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Jonathan Bradbury, M.A. (M.Phil., Ph.D., Cambridge)
Junior Research Fellow in Spanish
Address: Christ Church, St Aldate's, Oxford OX1 1DP



Jonathan Bradbury works principally on Golden-Age Spanish prose, with a special emphasis on non-fiction works, such as miscellanies, commonplace books, summas and encyclopaedias. He is also interested in the cultural links between Spain and Italy in the period. He has researched on Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa (1571?-1644?) and his current research project examines the figure of Jaume Rebullosa (1560?-1621), a Catalan friar whose oeuvre includes Castilian translations of Italian humanist authors. 


 FHS VII and X


'Anton Francesco Doni and his Librarie: Bibliographical Friend or Fiend?', Forum for Modern Language Studies, 45 (2009), 90-107

'The Miscelánea of the Spanish Golden Age: an Unstable Label', Modern Language Review, 105 (2010), 954-72
'Revisiones ideológicas y morales en la Plaza Universal (1615) de Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa', in Compostella Aurea: actas del VIII Congreso de la AISO, ed. by Antonio Azaustre Galiana and Santiago Fernández Mosquera, 3 vols (Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2011), II, 101-08
'Pedro Mexía, Historia imperial y cesárea (Madrid: Melchor Sánchez, 1655)' in Del sacro imperio al hechizado: los libros de los siglos XVI y XVII en el Real Círculo de la Amistad de Córdoba, ed. by Rafael Bonilla Cerezo (Cordova: Círculo de la Amistad / El olivo azul, 2011), pp. 64-9