Originally from Tokyo, Japan, I hold an MSt in English (650-1550) from Balliol College, University of Oxford and a BA in English and American literature from Keio University in Japan, where I graduated as a valedictorian. My primary research interests are in the medieval reception of Ovid, women’s writings, and feminist and queer literary theories. My doctoral project mainly focuses on two primary texts, Ovide Moralisé and Ovidius Moralizatus, as well as their reception in later medieval French and English literature. In this project, I examine the reception of six myths from Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Tiresias; Sithon; Salmacis and Hermaphroditus; Mestra; Iphis and Ianthe; Caenis/Caeneus) that revolve around the transformation of human sexual bodies – corpus – in the two moralised Ovids and how the corporeal metamorphoses represented in these tales intersect with the transformation of other kinds of corpuses – the bodies of texts and manuscripts – that materially surround those tales. My DPhil project is funded by the Japanese government, Keio University Global Fellowship, and the British Council.
Apart from my research on medieval literature, I am also interested in and widely published in the area of feminist film theory, and my most recent publication includes the translation of Laura Mulvey’s ‘Film, Feminism, and the Avant-Garde’ (1979).
Publication (peer-reviewed)
Forthcoming (2025): ‘Recontextualising Christine de Pizan’s Myths of Iphis, Tiresias, and Hermaphroditus’, Gender Studies, 27
‘Embroidering “Hir Word”: The Assembly of Ladies, Christine de Pizan, and the Medieval Écriture Féminine’, Medieval Feminist Forum, 59.2 (2024) - Winner of the 2022 Debbie White Gender and Medieval Studies Essay Prize
‘Antifeminism and Courtly Female Worship’, chapter in Medieval European Culture: An Encyclopaedia, ed. Japan Society for Medieval European Studies (Maruzen, 2024)
Invited talks
‘Conceptualising Medieval Trans Authorship: Christine de Pizan’s Myths of Iphis, Tiresias, and Hermaphroditus’, Tokai Foundation For Gender Studies Annual Symposium (Tokyo, Japan), July 2025
‘Ovid’s Heroides in MS 383 and Heloise as an Ovidian Reader’, Dervorguilla Lecture (Balliol College, University of Oxford), March 2024
Conference presentations
‘Elisabeth of Spalbeek in an Anchorhold: Performance, Friendship, and Community-Building’, International Anchoritic Society Conference (Boston, US), September 2025
‘Re-evaluating Elizabeth Siddal’s Lady of Shalott (1853) via Medievalism’, 5th Middle Ages in the Modern World conference (MAMO), King's College London, June 2025
‘Ovid and Medieval Techno-Orientalism: The Case of Heroidean Canace in Chaucer’s “Squire’s Tale”’, 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, US), May 2024
‘Fetes de moi, feme, vallet: Interpreting Sexual Metamorphoses in Ovide Moralisé and Ovidius Moralizatus’, Ceræ Inaugural Conference, (University of Western Australia, Australia), April 2024
‘How to be Both: Christine de Pizan’s Interrogation of Ovidian Authorship in La Cité des Dames and La Mutacion de Fortune’, 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, US), May 2023
‘Translatio Corporum?: Metamorphosing Sex in Ovide Moralisé, Ovidius Moralizatus, and Their Afterlives’, Medieval English Graduate Seminar (Keio University, Japan), March 2023
‘“To Telle Hir Worde”: The Influence of Christine de Pizan in The Assembly of Ladies’, 38th Congress of the Japan Society for Medieval English Studies (Tokyo, Japan), December 2022 - Winner of the Conference Prize (Best paper)