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Martin Maiden's principal research interests are in the field of the history of the Romance languages (with particular attention to inflexional morphology and dialectology), general historical linguistics, general morphological theory. While the main focus of his attention is Italo-Romance and Daco-Romance (Romanian), he maintains strong interests in French, Spanish, Dalmatian, Romansh and other Romance languages.


Italian linguistics, Romanian linguistics, general Romance linguistics, Historical linguistics, Morphology



‘On the phonological vulnerability of complex paradigms: beyond analogy in Italo- and Ibero-Romance’. Romance Philology, 44:284-305.Interactive Morphonology. Metaphony in Italy. London: Routledge.


'Irregularity as a determinant of morphological change', Journal of Linguistics 28:285-312.


‘A proposito dell’alternanza esce/usciva in italiano’, Lingua Nostra 56:37-41.


‘The Romance gerund and System-Dependent Naturalness in morphology’, Transactions of the Philological Society, 94:167-201.


‘A propos d'un changement analogique remarquable en roumain: le type carte - cărţi’, Vox Romanica 56:24-57.


'"Perfecto y tiempos afines". History of an Ibero-Romance morphome', in Folli, R. and Middleton, R. (eds), Oxford Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, 4 (1999), 70-83.


'Di un cambiamento intramorfologico: origini del tipo dissi dicesti ecc., nell'italoromanzo', Archivio glottologico italiano 85:137-71.


'A strange affinity: perfecto y tiempos afines', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 58:441-64. ‘Di nuovo sulle alternanze velari nel verbo italiano e spagnolo’, Cuadernos de filología italiana 8.39-61.


'Il verbo italoromanzo: verso una storia autenticamente morfologica'. In Giacomo-Marcellesi, M. and Rocchetti, A. (eds) Il verbo italiano. Studi diacronici, sincronici, contrastivi, didattici. Rome: Bulzoni, 3-21.


‘When lexemes become allomorphs: on the genesis of suppletion’, Folia Linguistica 38:227-256. ‘Verb augments and meaninglessness in Romance morphology’, Studi di grammatica italiana 22:1-61.

‘Perfect pedigree. The ancestry of the Aromanian conditional’, in Ashdowne, Richard e Finbow, Thomas (eds) Oxford Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics 9:83-98.

‘Into the past. Morphological change in the dying years of Dalmatian’, Diachronica 21:85-111.

‘Passato remoto e condizionale nella morfologia storica italoromanza’. L’Italia dialettale 62:7-26.

'Morfemele «goale» în verbul românesc: încă o dovadă a «romanității» morfologice a limbii române'. In D. Manucă et al. (eds) Limba si literatura română în spațiul etnocultural dacoromânesc și în diaspora, Iași: Trinitas, 67-71.

'Verso una definizione morfologica delle lingue romanze. La nuova fisionomia morfologica del romanzo'. Aemilianense 1:279-326.


‘Morphological autonomy and diachrony’, Yearbook of Morphology 2004, 137-75.

'La ridistribuzione paradigmatica degli "aumenti" verbali nelle lingue romanze'. In S. Kiss, L. Mondin and G. Salvi (eds) Latin et langues romanes. Etudes linguistiques offertes à József Herman à l’occasion de son 80ème anniversaire. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 431-40.


'Accommodating synonymy. How some Italo-Romance verbs react to lexical and morphological borrowings'. Rethinking Languages in Contact: the case of Italian ed. A.Tosi and A-L. Lepschy, 87-98.

Oxford: Legenda. ‘On Romanian imperatives’. Philologica Jassyensia 2:47-59


‘La linguistica romanza alla ricerca dell’arbitrario’. Actes du XXIVe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes. II ed. D. Trotter, 506-518.

Tübingen: Niemeyer. ‘On the morphology of Italo-Romance imperatives’, in Bentley, Delia and Ledgeway, Adam (eds.) Sui dialetti italoromanzi: saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent. Norfolk: Biddles, pp. 148-64.

‘Despre -te și -t(u): cu privire la istoria unor desinențe de persoana a doua plural în limbile romanice estice.’ In S. Reinheimer Rîpeanu and I. Vintilă Rădulescu (eds), Limba română, limba romanică. Omagiu acad. Marius Sala în împlinirea a 75 de ani. Bucharest: Editura Acedmiei, pp. 303-11.

'Despre unele elemente «goale» în sistemul morfologic al limbii române normate și al graiurilor românești'. Dacoromania 11/12:179-86.


'Lexical nonsense and morphological sense. On the real importance of "folk etymology" and related phenomena for historical linguists', in Eythórsson, Thórhallur (ed.) Grammatical Change and Linguistic Theory. The Rosendal Papers. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 307-28.

