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Dimitris's research focuses on the ways Modern Greek literature opens a dialogue with other cultural forms (especially Greek popular culture) as well as other literatures and cultures; the other important strand of his research focuses on queer theory, the history of Greek queer cultures, and the difference they can make in people's lives and social movements. He is committed to literary, cultural and gender theory and the new perspectives they offer for the study of literature, culture and society. He is, therefore, equally committed to their wide dissemination and the inclusive social conversation that research in these areas can provoke.

He has written highly acclaimed monographs on literature and popular music in France and Greece, on Cavafy and the poetics of homosexuality, on the representation of Greek family in recent film, theatre and literature, and on the recent new wave of Greek cinema, also referred to as the 'Weird Wave'. 

His next major writing projects include:  a book-length essay on homophobia, racism and performative citizenship in Greece; a series of invited lectures - leading to a monograph on "biopolitical realism"; and co-edited volumes on Greek Cinema (with Afroditi Nikolaidou) and Greece and the Global South (with Maria Boletsi).

His recent and current research projects include 'HIV/AIDS in Greece: A Political Archive', a Knowledge Exchange Fellowship funded by TORCH and run in partnership with Thetiki Foni (Positive Voice), the Athens-based Association of People Living with HIV; 'Queer Politics/ Public Memory', a public engagement project co-run with Athena Athanasiou (Panteion University), funded by Rosa Luxembug Stiftung Greece; Motherland, I See You, a year-long public screening, preservation and publication project on Greek cinema, organized by the Hellenic Film Academy, co-curated with Elina Psykou, Afroditi Nikolaidou and Syllas Tsoumerkas; and Rethinking Modern Greek Studies in the 21st Century: A Cultural Analysis Network, a collaboration with the University of Amsterdam co-run with Maria Boletsi, part of the TORCH International Partnership Scheme. The last project has now resulted in Greek Studies Now, a new, prize-winning platform for Modern Greek interdisciplinary studies.


Modern Greek Literature and Culture, 19th and 20th century (convenor and main tutor for all the Modern papers). Greek cinema. Queer theory and Gender Studies (in the MSt course). European Cinema. Cultural Studies (co-convenor of the MSt special subject).

Primary supervisor of twelve finished DPhil theses on Greek and European literature, culture and cinema; most recent graduates Victoria ReuterFoteini Dimirouli, Valia Tsaita TsilimeniJessica Kourniakti, Tom Cuthbertson, Alex PappasKristina Gedgaudaite, Spyridon Chairetis and Claudio Rusello. Currently supervises: Trisevgeni Bilia, Alice Parrinello, Billie Mitsikakos, Orestis Tzirtzilakis.



Greek Weird Wave: A Cinema of Biopolitics (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021 (hardback and e-book); 2023 (paperback)); read the introduction here; read a review here; watch an online presentation here

Κάτι τρέχει με την οικογένεια: Έθνος, πόθος και συγγένεια την εποχή της κρίσης [There is something about the family: Nation, desire and kinship at a time of crisis] (Athens: Patakis, 2018; second edition 2020); read the front matter and part of the introduction here; a review in English here and an indicative list of links to reviews in Greek here

«Σαν κ’ εμένα καμωμένοι »: Ο ομοφυλόφιλος Καβάφης και η ποιητική της σεξουαλικότητας ["Those people made like me": Queer Cavafy and the poetics of sexuality] (Athens:Patakis, 2014 (paperback and e-book)); read the front matter and introduction here (e-book version); reviews in English here and here and an indicative list of links to reviews in Greek here

Singing Poets: Literature and Popular Music in France and Greece (Oxford: Legenda, 2007 (hardback); Routledge edition, 2018 (ebook); 2020 (paperback)) See excerpts on Googlebooks

Edited Books and Special Issues

Greece and the South: Grammars of Comparison, Protest and Futurity, special issue of the Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 8:2 (2022) [co-edited with Maria Boletsi]

Motherland, I See You: The 20th Century Greek Cinema /  Χώρα σε βλέπω: Ο εικοστός αιώνας του ελληνικού σινεμά (Athens: Hellenic Film Academy and Nefeli publications, Greek and English versions, open access, 2022) [co-edited with Afroditi Nikolaidou]; read the contents and an extract from the introduction here [GreekEnglish]; watch a presentation in the Thessaloniki Film Festival here

Κώστας Ταχτσής: Η γιαγιά μου η Αθήνα και αλλα κείμενα [Costas Taktsis: Essays and other texts, edited with notes and afterword] (Athens: Psichogios, 2021)

Κώστας Ταχτσής: Τα ρέστα [Costas Taktsis: Short Stories, edited with notes and afterword] (Athens: Psichogios, 2021)

Κουήρ πολιτική, δημόσια μνήμη: 30 κείμενα για τον Ζακ [Queer Politics, Public Memory; essays for Zak Kostopoulos, co-edited with Athena Athanasiou and Grigoris Gougousis] (Athens: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 2020) [paperback and electronic open access]

New Queer Greece, special issue of the Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 4:2 (2018) [co-edited with Vassiliki Kolocotroni]

Κώστας Ταχτσής: Ποιήματα [Costas Taktsis: Collected Poems, edited with notes and afterword] (Athens: Gavrielides, 2018; third edition Psichogios, 2021); reviews focusing on the editorial work here and here

