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H.G. Adler was born in 1910 in Prague as the son of German-Jewish parents. He was deported to Theresienstadt in 1942, and from 1944 to other camps including Auschwitz. After the War, he emigrated to Britain and spent the rest of his life in London, where he died in 1988. He initially became known mainly for his authoritative sociological works on Theresienstadt and National Socialist racial policy and practice. In recent years, his novels have been gaining a higher profile, and Panorama and Eine Reise (The Journey) have recently appeared in translations by Peter Filkins to considerable acclaim. Adler himself regarded his poetry as his main life's work, though only one third was published in his lifetime with small publishers. He wrote poems throughout his life, working with the poetic tradition from the 17th century onwards, especially Klopstock, Hölderlin and Alfred Mombert. He engaged closely with post-war developments, responding to them and resisting them in highly personal ways. He collected and revised his poems assiduously, even during the Theresienstadt period, dating the revisions, structuring the poems in cycles, and eventually organising them in nine unbound volumes of typescript. His collected poems are here published in complete form for the first time, with a brief critical apparatus, and an afterword that provides a brief introduction to the different phases of his poetic work.