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Education: BA (Università degli Studi di Milano); MPhil; DPhil (Oxford)

Previous positions:

  • 2020 – 2022. Research Fellow, ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry. Project title: “The Living Body: Kinaesthetic Experiences of the Present in Modern Italian Literature”. (and Affiliated Fellow 2022-2024).
  • 2017 – 2020. British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Warwick, School of Modern Languages and Cultures. Project title: “The Gender of Literature. Italian Women Writers and the Literary Canon”.
  • 2018 – 2019. Stipendiary Lecturer in Italian Literature, St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford.
  • 2015 – 2017. Lector in Italian, University of Oxford, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages.

Research Interests: comparative literature; 19th-21st Italian Literature; literary theory; temporality; embodiment; performativity; imaginaries of trauma and resistance; feminist, queer and decolonial theory and activism; migratory trauma and narrative medicine; new materialism; the genre of autobiography/autofiction; themes of power, marginality and subjectivity in literature; the politics of translation; canon formation and transformation; sociology of culture; Goliarda Sapienza.

PhD students supervised to successful completion: Dr Alice Parrinello, "Queering the South: Case Studies with Emma Dante" (2020 - 2024)



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