Oxford has one of the oldest, largest and most active departments of German in the country, with an excellent record in teaching and research, an intake of about 90 undergraduates a year, and a strong and flourishing graduate presence.
With 16 full-time members of staff and a wide range of expertise between them, the department is able to offer an unusually stimulating and diverse range of teaching at both undergraduate and graduate level.
The culture of the German-speaking countries is exceptionally rich and vibrant. A knowledge of the German language and German culture is both personally enriching and a valuable, and highly marketable, asset in a wide range of careers.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is one of the most important funding organisations in the world for the international exchange of students and researchers. Oxford is fortunate to have close links with the DAAD at many levels, which enable a whole range of bilateral projects and exchanges.
The Oxford German Network was founded in 2012 to connect academic institutions, cultural organisations, businesses, and policy-makers with an interest in cross-cultural exchange. Key events are the annual Oxford German Olympiad and the essay prize competition ‘A German Classic’ is intended for students in Lower Sixth. It is advertised in spring to encourage in-depth study of an iconic text over the summer, with a wide range of resources opening up different perspectives on the work. Participants are not expected to have prior experience of studying German literature.

Undergraduate Studies

Graduate Studies