Cavafy Pop, special issue of the Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 1:2 (2015) [co-edited with Eleni Papargyriou]

Contemporary Greek Cultures, special issue of Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture, 3:2 (2012) [co-edited with Lydia Papadimitriou and Dimitris Eleftheriotis]

Queering Migration on European Screen, special issue of New Cinemas, 6:3 (2008) [co-edited with Derek Duncan]

Articles in journals

(with Maria Boletsi) 'Greece and the Global South: Gestures of Spatial Disobedience', Journal of Greek Media and Culture 8:2 (2022), 129-141

(with Giorgos Sampatakakis) 'Η λογοκρισία ως πολιτισμική ιστορία: Το HIV/AIDS στην Ελλάδα (1982-2000)' [Censorship as Cultural History: HIV/AIDS in Greece (1982-2000)], Αρχειοτάξιο 22 (2020), 163-182

"Θα πενθούμε πάντα σαν παιδιά: Ρατσισμός, ομοφοβία και θανατοπολιτική. Πάλι" [Like kids, we will keep mourning: Racism, homophobia, thanatopolitics; again], Feministiqa 2 (2019)

‘Critically queer and haunted: Greek identity, crisiscapes and doing queer history in the present’Journal of Greek Media and Culture 4:2 (2018), 167-186

(with Vassiliki Kolocotroni) 'New Queer Greece: Performance, Politics, Identity', introduction to special issue, Journal of Greek Media and Culture 4:2 (2018), 143-150

(with Vassiliki Kolocotroni) ‘On the politics of queer resistance and survival: Athena Athanasiou in conversation with Vassiliki Kolocotroni and Dimitris Papanikolaou’Journal of Greek Media and Culture 4:2 (2018), 269-280

«Εικοσιδύο θέσεις για την αναταραχή αρχείου» [Twenty two points on Archive Trouble], in Χάρις Κανελλοπούλου (ed.), Σύγχρονη τέχνη και αρχείο: Αρχειακές συλλογές, καλλιτεχνικές πρακτικές, προβληματισμοί, special issue of Κριτική + Τέχνη v. 6, AICA, Αθήνα, 2016, 229-238; republished (abridged) in Penelope Petsine (ed.), Capitalist Realism, (Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia Press), 162-172

‘The pensive spectator, the possessive reader and the archive of queer feelings: A Reading of Constantine Giannaris’s TrojansJournal of Greek Media and Culture, 1:2 (2015), 279-297

(with Eleni Papargyriou) ‘Cavafy pop: Popular reception, cultural productivity and the many lives of poems’, introduction to 'Cavafy Pop', special issue of the Journal of Greek media and culture, 1: 2 (2015), 183-190

'Days of those made like me: retrospective pleasure, sexual knowledge, and C. P. Cavafy’s homobiographics', Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 37:2 (2013), 261-277

'Modern Greek Studies at a Crossroads', Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture, 3:2 (2012), 117-122

«Η νέα φάσις του έρωτος»: Ο νεοτερικός λόγος της σεξολογίας και ο Καβάφης’ [C.P.Cavafy and the modern discourses of sexology, ca.1900], Epistemonike Epeterida tes Philosophikes Scholes Thessalonikes, v.12 (2010), 195-211

'New Queer Greece? : Thinking Identity through Constantine Giannaris’s From the Edge of the City and Ana Kokkinos’s Head On', New Cinemas , 6:3 (2008), 183-196

(with Derek Duncan) 'Introduction: Queering Migration on European Screen', New Cinemas, 6:3 (2008), 163-166

'Demetrios Capetanakis: A Greek Poet (coming out) in England', Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 30:2 (2006), 213-235

'"Words that tell and hide": Revisiting C.P.Cavafy's Closets', Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 23 (2005), 235-260

'Greece as a Postmodern Example: Boundary 2 and its Special Issue on Greece', KAMPOS: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek, 13 (2005), 127-145

‘Η τέχνη της χειρονομίας: Ξαναδιαβάζοντας τα 18 Κειμενα’ [The art of gesturing: A new reading of the anti-dictatorship collection 18 Texts], Nea Estia, 1743 (March) (2002), 444 - 460

Chapters in books

«Εγκλεισμός, βιοπολιτικός ρεαλισμός και ετεροτοπία» [Internment, biopolitical realism and heterotopia], in Dimitris Trikas et al. (eds), Εγκλεισμοί: Κείμενα [Texts on interment] (Thessaloniki: Ropi, 2024), 355-381

'Literature and Greek Cinema', in Motherland, I See You: The 20th Century Greek Cinema /  Χώρα σε βλέπω: Ο εικοστός αιώνας του ελληνικού σινεμά (Athens: Hellenic Film Academy and Nefeli publications, Greek and English versions, open access, 2022), 195-202 (en), 211-220 (gr)

(with Afroditi Nikolaidou) 'Re-Examining 20th c. Greek Cinema', in Motherland, I See You: The 20th Century Greek Cinema /  Χώρα σε βλέπω: Ο εικοστός αιώνας του ελληνικού σινεμά (Athens: Hellenic Film Academy and Nefeli publications, Greek and English versions, open access, 2022), 11-28 (eng), 11-30 (gr)

