I am an honorary research fellow in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, and I sometimes help with the organization of conferences and the editing of books. My research is on intertextuality and the 'origins of Shakespeare', meaning his sources (where works written in other languages play a huge part), his relationship with his contemporaries and previous theatrical traditions (the morality plays, for instance), and also the political and historical background of his plays and poems.
In April 2018 I curated an online exhibition in collaboration with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust: Shakespeare and Religious War
Authored and co-authored
Agostino Lombardo and Elisabetta Tarantino, Storia del teatro inglese. L’età di Shakespeare (Rome: Carocci, 2001)
Le metamorfosi dell’amore. Lyly, Greene, Shakespeare e le origini della commedia romantica (Rome: Bulzoni, 1995)
Seeing through Texts: Imitative Series and Clusters from Classical to Early Modern Literature, ed. Colin Burrow, Stephen Harrison, Martin McLaughlin, Elisabetta Tarantino (under review)
Authority, Innovation and Early Modern Epistemology: Essays in Honour of Hilary Gatti, ed. Martin McLaughlin, Ingrid D. Rowland, Elisabetta Tarantino (Leeds: Legenda, 2015)
Nonsense and Other Senses: Regulated Absurdity in Literature, ed. Elisabetta Tarantino with Carlo Caruso (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009)
Il romanzo contemporaneo: voci italiane, ed. Franca Pellegrini and Elisabetta Tarantino (Leicester: Troubador, 2006)
Selected journal articles
Journals in which I have published include:
Shakespeare Survey 72 (2019); Modern Language Review 112.4 (October 2017); Notes and Queries 63.3 (September 2016); Autografo 51 (2014); Classical Receptions Journal 4.1 (May 2012); Chaucer Review 39.4 (2005); Bruniana & Campanelliana 10.2 (2004); Review of English Studies n.s. 48 (192) (November 1997)
Book chapters
The following books (beside three of those I have co-edited) include chapters by me:
Cultural Reception, Translation and Transformation from Medieval to Modern Italy: Essays in Honour of Martin McLaughlin, ed. Guido Bonsaver, Brian Richardson and Giuseppe Stellardi (2017); Filologia e storia letteraria. Studi per Roberto Tissoni, ed. C. Caruso and W. Spaggiari (2008); The Alchemy of Extremes. The Laboratory of the Eroici furori of Giordano Bruno, ed. Eugenio Canone and Ingrid Rowland (2007); Giordano Bruno: Philosopher of the Renaissance, ed. Hilary Gatti (2002); Presenza di T. S. Eliot, ed. Agostino Lombardo (2001); Giornale di bordo. Saggi sull’immagine poetica del mare, ed. Agostino Lombardo (1997)