'Effects of word-formation processes in Italian. Reflections on Maria Grossmann and Franz Rainer (eds) 2004. La formazione delle parole in italiano. Tübingen: Niemeyer'. Italian Journal of Linguistics 20: 375-400.


‘On the morphologization of some phonetic processes in the Oltenian Verb’, in Sanda Reinheimer Râpeanu (a c. di), Studia linguistica in honorem Mariae Manoliu. Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 175-85.

‘On number syncretism in Romanian third person verb forms’. In Fernando Sánchez Miret (ed. ) Romanística sin complejos. Homenaje a Carmen Pensado. Bern: Lang, 381-407.

‘Un capitolo di morfologia storica del romeno: preterito e tempi affini’. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 125:273-309.

‘Where does heteroclisis come from? Evidence from Romanian dialects’. Morphology 19:59-86.

'From pure phonology to pure morphology. The reshaping of the Romance verb'. Recherches de linguistique de Vincennes 38:45-82.

'Osservazioni sul futuro dalmatico (e guascone)'. Bollettino linguistico campano [2007] 11/12:1-19.2010




À la recherche de l’arbitraire dans la morphologie diachronique et comparative du verbe roman: syncrétisme et supplétisme verbaux. In M. Iliescu, H. Siller-Runggaldier, & P. Danler (eds), XXVe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 311-20. (Goldbach/Hinzelin/Maiden/O'Neill/Smith)

‘On morphomic defectiveness: evidence from the Romance languages of the Iberian peninsula’. In M. Baerman (ed.) Defective Paradigms. Londra: British Academy/OUP, pp. 103-24. (with P. O'Neill)

'Imperative morphology in diachrony: evidence from Romance languages'. In M. Dufresne, F. Dupuis and E. Vocaj (eds) Historical Linguistics 2007. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 99-108. ( with P. O'Neill and A. Swearingen)

'Italian's long-lost sister: the Romanian language and why Italianists should know about it', in De Gasperin, V. (ed.), Ciò che la nostra lingua potea. Lectures and Essays in Memory of Clara Florio Cooper. The Italianist 30:29-43.

'Riflessioni comparative e storiche sulla sorte del congiuntivo presente nelle varietà italoromanze'. In Ruffino, Giovanni and D’Agostino, Mari (eds), Storia della lingua italiana e dialettologia. Palermo: Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, pp. 129–49.




 (edited with Smith, J. C. and Ledgeway, A.) The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages I Structures. Cambridge: CUP.

‘Morphological persistence’, in A. Ledgeway, M. Maiden, JC Smith (eds), 155-215.

‘Morphophonological innovation’, in A. Ledgeway, M. Maiden, JC Smith (eds), 216-267.

'Allomorphy, autonomous morphology and phonological conditioning in the history of the Daco-Romance present and subjunctive’, Transactions of the Philological Society 109:59-91.

(edited with John Charles Smith, Maria Goldbach and Marc-Olivier Hinzelin) Morphological Autonomy. Perspectives from Romance Inflectional Morphology. Oxford: OUP.

'Morphomes and "stress-conditioned allomorphy" in Romansh.' In Maiden, Smith, Goldbach, Hinzelin (eds), 36-50.

'Instabilità e variazione dialettale nella storia di un verbo trascurato: dovere nelle varietà italoromanze e "retoromanze"', in Marcato, G. (ed.) Le nuove forme del dialetto. Padua: Unipress, 97-104

'Suppléance romanche, hétéroclise roumaine, défectivité ibéroromane: trois manifestations de la «morphologie profonde» du verbe roman'. Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 19:63-77.



'Supin şi participiu trecut în morfologia istorică a limbii române', in Zafiu, Rodica, Dragomirescu, Adina, AND Nicolae, Alexandru (eds) Limba română. Direcţii actuale în cercetarea lingvistică. I. Bucarest: Editura Universităţii, pp. 11-18.

'A paradox? The morphological history of the Romance present subjunctive', in Gaglia, Sascha and Hinzelin, Marc-Olivier (eds.) Inflection and Word Formation in Romance Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 27-54.

'Il participio passato nella storia delle lingue romanze (e soprattutto del romeno). Un problema di morfologia "autonoma"’  In E. Ahlstedt et al. (eds) Actes du XVIIIe congrès des romanistes scandinaves /Actas del  XVIII congreso de romanistas escandinavos. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 514-26.




(in capacity of consultant editor) The Grammar of Romanian (G. Pană Dindelegan et al.). Oxford: OUP.