«Χρόνος, αορατότητα και αναταραχή αρχείου: ένας διάλογος με τον Δημήτρη Παπανικολάου» ["Time, invisibility, archive trouble; a dialogue with Dimitris Papanikolaou"; a conversation with therapists Ilias Gotsis and Anna Kiapoka, in Κρίση και μετασχηματισμοί: Διάλογοι για το νόημα, την ψυχοθεραπεία και τη ζωή [Crisis and transformation: Dialogues on meaning, therapy and life] (Athens: Armos, 2022)

'Queer Poetics, Citizenship and Hospitality in Panos H. Koutras's Xenia (2014)', in James S. Williams (ed.), Queering the Migrant in European Cinema (London: Routledge, 2020), 141-155 [open access]

‘Greek Weird Wave, or on How to Do a Cinema of Biopolitics’, in Maria Boletsi, Janna Houwen, Liesbeth Minnaard (eds), Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique (London: Macmillan, 2020), 209-230

(with Athena Athanasiou) «’ ‘Πες το όνομά της’: Η κουήρ πολιτική ως κριτική του παρόντος» [‘“Say her name: Queer memory as a critique of the present’], in Κουήρ πολιτική, δημόσια μνήμη: 30 κείμενα για τον Ζακ [Queer Politics, Public Memory; essays for Zak Kostopoulos] (Athens: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 2020), 9-27

«Η λογοκρισία της ομοφυλοφιλίας στον μακρό εικοστό αιώνα»  [‘Censorship and homosexuality in the long 20th century], in Penelope Petsinis and Dimitris Christopoulos (eds), Λεξικό λογοκρισίας στην Ελλάδα [Dictionary of Censorship in Greece] (Athens: Kastaniotis, 2018), 206-220

«Πεθαίνει ρε ο Συγγραφέας; Μεταμοντερνισμός, πολιτισμική πολιτική και ελληνικές κριτικές αγκυλώσεις» [Does the Author die, mate? Postmodernism, cultural politics and Greek critical fixations], in Ourania Kaiafa (ed.), Η πρόσληψη των μετανεωτερικών ιδεών στην Ελλάδα [The reception of postmodern ideas in Greece] Moraitis Educational Institute, Athens, 2018, 29-50

«Πεθαίνω σα χώρα. Τόσα χρόνια μετά» [I die as a country: a reappraisal], in Ourania Kaiafa (ed.), Τομές, ρήξεις και αδράνειες στην μεταπολεμική Ελλάδα [Continuity and change in postwar Greece], (Athens: Moraitis Educational Institute, 2016), 205-226

«Λογοδοτώντας για τον εαυτό στον καιρό του ίντερνετ» [Giving an account of oneself in the era of social networks], in Ourania Kaiafa (ed.), Προς έναν νέο τύπο κοινωνικού ανθρώπου; [Towards new types of social relations?] (Athens: Moraitis Educational Institute, 2015), 29-50

'Mapping/Unmapping: The Making of Queer Athens’, in Jennifer V. Evans and Matt Cook (eds), Queer Cities, Queer Cultures: Europe post 1945, (London: Continuum, 2014), 151-170

«Όταν χάθηκε η άνω τελεία· Η μελοποιημένη ποίηση στη δεκαετία του '60» [Greek poetry set to music in the 1960s], in Angela Kastrinake et al. (eds), Για μια ιστορία της ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας του εικοστού αιώνα [Towards a history of Greek literature of the 20th century] (Heracleion: Crete University Press, 2012), 305-325

"Κάνοντας κάτι παράδοξες κινήσεις": Ο πολιτισμός στα χρόνια της Δικτατορίας' [Culture under the Greek Dictatorship, 1967-1974], in Vangelis Karamanolakis (ed.), I stratiotiki diktatoria 1967-1974 (Athens: Ta Nea, 2010), 175-196. A shorter version published in the newspaper Ta Nea, see here and here; republished in the programme notes for the theatre performance of Pericles Korovesis's The Method, Art Theatre Athens, dir. Manos Vavadakis, 2019

'Στρέλλα: Μια ταινία για όλη την οικογένεια' [Introductory essay on the film Strella: A Woman's Way, published with the screenplay and an interview with the director and writer], Strella (Athens: Polychromos Planetes, 2010), 9-24. Review

‘«Αφεντικό, άνθρωπο δεν αγάπησα σαν κι εσένα»: Ο Αλέξης Ζορμπάς και η ποιητική της ομοκοινωνικότητας’ [Zorba the Greek and the poetics of homosociality], in S. Philippides (ed.), Ho Kazantzakes ston 21o aiona (Heracleion: Crete University Press, 2010), 435-475

'Repatriation on Screen: Cinema, National Culture and the Immigrant Other since the 1990s', in Dimitris Tziovas (ed.)', Greek Diaspora and Migration since 1700 (Ashgate: Aldershot, 2009), 257-272

'Δέκα χρόνια κομμάτια: Τα ρέστα, ο Ταχτσής και η εποχή τους' [essay on K.Taktsis's short story cycle Small Change, published with the new edition of the book], in Costas Taktsis, Ta Resta (Athens: Gavrielides, 2009), 172-189; a shorter version published in newspaper Ta Nea, see here and here; translated in Italian as the afterword to Kostas Tachtsis, Il resto, a cura di Francesca Zaccone (Nardo: besa muci, 2019), 143-158

