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I am a linguist with a PhD in Humanities from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, I also hold a double degree in Spanish and English Philology from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, an Erasmus Mundus Master in Teaching Spanish in Multilingual Contexts from Universidad de Deusto and a MA in Linguistics from UNED.


My dissertation revolved around the structure of light verb constructions in Germanic and Romance languages. My main research topics include the argument and event structure in verb-noun constructions and the influence of Catalan-Spanish language contact in syntax. 

My research also involves second language teaching and learning, and the acquisition of Catalan as a heritage language. I have also authored Catalan L2 teaching materials for adult learners and I am a member of Societat d'Ensenyament i Recerca del Català com a Llengua Estrangera.


At the Sub-faculty of Spanish, I teach Catalan language and culture, grammar, translation, writing skills and oral skills. I also teach FHS papers: Paper VIII (Catalan Poetry/Prose), Paper XII (Modern Catalan and Contemporary Catalan literature) and Extended essay in Catalan literature and linguistics.

Previously, I have taught Catalan language and culture at the Universität Konstanz and Universität Zürich (2016-2019), English language and linguistics at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2021-2023) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2023-2024). 

Selected publications

Alvarez-Morera, Georgina, Oltra-Massuet, Isabel & Ginebra, Jordi (forth.). Modification in give light verb constructions: a corpus-based study in Germanic and Romance languages. In Jens Fleischhauer & Anna Riccio (Eds.), Light verb constructions from a cross-linguistic perspective. De Gruyter

Alvarez-Morera, Georgina (2024). Les construccions amb verb de suport i els seus correlats sintètics verbals: un estudi de corpus del català actual. Études romanes de Brno, 45 (4), 6-27.

Alvarez-Morera, Georgina (2023). L'ús dels verbs de suport fer i donar en el català actual. In J. Marqués Messeguer & E. Aguilar Miró (Eds.), (De) bat a bat: obertures i cruïlles en estudis recents sobre literatura i llengua catalanes. Presses universitaires de Perpignan.

Fullana, Celia; Alvarez-Morera, Georgina & Oltra-Massuet, Isabel (2022). Unergative Cognate Structures across English and Romance. In F. Gallardo del Puerto, M-C. Camus Camus & J.A. González-López (Eds.), Moving beyond the Pandemic: English and American Studies in Spain. Ediciones Universidad de Cantabria, 65-77.

Gómez Seibane, Sara & Alvarez-Morera, Georgina (2022). El marcado diferencial de objeto en el español del siglo XIX en Cataluña: registro y contacto de lenguas. Revista de Filología Española, 102(1), 87-109.