Hall, Oxford), March 2022.
- Book presentation for the first volume of the Lüne letters at Kloster Lüne itself, April 2022.
- Keynote for the German Graduate Symposium 'Space, Time, Direction' on 'Monastic Landscape and Networking Nuns. The Spatiality of the North German Convents', May 2022.
- Workshop-lecture The Legacy of the Reformation in "Hymns Ancient and Modern" for Living Stones at St Mary's Iffley, May 2022.
- Lecture for the Oxford Interfaith Forum on Psalm 46: Singing in Hope and Defiance, July 2022. Podcast.
- Lecture Series 'Early German Prose' in Michaelmas 2022. Website with link to the lecture recordings.
- Introducing Bach Cantatas for the Oxford Bach Soloists. BWV 4 Christ lag in Todesbanden (at Christ Church Cathedral 2021). BWV 82A Ich habe genug & BWV 55 Ich armer Mensch (New College, 5 Feb 2023). Podcast.
- Film on Open Access policies for UKRN (UK Reproducibility Network) sharing experience of barrier-free publishing. Film.
- Collaboration with the Linarol Consort and James Gilchrist for the programme 'Inn Stetter Hut'. Recording of the Pre-Concert Talk.
- Book launch and digital exhibition for Charles Webster's book 'In Times of Strife' (Taylor Editions Series: Cultural Memory 4), April 2023.
- Book launch with Andrew Parrott and the Taverner Consort for 'The Pursuit of Musick', May 2023. Documentation.
- Book launch for 'Unerhörte Frauen' at Kloster Lüne, July 2023. Podcast (in German). Guest lecture (in German) at the German Department as part of the SFB ‘Andere Ästhetik’ in Tübingen. End-of-year celebration of the MAZ (Mittelalterzentrum) at FRIAS (Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies). Recording of the book presentation (in English) on the FRIAS youtube channel. 21 December Talk show. In conversation with Georgios Chatzoudis – podcast in the series “Zu Gast bei L.I.S.A.“, the media server of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung. COSMO Interview 2 Sept. 2023 on Radio Bremen by Hendrik Plaß with Henrike Lähnemann on the agency of the nuns. As guests on the red sofa at NDR DAS! (in German). Epochentrotter Podcast 10 Jan. 2024.
- Presentation of the special stamp '500 Jahre Gemeindegesangbuch' in the Marktkirche Goslar, January 2024. Lecture with slides.
- Pre-concert talk for the Oxford Bach Soloists The St John Passion as Protestant Drama in the Sheldonian, March 2024.