‘Εθνική κουλτούρα, πολιτισμική ιδιαιτερότητα και πεζή μοναδικότητα’ [National culture, cultural specificity and banal exceptionalism], in Dimitris Plantzos (ed.), Pagkosmiopoiese kai ethnike koultoura [Globalization and National Culture] (Athens: Alexandreia, 2009), 138-158; a shorter version in English published here

'Between Philhellenism and Greek Eros: Reading Christopher Isherwood's and William Plomer's "Greece"', in Evangelos Konstantinou (ed.), Das Bild Griechenlands im Spiegel der Völker (17. bis 20. Jahrhundert) (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2008), 421-432

'Οι μεταμορφώσεις του Ζορμπά' [Zorba and popular music], in N. Psychogios (ed.), Nikos Kazantzakis: To ergo kai he proslepse tou (Herakleion: Centre for Cretan Literature, 2006), 91-108

Ξαναδιαβάζοντας τον ελληνικό κόσμο του Διονύση Σαββόπουλου' [Dionysis Savvopoulos's "Hellenic world"], Third European Conference on Modern Greek Studies, print version in The Greek World From Enlightenment to the 20th century, ed. K. Dimadis (Athens: Ellenika Grammata, 2006), v. III, 647-656

‘Το νησί ως ουτοπία, δυστοπία, μύθος και γραφή στον Λοιμό του Αντρέα Φραγκιά’ [Utopia, dystopia, myth and writing in A. Fragias's Loimos], in Asterios Argyriou (ed.), Greece of the Islands: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the European Society of Modern Greek Studies (Athens: Ellenika Grammata, 2004), vol. I, 629-639

Shorter articles and review essays (selected)

'Queer/ Archive/ Cinema', in Citizen Queer (Non Catalog, 26th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival, 2024), 52-61 (gr), 62-71 (eng)

"Ο Δημήτρης στην ακτή" ['Dimitris on the beach'; essay on choreographer Dimitris Papaioannou], special issue of Proto Plano, n. 313, March 2024, 52-63; republ. as a blogpost 

(with Kristina Gedgaudaite and Theophilos Tramboulis), 'Acts of Citizenship in Present Day Greece', Journal of Greek Media and Culture 9:2 (2023), 211-228; an extract published as a blogpost

'In the World of Double Haunting: Watching Mati Diop's Atlantiques', in Fantasmes (Thessaloniki International Film Festival, 2023), 52-61 (eng) and 54-65 (gr)

'Αναπαράσταση, επανόρθωση, παρρησία: Στα κουκλόσπιτα του Μάριο Μπανούσι'/ 'Re-enactment, reparation and parrhesia: In the Dollhouses of Mario Banushi', essay on Banushi's autobiographical performances, commissioned by the Greek National Theatre to accompany the Greek and world tour of his Goodbye Lindita; published as the opening essay in the programme notes, 8-11 (gr), 12-15 (eng)

'Πώς φαίνονται τώρα' ['How they look now']; essay on Mihalis Paraskakis's opera Strella (world premiere February 2023); commissioned by the Greek National Opera, published in the programme notes, 33-37

'An Ongoing Performance, an Unfinishing Revolution: Archive Trouble, 1821-2021', essay commissioned by the Athens/Epidaurus Festival for their 2021 Catalogue, 102-113 (English edition) and 92-103 (Greek edition)

'Entre Brassens et Théodorakis: Résonances musicales, identité culturelle et chansons des années 1960', in Vassiliki Mavroeidakou-Castellana, Christophe Corbier and Panagiota Anagnostou (eds), Le Voyage des musiciens: Un siècle d'échanges franco-grecs en musique (1917-2021), Paris: In Fine, 2021, 138-145

'Cinema as a Collective and Political Art: Crossing "The Lost Highway of Greek Cinema"', Journal of Greek Media and Culture 7:1 (2021), 105-112

(with Maria Boletsi, Joost de Bloois, Cornelia Gräbner, Janna Houwen, and Georgios Tsagdis) 'Grammars of Crisis', in Maria Boletsi, Natashe Lemos Dekker, Kasia Mika and Ksenia Robbe (eds), (Un)Timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 23-49

(with Maria Boletsi) 'Why rethink Modern Greek Studies today: Notes from the front of cultural analysis', position blogpost on the rationale for the Oxford/Amsterdam project Rethinking Modern Greek Studies in the 21st century. All content has now been move to Greek Studies Now, see here and here

'Un Overdose d' amore' (essay on Greek cinema and the financial crisis), in Grecia, special issue of The Passenger, Milan: Iperborea, 2019, 110-124; English translation published in The Passenger: Greece, New York: Europa, 2020; Spanish translation forthcoming

"There is something about the family" (programme notes), in Maria Komnninos and Ioulia Mermigka (eds), 10th Athens Avant Garde Film Festival Catalogue, Athens: Greek Film Archive, 2019, 80-87

‘How metonymical are you? Notes on biopolitical realism’, in Orestis Andreadakis and Geli Mademli (eds) Non Catalog, Thessaloniki: Documentary Film Festival, 2019, 104-125

'Η οικογένεια-θέατρο' [The family-theatre], In Eleni Koutsilaiou (ed.), Η δυναμική του ελληνικού λόγου στο θέατρο [The dynamics of Greek discourse in theatre], Piraeus Theatre Festival Anniversary Edition, 2019, 83-91 

‘C. P. Cavafy’, in Howard Chiang, et al. (eds), Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History, New York: Macmillan, 2018, 305-310

"Δέκα λέξεις για τον Κώστα Ταχτσή" [Ten words on Kostas Taktsis], Kathimerini, 20/8/2018; republished widely, most creatively in bibliotheque, 8/10/2018

'Γυρίζοντας (από) πίσω: Ο Ιωάννου και ο Λαπαθιώτης στο αρχείο των συναισθημάτων'  [Ioannou and Lapathiotis in the archive of feelings], first published in the programme notes for the performance Lapathiotis by avantgarde group Bijoux de Kant and republished in Chronos, v. 56-57 (January 2018)

‘Archive Trouble, 2017’, in Kateryna Botanova, Christos Chryssopoulos and Jurriaan Cooiman (eds) Culturescapes: Archaeology of the Future (Basel: Cristoph Merian Verlag, 2017), 38-52; republished (abridged) in Penelope Petsine (ed.), Capitalist Realism, (Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia Press), 2018, 163-173

«Καθώς τους βλέπω να κοιμούνται»/ ‘As I watch them sleep’, in Theofilos Tramboulis and Yorgos Tzirtzilakis (eds), Sleep (exhibition catalogue), (Athens: Onassis Cultural Foundation, 2016), 58-63 (engl) and 66-71 (greek)

‘Athens is Burning’, in Anna Poupou, Afroditi Nikolaidou and Eirini Sifaki (eds), World Film Locations: Athens, (London: Intellect, 2014), 28-29

‘H απόφαση της λησμονιάς: το ΑΚΟΕ, τα μεταδικτατορικά κινήματα και η αφασία της δημόσιας σφαίρας’, in Αρχειοτάξιο, v. 15 (2013), 84-87

'Archive Trouble: Cultural Responses to the Greek Crisis', in Penelope Papailias (ed.), Beyond the Greek Crisis: Histories, Rhetorics, Politics; Web Hotspot published by the journal Cultural Anthropology, October 2011

'Ο Κακογιάννης, ο Ζορμπάς κι ο Έλληνας' [Cacoyannis, Zorba and the Greek], The Books' Journal, v. 11 (September 2011), 58-61; a version in English presented here; an updated version published in Yannis Voulgaris et al. (eds), "Σαν παλιό σινεμά": Το σενάριο του ελληνικού κινηματογράφου [The script of Greek cinema], To Vima, special supplement (4/2/24), 87-102 

'Ηλίας Πετρόπουλος: Ομιλείτε την Καλιαρντήν;'[Do you speak Kaliarda? Elias Petropoulos and the the study of Greek subcultures], The Books' Journal, v. 7 (May 2011), 62-69

'Ο Καβάφης στον 21ο αιώνα' [Cavafy in the 21st century; position article on the implications of new research on Cavafy], The Books' Journal, v. 4 (February 2011), 41-49

'Κάτι τρέχει με την Οικογένεια' [Greek family, representation and the new crisis archive], The Books' Journal, v. 1 (November 2010), 96-98

‘Γιάννης Τσαρούχης: Το μυστικό της ελληνικότητας’ [Yannis Tsarouchis and the poetics of homosociality], The Athens Review of Books, v. 5 (March 2010), 3-6

'Για τη Θεωρία, που μας μεγάλωσε' [Literary Theory: A personal narrative], in Kostas Voulgaris (ed.), Logotechnia, Theoria, Aristera (Perasma: Athens, 2008), 160-165

(with Derek Duncan) ‘Popular Culture’ [covering books published in 2005 and 2006], in Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory v. 16, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), 302-324

'‘From the Darkrooms of Philology’, Position article on Cavafy and Sexuality; part of the 'University of Michigan C.P.Cavafy Forum', (2006)

(with Derek Duncan), 'Popular Culture’ [covering books published in 2004] ', Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory v. 14, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 152-172

'Cinema as a Political Act: The art of Costa-Gavras and Theo Angelopoulos ', The Anglo-Hellenic Review, 29 (Spring 2004), 11

'Setting Seferis' poetry to music', George Seferis: Centenary Celebrations (Hellenic Foundation for Culture, 2000), 7 - 12


Mark Doty, 'To Cavafy and other poems', Poiese, v. 24 (December 2004)


Public Speaking (since 2014; selected)

'Care/ hauntology/ archaeology : Biopolitical realism and the future of memory' (keynote lecture) in Who Cares About the Future? Exploring the Role of Film, Theatre, and Television in a “Post-Pandemic” Era of Crisis, University of Reading, Department of Film, Theatre and Television, 15 June 2023 

'Contagious Weirdness', keynote lecture at the Weirdness Salon, East 15 Acting School, University of Essex, 3 June 2023

Mediterranean Europe and/as Global South (co-organiser), three-day seminar at the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, 17-19 March 2023

Being Citizens Together: Rethinking Social Citizenship in Greece (co-organiser), National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, 11 February 2023

Whatever happened to the Weird Wave?: Dimitris Papanikolaou in conversation with Manolis Kranakis and Geli Mademli, Thessaloniki Film Festival, MOMUs Thessaloniki, 9 November 2022

