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M.A., D.Phil.

Emeritus Professor

Address: Pech, F-47300 Ste Colombe de Villeneuve


Nigel Griffin works on medieval and early modern Spanish history, linguistics, and literature. He has published on the literature and the religious history of sixteenth-century and seventeenth-century Europe and edited Spanish and Portuguese works for Penguin Classics. He continues to write and translate and is founder editor (with Oliver Noble Wood) of PEGASO.


Editor, with O. Noble Wood, A poet for all seasons: Eight commentaries on Góngora (New York: Hispanic Society of America, 2013, viii+ 320 pp); also Preface vii-viii, Indexes and bibliography 245-320

'En roscas de cristal serpiente breve (1611?): Image, colour, and meaning', in A poet for all seasons: Eight commentaries on Góngora, ed. Noble Wood & Griffin (New York: Hispanic Society of America, 2013) 47-96

Translator, María Jesús González, Raymond Carr: The curiosity of the fox (Brighton, etc: Sussex Academic Press & Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies, 2013, xxxii + 509 pp.)

Review, Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz, the last scholastic polymath, ed. Petr Dvorák & Jacob Schmutz (Prague: Filosofia, 2008, 421pp.), Bulletin of Spanish Studies (Glasgow) 88 (2011) 113-15

Editor, Clive Willis, Camões, Prince of Poets (Bristol: HiPLAM, 2010 [2011]. viii + 318pp.); also

References, Index, and Bibliography, 274-318

'Luis de Góngora (1561-1627), "De pura honestidad templo sagrado" (1582)', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 86 (2009 = Ars Eloquentiae: Studies on Early Modern poetry and art in honour of Terence O'Reilly, ed. Barry Taylor & Isabel Torres) 839-51

'Enigmas, riddles, and emblems in early Jesuit colleges', in Mosaics of meaning: Studies in Portuguese emblematics, ed. Luís Gomes, Glasgow Emblem Studies 13 (Glasgow: Glasgow

University Press, 2008 [2009]) 21-39

'Francisco de Quevedo, 'Los borrachos', in Spanish ballads of the Golden Age, ed. Griffin & others, Colección Tamesis A264 (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2008) 134-74

Editor, with Clive Griffin, Eric Southworth, & Colin Thompson, The Spanish ballad in the Golden Age, Colección Tamesis A264 (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2008, xviii + 263 pp.); also Bibliography and Index 222-63

'Sir Peter Russell: Oxford's inspirational man of Iberian letters', The Guardian, 22 August 2006

' ''I spy strangers'' : Jesuit plays and their travels', in Teatro neoloatino em Portugal no contexto da Europa: 450 anos de Diogo de Teive, ed. Sebastião Tavares de Pinho (Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra, 2006) 9-20

Founding editor and Director (1991-97), CATHIS (Catálogo Hispánico del Noroeste de Inglaterra) (Manchester: Cañada Blanch Foundation, 2006)

Bibliography and Index, Reforming Catholicism in the England of Mary Tudor: The achievement of Bartolomé Carranza, ed. John Edwards & Ronald Truman (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005) 207-35

Consultant, A catalogue of books printed in the fifteenth century now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, ed. Alan Coates and others, 6 vols (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005. 2160 pp.)

'Publications of Ian Michael', in The Iberian book and its readers, ed. Griffin and others (Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2004) xiii–xx

Editor, with Clive Griffin & Eric Southworth, The Iberian book and its readers, BSS special number 81/vii-viii  (Glasgow: University of Glasgow & Oxford: Carfax, 2004, xx + 353 pp.), also Bibliography and Index 1151-1202

Translator, Land use, land use change, and forestry (Geneva: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2004, 60 pp.)

'Optamus felicitatem per multos annos', in A magyar színjátek honi és európai gyökerei: Tanulmányok Kilián István tiszteletére, ed. Júlia Demeter, A Régi Magyar Színház: Sorozat Második Kötete (Miskolc: University Press, 2003) 6-9

Translator, with others, Éva Knapp & Gábor Tüksés, Emblematics in Hungary : A study of the history of symbolic representation in Renaissance and Baroque literature, Fruhe Neuzeit (Tübingen. Max Niemeyer. 2003. viii + 322 pp)

Translator, Cambio climático y biodiversidad, Documento técnico V (Geneva: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2002, 93 pp.)

Translator, Les changements climatiques et la biodiversité, Document technique V du GIEC (Geneva: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2002, 89 pp.)

Translator, Bilan 2001 des changements climatiques: Rapport de synthèse (Geneva: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,  2002, 147 pp.)

Translator, Cambio climático 2001: Síntesis del informe (Geneva: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2002, 147 pp.)

Editor, with Clive Griffin, Eric Southworth, & Colin Thompson, Culture and society in Habsburg Spain: Studies presented to R. W. Truman by his pupils and colleagues, Colección Tamesis A190 (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2001, viii + 242 pp.); also Bibliography and Index 201-42

Editor, Robert Pring-Mill, Calderón de la Barca: Estructura y ejemplaridad, Colección Tamesis A190 (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2001, 224 pp.); also Prologue 9-11, Bibliography and Index 207-23

Bibliography and Index, Spanish poetry of the Golden Age: Proceedings of a colloquium at University College Cork , ed. Stephen Boyd & Jo Richardson, Manchester Spanish & Portuguese Studies 11 (Manchester: Department of Spanish & Portuguese, 2001) 187-216

'Többnyelvűsék a korai jezsuita színpadon', in A magyar színház szültése: Az 1997. évi egri konferencia elõadásai, ed. Júlia Demeter, A Régi Magyar Színház 1 (Miskolc: Miskolci Egyetem Kiadó, 2000) 271-90

Translator, Voluntarily negotiated land reform in Colombia: Planning and operating manual (Washington: World Bank, 1999, 80 pp.)