(edited with Smith, J. C. and Ledgeway, A.) The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages II Contexts. Cambridge: CUP.

(edited with Silvio Cruschina and John Charles Smith) The Boundaries of Pure Morphology. Oxford: OUP.

‘Semi-autonomous morphology: a problem in the history of the Italian (and Romanian) verb’, in Cruschina et al. (above)

‘The Latin “third stem” and its Romance descendants’. Diachronica 30:492-530.




'Le rôle de la synonymie lexicale dans la formation du pluriel flexionnel en daco-roman'. Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 22:35-50.

'Morfologia flexionară a pluralului românesc și așa-zisul "neutru" în limba română și în graiurile românești'. In Sala, Marius, Stanciu Istrate, Maria, and Petuhov, Nicoleta (eds) Lucrările celui de-al cincilea Simpozion internațional de lingvistică. București, 27-28 septembrie 2013. Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic Gold, 32-45.

‘The plural type cărnuri and the morphological structure of the Romanian feminine noun in diachrony’. In Pană Dindelegan, Gabriela, Zafiu, Rodica, Dragomirescu, Adina, Nicula, Irina, Nicolae, Alexandru and Esher, Louise (eds), Diachronic Variation in Romanian. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 33-54.

'Two suppletive adjectives in Megleno-Romanian'. Revue romane 49:32-51.

(with JC Smith) 'Glimpsing the future. Some rare anomalies in the history of the Italo-Romance and Gallo-Romance future and conditional stem, and what they suggest about paradigm structure.' In P. Benincà, A. Ledgeway, and N. Vincent (eds.), Diachrony and Dialects.  Grammatical Change in the Dialects of Italy.  Oxford: OUP,  116-30.




‘Le roumain : présentation grammaticale.’ Lalies 35:9-88.




(edited with A. Ledgeway) The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: OUP.

'Romanian, Istro-Romanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Aromanian'. In above, 91-125.

'Dalmatian'. In above, 126-38.

'Diphthongization'. In above, 647-57.

'Inflectional morphology'. In above, 497-512.

'Number'. In above, 697-707.

'Morphomes'. In above, 708-21.

'Some lessons from history. Morphomes in diachrony'. In Luís, Ana and Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo (2016). The Morphome Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 33-63.

'Italo-Romance metaphony and the Tuscan diphthongs'. Transactions of the Philological Society 114:198-232.

'The Romanian alternating gender in diachrony and synchrony'. Folia Linguistica Historica. DOI 10.1515/flih-2016-0004

'Ambiguity in Romanian word-structure. The structure of plurals in …uri'. Revue roumaine de linguistique 61:3-12.

'Segmentarea cuvintelor în teoria morfologică și problema pluralelor românești în ..uri'. In Constantinescu, V., Dragomirescu, A., Nicolae, A., Stoica, G., and Zafiu, R. (eds) Perspective comparative și diacronice asupra limbii române. Bucharest: Editura Universității di București, 11-17.



'Cu privire la geneza vocalelor tematice în sistemul verbal dacoromanic'. In Dragomirescu, A., Nicolae, A., Stan, C. & Zafiu, R. (eds), Sintaxa ca mod de a fi. Omagiu Gabrielei Pană Dindelegan, la aniversare. Bucharest: Editura Universității din București, 247-54.

'Il futuro della linguistica romanza. Intervista a Martin Maiden'. Lingua italiana 2017, 145-57.

'Romansh allomorphy (again!)'. In Claire Bowern, Laurence Horn & Raffaella Zanuttini (eds.), On looking into words (and beyond). Berlin: Language Science Press, 189-211.



‘New thoughts on an old puzzle. The Italian alternation type dissi, dicesti, feci, facesti, etc’. Revue romane 52 10.1075/rro.16007.mai

The Romance Verb. Morphomic Structures and Diachrony. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

‘Romanian iotacization and the morphology of second person singular verb-forms. The type (tu) vii, (tu) rămâi.Revue roumaine de linguistqiue 63:325-40.



Maiden, M. ‘Alberto Varvaro e la storia “interna” delle lingue romanze’. In Minervini, L. (ed.) Filologia letteratura e linguistica di Alberto Varvaro: atti delle giornate di studio. Padua: Antenore, 101-16.

Maiden, M. ‘Familia flexionară mamă/mumă ~ mămâni/mumâni, tată ~ tătâni, frate ~ frățâni / frățini și locul ei în istoria sistemului cazual românesc’. In Pană Dindelegan, G., Boioc Apintei, A., & Croitor, B. (eds), Variație diacronică și diatopică. Note gramaticale. Bucharest: Editura Universității din București, 99-112.

‘A note on the inflexional morphology of the Vegliote Dalmatian masculine plural’. Philologica Jassyensia, 29:81-88.



Variation and Change in Gallo-Romance Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press (edited with Sam Wolfe)

‘The verbs “rain” and “snow” in Gallo-Romance, and other morphological mismatches in diachrony’. In Variation and Change in Gallo-Romance Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 385-401.

‘Folk etymology and contamination in the Romance languages’. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press.

‘Opening the Romance verbal inflection dataset 2.0: a CLDF lexicon’. In Calzolari, N. (et al., eds) Proceedings of the twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (with Beniamine, S. and Round, E.)



The Oxford History of Romanian Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press [co-authored with with G. Pană Dindelegan, A. Dragomirescu, O. Uță Bărbulescu, R. Zafiu]

'Establishing contact: Slavonic influence on Romanian morphology?', Journal of Language Contact 14:24-52

Cât de „slavă” este morfologia flexionară a limbii române?’ Studii și cercetări lingvistice 71:24-34

'The morphome’. Annual Review of Linguistics 7:89-108.

‘Un problema trascurato di morfologia storica: la terza persona plurale del presente  indicativo nell’italoromanzo’. In Tra etimologia romanza e dialettologia. Studi in onore di Franco Fanciullo. Ed. P. del Puente, F. Guazzelli, L. Molinu, S. Pisano. Alessandria: dell’Orso, 245-59

‘Dalmatian (Vegliote)’. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press.

'Finite verb morphology in the Romance languages' Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics (with L. Esher and F. Floricic)

‘La Grammatica dell’italiano antico: riflessioni di un morfologo (nonché di un romenista)’. In A. Alveose (ed.) Lorenzo Renzi Come cambia il mondo. Storie di lingue, testi e uomini. Bologna: il Mulino.

‘Introduzione’. Gerhard Rohlfs. Grammatica storica della lingua italiana e dei suoi dialetti. II Morfologia. Bologna: il Mulino, xv-xxxiv.

O gramatică a limbii române altfel. Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic (as consultant editor, with G. Pană Dindelegan)

‘Inferenza interlinguistica e intercomprensione nella Romània: sul ruolo della morfologia flessiva’. In Schøsler, L. and Härmä, J. (eds), Actes du XXIXe Congrès internationalde linguistique et de philologie romanes, Strasbourg: Editions de linguistique et de philologie, 1443-1454. (with C. Cappellaro)

‘Not as “foreign” as you think. Creating bridges of understanding across languages’ (with A. Lahiri and C. Cappellaro). In K. Kohl (et al. eds). Creative Multilingualism : a manifesto. Cambridge : Open Book Publishers <>;.

‘How “foreign” are foreign languages?’. Linguamania podcast with C. Cappellaro, S. Kotzor, I. Aizawa.

‘Lingvistica istorică romanică și efectele înșelătoare ale unor prejudecăți care favorizează limbile standard. Două exemple din istoria limbii române’ Questiones romanicae 9:18-28 DOI: 10.35923/QR.09.01.01



‘Latin fieri in the early Daco-Romance verb “to be”. On the methodology of historical reconstruction’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 138:317-39.

The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ed. with A. Ledgeway)

'Data, theory, and explanation: the view from Romance'. In The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (with A. Ledgeway), 1-94.

'Suppletion'. In The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (with A.-M. Thornton), 371-399.

‘The sigmatic subjunctive in north-eastern Lombard dialects: an explanation?’. University of Oxford ms.



'Trends in noun plural formation in Istro-Romanian'. Revue roumaine de linguistique 67:187-208 (with O. Uță)

‘Where contact counts: Croatian influence on the numeral system of Istro-Romanian’. Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online. Berlin/Boston: Mouton De Gruyter.  (with O. Uță)

‘Plural formation in Istro-Romanian numeral quantifier phrases: inflexional calquing from Croatian?’. Isogloss 9:1-26. (with O. Uță)

‘Why urzică and not **urțică. A prickly problem of Romanian historical etymology.’ In Dragomirescu, A., Mîrzea Vasile, C., Moroianu, C., Nedelcu, I, and Vasilescu. A. (eds) Rodica Zafiu Lingvistă, profesoară, colegă, prietenă. Bucharest: Editura Universității din București, 501-510.



‘The long history of a syncretism in Italo-Romance and Ladin verb morphology’. Ricerche linguistiche 1:169-197

'Morphomic structures in the brain. Evidence from Italian' (with A. Cappellaro, N. Dumrukcic, I. Fritz). Morphology