Book at lunchtime: Greek Weird Wave - A Cinema of Biopolitics, TORCH/University of Oxford, 27 October 2021

Invited lecture and public discussion on There is something about the Greek family and its continuing relevance, 1st Festival of Queer Approaches, Xanthi 2021, 26 September 2021

'Under-represented voices in literature' (pannelist), Turl Street Arts Festival, 3 May 2021

'Remaining critically queer; and being haunted' (closing lecture), Queer Epistemicides, University of St Andrews, 29-30 April 2021

'From Crisis to Critique' (participant), OSL/LUCAS Workshop, Leiden University, 4-5 March 2021

(Hi)stories of sexuality (participant), 14 December 2020, webinar roundtable discussion organized by Themelio publishers, on zoom and archived here 

'Remembered for what we are about to do: Haunting and haunted at a time of biopolitical realism', University of Reading - FTT Seminar Series, 9 December 2020

Sexuality/ Family (participant), webinar roundtable discussion organized by Συνηχήσεις - Centre for therapy and education, 7 December 2020, archived here

Modern Greek Studies and Beyond: Local Cases, Global Debates (co-convener), a series of roundtable webinars for 2020-2021. Also archived at Greek Studies Now

The politics of comradership: Organising/ Resisting (co-convener), third panel and public discussion of the project Queer Politics/ Public Memory, Booze Cooperativa, Athens, 26 February 2020  

Modern Greek Studies in the 21st century: Perspectives and practices in cultural analysis. Conference co-convened with Prof. Maria Boletsi (Amsterdam), Oxford, 31 January- 1 February 2020

Bodies provoking, bodies demanding: Is public space equally public for all ? (co-convener), second pannel and public discussion of the project Queer Politics/ Public Memory, Romantzo, Athens, 15 December 2019

A Greek archive of HIV/AIDS: For a cultural and social history. Open discussion, part of the project HIV/AIDS in Greece: A political archive , Athens, Romantzo, 1 December 2019

'How indexical are you? How metonymical are we?: Images at a time of biopolitical realism', Images/ Politics/ Public Space, University of Thessaly (Volos), 22-23 November 2019

There is Something About the Family (curator/presenter). A screenings and public discussions programme based on the 2018 book of the same title, curated after the invitation of the Greek Film Archive for the 10th Athens Avant Garde Film Festival, 21-30 November 2019

'Past continuous, archival present, queer future: Rethinking our critical grammars' (keynote lecture), Untimely Crises in Europe and Beyond: Chronotope and Critique, University of Amsterdam, 17 October 2019

'From type-people to time-people. C.P.Cavafy's ethical citizenship', Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 2 October 2019

Memory, (public) feeling, mobilization (co-convener), first panel and public discussion of the project Queer Politics/ Public Memory, Association of Greek Archaeologists (SEA), Athens, 26 September 2019

Why we (do not) talk about our history. Open discussion, part of the project HIV/AIDS in Greece: A political archive , Athens, Romantzo 19 September 2019

In conversation with Edouard Louis, Public Cafe, Syntagma, 10 September 2019

'Is There a Greek Queer Culture', in Symposium, Athens and Epidaurus Festival, 26 June 2019

Presentation of New Queer Greece special issue and discussion at the feminist collective Beaver, 05 June 2019

'Dancing on the Ruins of Modernism', Urban Crisis-Scapes: On Walks and Ruins Workshop, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis (NICA), Amsterdam, 16-17 May 2019

How to do a Cinema of Biopolitics: Notes on the “Greek Weird Wave”, Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR), University of Amsterdam, 15  May 2019

Five presentations at the Thessaloniki International Book Fair 2019 (invited as keynote speaker), 09-12 May 2019

'There is Something About the Greek Family', open lecture at the University of Rome, La Sapienza, 22 February 2019

Roundtable and discussion on family, gender and sexuality organized by the gender-activist group Kiouria, 21 January 2019

‘La Biopolitique à l’ écran: La Nouvelle vague du cinema grecque’, invited lecture at the University of Geneva, 3 December 2018

'The Contours of Metonymy', lecture given as part of the exhibition Capitalist Realism, Thessaloniki PhotoBiennale 2018, Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, 24 November 2018

“There is Something about the Family” book’s main presentation in Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Megaron Concert Hall, 22 November 2018

“There is something about the family” book’s main presentation in Athens, Ianos bookstore, 06 November 2018

'Racism, homophobia, necropolitics; again', followed by an open discussion and debate organized by the NGO “Positive voice", Polis Art Cafe bookshop, Athens, 01 November 2018

Presentation and open discussion organized by Feminist Collective Beaver, Athens, 23 October 2018

“Critically Queer and Haunted: On How (not) to Do the History of Greek Homosexuality”, British School at Athens, 22 October 2018

An open discussion organized by the Enthemata collective in Sputnik, Athens, 03 September 2018

A discussion with Cultural Studies Collective Skra Punk, Athens, 12 July 2018

Costas Taktsis' "Poems" book presentation, Poems 'n Crimes Cafe, Gavriilidis Publishers, 10 July 2018

International Cavafy Summer School (co-convened with Prof. Guthenke of Oxford University, July 2018)

