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André Penafiel, MSt, DPhil, ComCa


André B. Penafiel was a Clarendon Scholar during his DPhil in Oxford. In 2018, he was awarded a British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

For his work on Camões, he was graced with the title Comendador da Ordem de Camões.

He is currently a Faculty Research Fellow.



Portuguese poetry, from the medieval (thirteenth century) to the renaissance period (sixteenth century). Special emphasis on manuscript studies, printing history, codicology, bibliography, history of the book, versification and literary analysis. Also interested in comparative literature, with experience in medieval Occitan and Italian lyric poetry.

The Comendador’s doctoral project focused on the manuscript tradition of Galician-Portuguese and Occitan troubadour lyric.

His post-doctoral project focuses on the first edition of the Portuguese national poem Os Lusíadas (1572) and its sixteenth-century editions. It relies on material bibliography to trace the textual tradition of this poem and seeks to explain how António Gonçalves's printing workshop operated in the sixteenth century.

More about this project at:



Currently unavailable.



“O Debate sobre a Primeira Edição d’Os Lusíadas no Século XIX”. Mundos de língua portuguesa: olhares cruzados, ed. by Valeria Tocco et ali, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2024, III, pp. 67-90. (Available at:

Os Lusíadas, 1572: the exemplars and the editions”. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 138.3 (2022), pp. 898-942.

“Duas Passagens Camonianas”. Humanitas 79 (2022), pp. 111-136.

“The Question of Paper in Os Lusíadas, 1572”, Modern Language Review 115 (July 2020), pp. 590-617.

“Compilação dos cancioneiros galego-portugueses primitivos”, Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxía 46 (September 2019), pp. 161-206. (Available at:

“Formação do Cancioneiro da Ajuda e seu parentesco com ω e α”, Avatares y perspectivas del medievalismo ibérico, ed. by Roberta Alviti et ali, San Milán de la Cogolla: Cilengua, 2019, I, pp. 421-438. (Available at:

“Cadernos irregulares: meias-folhas e sua contribuição para o estudo do Cancioneiro da Ajuda”, Poesía, poéticas y cultura literaria, Cauterio Suave 17, ed. by Andrea Zinato; Paola Bellomi, Pavia: Ibis, 2018, pp. 391-411.

“Early Modern Marginalia in the Cancioneiro da Ajuda”, Portuguese Studies 31.2 (October 2015), pp. 183-194. (Available at: