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The Faculty is sorry to announce that Dr David Pattison passed away on 3rd September 2018. Read more »

David Pattison, M.A., D.Phil.

Retired Reader in Spanish, Fellow of Magdalen College



David Pattison's main research interests were in the field of Medieval Spanish literature, particularly epic poetry and historiography; also, and increasingly, the fifteenth-century pseudo-dramatic work Celestina.


Spanish medieval and Golden-Age literature, and the history of the Spanish language. Also the whole first-year course (language and literature) and participation in language teaching for all years.


'El Mio Cid del Poema y el de las crónicas: evolución de un héroe', in: El Cid: de la materia épica a las crónicas caballerescas, ed. Carlos Alvar et al. (Alcalá de Henares, 2002), 23-27

Editor, with Alan Deyermond & Eric Southworth, 'Mio Cid' Studies: 'Some Problems of Diplomatic' Fifty Years On, Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar (London : Queen Mary & Westfield College, 2002)

'The Language of Lazarillo de Tormes and the Date of the Work', in: Culture and Society in Habsburg Spain: Studies Presented to R.W. Truman by his pupils and colleagues, ed. Nigel Griffin et al. (London : Tamesis, 2001), 45-49

'Epic Diction in Spanish clerecía Verse: From Imitation to Parody', in: L'Épopée romane au moyen age et au temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congres International de la Société Rencesvals pour L´Etude des épopées romanes, Naples, 24 - 30 juillet 1997, ed. Salvatore Luongo, 2 (Naples : Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001), II. 801-14

'Deaths and Laments in Celestina', Context, Meaning and Reception of 'Celestina': A Fifth Centenary Symposium, 78.1 (2001), 139-143