Lecture on Cavafy and time (Αναζητώντας τη διάρκεια: ο πολιτικός Καβάφης και ο χρόνος της επιθυμίας), Alexandria, Egypt, 15 October 2017

International Cavafy Summer School (co-convened with Prof. Gourgouris of Columbia University, July 2017)

The Greek Weird Wave and the Cinema of Biopolitics, The American Comparative Literature Association's 2017 Annual Meeting, University of Utrecht, 6-9 July 2017

New Queer Greece, conference co-convened with Prof. Vassiliki Kolocotroni (University of Glasgow), under the auspices of the Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 10 June 2017

The Birth of Tradition, lecture pannel shared with Cathy Gere as part of the Studio 14 series, Documenta 14, 14 May 2017, Athens

A Political History of Dance and Electronic Music: The Invention of Queer Culture (convenor), panel discussion, Documenta 14 public programmes, 7 May 2017, Athens Conservatoire (Odeion), Athens

"Για έναν ελληνικό κινηματογράφο της βιοπολιτικής" [a Greek cinema of biopolitics] in Greek short-films and the crisis, 24 April 2017, Parko Eleftherias, Athens

'Wet Communities, Liquid People', paper delivered at the conference Fluid Physicalities, Birkbeck College, 10 March 2017

'Letter to Georges', introduction to Georges Didi-Huberman's lecture 'How is Courage inherited?' in the Athens Megaron, 28 February 2017

“Dates, Time and Times of the Archive” («Οι ημερομηνίες, ο χρόνος και οι χρόνοι του αρχείου»), public lecture in the Onassis Library, 24 November 2016

“Why Greece: Politics, Institutions and Challenges” (convenor), Roundtable discussion in the Moscow International Book Fair, 07 September 2016

Still returning to Cavafy's Alexandria (in GR and in ENG), public debate at the Onassis Cultural Centre, 15 May 2016

Body: Sleep, Death, Resurrection (convenor), public debate at the Onassis Cultural Centre, 09 May 2016

Body and Gender (convenor), public debate at the Onassis Cultural Centre, 04 March 2016

Body and Public Space (Σώμα και δημόσιος χώρος) (convenor), roundtable at the Onassis Cultural Centre, 20 October 2015

There is Something About the Greek Family (Κάτι τρέχει με την ελληνική οικογένεια) (convenor), roundtable at the Onassis Cultural Centre, 28 April 2015

The History of Pain (in GR and in ENG), roundtable at the Onassis Cultural Centre, 03 February 2015

There is Something about the Family: National Allegory, Desire and Kinship in a Time of Crisis, delivered as part of the workshop The Economic and the Political: Locating the Greek Crisis within History and Anthropology, University of Durham, 05 December 2014

New Queer Greece?, keynote lecture in the event Enjoy (y)our State of Emergency: Art and Activist Strategies in Times of Crisis, nGbK Gallery, Berlin, 03 December 2014

Archive Policy and National Culture (Αρχειακή πολιτική και εθνική κουλτούρα), Onassis Cultural Centre, 01 December 2014

Cavafy: Sexuality, Politics, and Literature (Καβάφης: Σεξουαλικότητα, πολιτική και λογοτεχνία), pannel in the Onassis Cultural Centre, 30 September 2014

Between the Family and the Nation: The post-Metapolitefsi Greek Public Sphere, delivered as part of the conference Greece: From Junta to Crisis, co-organised with Dimitris Tziovas. Hellenic Centre, London, 20 September 2014

'Memory and Literature', part of the interdisciplinary roundtable The Paths of Memory, organized by the Brain Awareness Week, Athens Megaron, 11 March 2014

The Erotic Cavafy (Ο ερωτικός Καβάφης), public seminar, Onassis Cultural Centre, 15 February 2014

The Erotic Cavafy (Ο ερωτικός Καβάφης) (convenor), panel in the Onassis Cultural Centre, 28 January 2014

Daniel Mendelsohn in conversation with Dimitris Papanikolaou, Onassis Cultural Centre, 21 January 2014

Media Coverage (since 2014; selected)

'Interrogating Biopolitical Realism: An Interview with Dimitris Papanikolaou on the Greek Weird Wave', an interview with Kemari Bryant, Film Club 3000, issue 3, Jan/Feb 2024, 1-9

'Βιοπολιτική & κουήρ θεωρία και πρακτική. Συνέντευξη ΕΝΑ με τον Δημήτρη Παπανικολάου' [Biopolitics and queer theory in practice;  interview with ENA: Institute for Alternative Policies], Athens, 23/2/2024

«Ζούμε όλοι μεταξύ του cloud και της πραγματικότητας», ['We all live between reality and the cloud'; interview in newspaper Ta Nea with an overview of past and forthcoming work], 16/1/2024

«Βλέπω κινηματικές δράσεις που με εμπνέουν διαρκώς» ['I am constantly inspired by activist work'; interview with newspaper Epohi, 7/1/2024

«Το μεγάλο come back του Κώστα Ταχτσή» ['The come-back of Costas Taktsis'; a long interview on the new editions of Taktsis's  works], Efimerida ton syntakton, 30/10/2021

'The Greek Weird Wave Cinema and its Biopolitical Realism'; podcast interview with Yannis-Orestis Papadimitriou, for his Archipelago series

