Colin Thompson, M.A., D.Phil.
Faculty Lecturer in Spanish, Fellow of St Catherine's College
Member of Council, University of Oxford. Senior Proctor, University of Oxford, March 2010-11
Address: St Catherine's College, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UJ
Tel: 01865 271752
Fax: 01865 271768
Colin Thompson works primarily in Golden Age Spanish literature and has a particular interest in the writing of the Spanish mystics St Teresa of Ávila and St John of the Cross. His research interests include a wide range of Golden Age poetry and literary theory, the drama of Calderón, the prose fiction of Cervantes, and the relationship between literature and painting in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spanish art.
Language work across all years. The Preliminary Examination. Papers VII and X of the Final Honour School, and Paper XII Golden Age topics.
Graduate Teaching
Supervision of M St and D Phil students in Golden Age studies.
'Las transformaciones de Virgilio en las 'Eglogas' de Garcilaso', in: Autoridad y poder en el Siglo de Oro, Ignacio Arellano, Christoph Strosetzki, Edwin Williamson (Madrid & Frankfurt: Iberoamericana & Vervuert, 2009), 189-202
'En un pastoral albergue', in: The Spanish Ballad in the Golden Age, Nigel Griffin, Clive Griffin, Eric Southworth, Colin Thompson, Eric (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2008), 58-78
'A la corte vas, Perico', in: The Spanish Ballad in the Golden Age, Nigel Griffin, Clive Griffin, Eric Southworth, Colin Thompson, Eric (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2008), 115-133
'Gongora como poeta religioso: los tres romances 'Al Nacimiento de Cristo nuestro Senor' ', Caliope, 13 (2007), 5-21
St John of the Cross: Songs in the Night (London: SPCK, 2002; paperback, 2008)
'Lope "el conceptuoso"', Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age, ed. Stephen Boyd and Jo Richardson (2002), 137-44
La lucha de las lenguas: Fray Luis de León y el Siglo de Oro en España (Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León, 1995)
El poeta y el místico (San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Editorial Swan, 1985)