Besse Senior Scholar
Worcester College, Oxford
My main research interests lie in the fields of corpus linguistics, contrastive linguistics (French-English), phraseology, Construction Grammar and language attitudes. I am particularly interested in linguistic phenomena at the interface between lexis and grammar, and my doctoral thesis, which was a corpus-based investigation of determination in certain French and English prepositional phrases, drew on insights from recent phraseological and constructional work in order to shed light on a problem that had, until then, primarily been treated as purely grammatical. I am also interested in the semantics of prepositions and adverbials, and in discourse markers and connectives. I am currently working on my first book project, which expands on the findings of my doctoral research. My next research projects focus on foreign language teaching (phraseodidactics) and computer-mediated communication (prescriptivism in online interactions).
I teach undergraduates at Worcester College (French grammar ; translation into French ; French essay ; oral practice ; listening comprehension). I have previously taught linguistics and English at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne, and French at the University of Cambridge (MML faculty, Selwyn College and Homerton College).
L’article zéro après la préposition en français : une « absence » signifiante : l’exemple des syntagmes prépositionnels spatiaux de type [sous N], in Fesenmeier, L., Grutschus, A. and Patzelt, C., (eds.) L’absence au niveau syntagmatique : Fallstudien zum Französischen. Frankfurt : Klostermann (2013).
Le syntagme prépositionnel sans déterminant en français, étude de corpus, in Saussure, L. and Rihs, A. (eds.), Etudes de sémantique et pragmatique françaises. Bern : Peter Lang (2012).
[Preposition+noun] sequences in English and the question of fixedness, in Pennec, B. and Simonin , O. (eds.), Les locutions de l’anglais: emplois et strategies rhétoriques. Perpignan : Presses Universitaires de Perpignan (2011).
Après réflexion, after examination, et autres : étude de corpus des syntagmes de type après N et after N en français et en anglais. In Esteve, I. et al. (eds.), Autour des langues et du langage 2 : perspective pluridisciplinaire. Grenoble : Presses Universitaires de Grenoble (2010).
Determinerless prepositional phrases in French and English : a corpus-based analysis. Interlinguistica XX (2009).
Quelle place pour la métaphore spatiale dans les mécanismes d’alternance prépositionnelle ? L’exemple de in/on the street(s) en anglais britannique. In François, J. et al. (eds.), Autour de la préposition. Caen : Presses Universitaires de Caen (2009).