«Οι κοινωνικοί αποκλεισμοί είναι αιμορραγία ιστορίας» ['Social exclusions are a bleeding (of) history', lengthy report of the lecture/public discussion in Xanthi's Festival of Queer Approaches], Empros (main local newspaper of Xanthi), 28/9/2021

«Ένα συναρπαστικό ταξίδι στον χωρόχρονο όχι μόνο μιας κινηματογραφίας, αλλά και μιας ολόκληρης χώρας» ['A fascinating journey through a national cinema and a country: Interview with the curators of the programme "Motherland, I see you"]', elculture, 10/9/2021

'Greek Studies Now: A Cultural Analysis Network to rethink cultural narratives', Greek News Agenda, 15/4/2021

«Από τον Καζαντζάκη στον Λάνθιμο» ['From Kazantzakis to Lanthimos', interview on Greek Studies Now], Kathimerini, 3/4/2021

'Short-circuit-in-families, queer genealogies, public truth telling and archive troubles. Dimitris Papanikolaou in conversation with Giorgos Kesisoglou', Metalogos: Systemic Therapy Journal, 36 (2020) 

Q&A, Δημήτρης Παπανικολάου [for the 10th Athens Avant Garde Film Festival]

"10o Φεστιβάλ πρωτοποριακού κινηματογράφου: Κάτι τρέχει με την οικογένεια" [article by the Greek Press Agency on the programme There is Something About the Family, presented by the 10th Athens Avant Garde Film Festival, in the Greek Film Archive, 

«Ο Δημήτρης Παπανικολάου ξέρει τι ενώνει την "οικογένεια" με την ποπ κουλτούρα της κρίσης» [interview with the main Greek cinema website, on the programme There is Something About the Family, presented by the 10th Athens Avant Garde Film Festival, in the Greek Film Archive], flix, 22/11/2019

«"Δεν γεννήθηκα διαφορετικός, έγινα" Το στη συζήτηση με τον Εντουάρ Λουί» [article on Edouard Louis' first public presentation in Greece],, 11/9/2019

«O Ζακ, σαν κομήτης, έριξε φως σ’ αυτούς που ζουν στο σκοτάδι», Efimerida ton syntakton, 20/ 9/ 2019; a presentation of the first meeting of the project HIV in Greece: A political archive.

FACTORY. Ιδέες/Τέχνες, ERT Three Radio Programme, one hour radio interview, first broadcast 21 July 2019

«Η αγία ελληνική οικογένεια είναι ένα τραύμα», Andro, 28 February 2019

«Οικογένεια είναι οι δεσμοί για τους οποίους επιμένουμε», Kathimerini, 28 January 2019

«Η "αγία ελληνική οικογένεια" δεν είναι μόνο... ζώνη ασφαλείας», Karfitsa, 30 November 2018

Κάτι τρέχει με την οικογένεια, Sto Kokkino 105.5 FM discussion with Vangelis Karamanolakis, 25 November 2018

«Η... αγία ελληνική οικογένεια έχει πρόβλημα!», Efimerida ton Syntakton, 11 November 2018

5+1 ερωτήσεις για την «οικογένεια», Ta Nea, 26 October 2018

Υλικό ονείρων, public reading of "There is Something about the Family" on ERT radio, 17 October 2018

Rethinking Greece: Dimitris Papanikolaou on Greek exceptionalism and the "Holy Greek family”, Greek News Agenda, 13 September 2018; republished in Greek-Australian newspaper Neos Kosmos; a long extract translated into Greek and published in the social studies journal Syghrona Themata, v. 142, November 2018, 218-222.

Συζητώντας με τον Δημήτρη Παπανικολάου για την ”αγία ελληνική οικογένεια”, την κρίση και το identity politics [A discussion with Dimitris Papanikolaou on family, the crisis, and identity politics], Skra-punk, 12 September 2018

Αντί στέφανου, contribution to radio documentary on Kostas Taktsis, first aired on ERT1 on 01 September 2018

Αυτοί που τόλμησαν: Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης, contribution to documentary film on C. P. Cavafy first aired on Cosmote TV on 05 June 2017

Εποχές και Συγγραφείς: Κώστας Ταχτσής, contribution to documentary film on Kostas Tachtsis first aired on ERT2 on 03 December 2017

Η μηχανή του χρόνου: Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης, contribution to documentary on C.P.Cavafy, first broadcast on ERT TV, 18 January 2015

Ποίηση, ομοφυλοφιλία, ομοφοβία και πολιτική, I Avgi, 21 September 2014

Ο εξεγερμένος ερωτικός: «...και μετά βρήκα τον Καβάφη», BHmagazino, 27 July 2014

Ερωτικά του Καβάφη, μια άλλη ανάγνωση, Kathimerini, 28 June 2014

Μια δύσκολη συζήτηση για τον Καβάφη, Ta Nea, 13 August 2014

Η ελευθερία, η αποσιώπηση και η λήθη, Ta Nea, 28 June 2014

Ο ερωτικός Καβάφης είναι, ταυτόχρονα, ένας εξεγερμένος Καβάφης, Lifo, 3 July 2014

Ο Καβάφης δεν είναι ακτιβιστής αλλά σε μαθαίνει να διεκδικείς, Efimerida ton Syntakton, 20 June 2014

Μπορούμε να λέμε gay τον Καβάφη;, Athens Voice, 29 May 2014