Dr Joanna Raisbeck, Stipendiary Lecturer in German at St Hilda's College and Wadham College, is the joint recipient of the Novalis-Preis 2022 for her doctoral thesis, 'Poetic Metaphysics in Karoline von Günderrode'.
The prize is awarded every two years by the Internationale Novalis-Gesellschaft [International Novalis Society] and the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena for 'innovative and interdisciplinary research in European Romanticism'.
The Novalis-Preis was also awarded to Dr Klara Schubenz (Konstanz/Mainz) for her study 'Der Wald in der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Geschichte einer romantisch-realistischen Ressource' [The Forest in Nineteenth-Century Literature. The History of a Romantic and Realist Resource].
More information about the prize can be found here (in German only).