Editor, Maintaining military readiness by phasing out ODS (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1999, 64 pp.)

Translator, Michael Richards, Internalizando las externalidades de la forestación tropical: Estudio de los mecanismos innovadores de financiación e incentivación, European Union Tropical Forestry Paper 1 (London: Overseas Development Institute, 1999, 38 pp.)

Editor & translator, Las Casas on Columbus: Background and the second and fourth voyages, Repertorium Columbianum 7 (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1999, xii + 494 pp.)

Translator, Éva Knapp, ‘The Sopron Collection of Jesuit stage designs’, in The Sopron Collection of Jesuit stage designs (Budapest: Enciklopedia, 1999, 292 pp.) 25–71

Translator, Terezia Bardi, ‘Iconography’, in The Sopron Collection of Jesuit stage designs (Budapest: Enciklopedia, 1999, 292 pp.) 79–292

Translator, TIE Division, Activities report (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1999)

'Bibliografía', in Disfraces de Ariosto (‘Orlando furioso’ en las narraciones de ‘El Crotalón’), ed. Ana Vian Herrero, Manchester Spanish & Portuguese Studies 7 (Manchester: Department of Spanish & Portuguese, 1998) 105-11

'Memoir: A. Gordon Kinder (1927-1997)', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 75 (1998) 279-94

Translator, István Kilián, Old Hungarian pattern poetry, Vizuális Költészet Magyarországon 1 (Miskolc & Budapest: Felsömagyarország Kiadó, 1998, 381 pp.)

Editor, World links for development: Opening a world of learning (Washington: World Bank, 1998, 60 pp.)

Editor, Eça de Queiros, The Maias, Penguin Modern Classics (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998, xi + 633 pp.)

Translator, Combatting desertification and drought (Geneva: Swiss Department of the Environment, 1997)

'Plautus castigatus: Róma, Portugália és a Jezsuita drámaszövegek', in Barokk színház—Barokk dráma: Az 1994. évi egri iskoladráma és barokk cimú konferencia elóadási, ed. Márta-Zsuzsanna Pintér (Debrecen: Ethnica Kiadás, 1997) 44-61

'Bibliografía', in Los sonetos de Francisco de la Torre, ed. Soledad Pérez Abadín, Manchester Spanish & Portuguese Studies (Manchester: Department of Spanish & Portuguese, 1997) 203-24

Bibliography and Index, Hers ancient and modern, ed. Catherine Davies & Jane Whetnall, Manchester Spanish & Portuguese Studies (Manchester: Department of Spanish & Portuguese, 1997) 131-47

Review, Juan Moreno Uclés, Catálogo de incunables e impresos (siglos XVI al XVIII), S.I. Catedral de Baeza, Bibliografías y catálogos 12 (Kassel : Reichenberger, 1993, xii + 396pp.), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 74 (1977) 123

Review, Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá, Historia de la Nueva México, 1610, tr. & ed. Miguel Encinas & others, Pasó por Aquí 1 (Albuquerque : Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1992, xliv + 368pp.), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 74 (1997) 124–25

Review, Janet Sloss, Richard Kane, Governor of Minorca (Bagpath : Bonaventura Press, xii + 340pp), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 74 (1997) 251–52

'Obituary: Giovanni Pontiero', The Independent, 11 March 1996

Translator, El agotamiento de la capa de ozono: Plan de concienciación en cinco etapas (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1996)

Translator, Salvar la capa de ozono: Cada acción cuenta (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1996)

Translator, Fonctionnement et entretien (Oxford: Rogan Raydel, 1996)

'Giovanni Pontiero (1932–1996) ', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Glasgow) 73 (1996) 205–09

Review, István Kilián, A Magyarországi Piarista Iskolai Színjátszás Forrásai és Irodalma 1799-ig : Fontes Ludorum Scenicorum in Gymnasiis Collegiisque Scholarum Piarum Hungariae, A Magyarországi Iskolai Színjátszás Forrásai es Irodalma (Budapest : Argumentum Kiadó, 1994, 772 pp.), Modern Language Review (London) 91 (1996) 540–41

Translator, ActionOzone 14-36 (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1995-2000)

Editor & translator, AcciónOzono 14-36 (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1995-2000)

Translator, Control de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono (Paris: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 1995)

Editor & translator, Exploración y producción de petróleo y gas en los manglares (Gland, Switzerland: Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza, 1995, viii + 51 pp.)

Translator, Tecnología en materiales para el control de la corrosión (Manchester: Capcis, 1995)

Translator, J. Sánchez Asiain, European anxieties: Reflections, suggestions, and Utopias: Inaugural address (Barcelona: Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras, 1995, 48 pp.)

'Italy, Portugal, and the early years of the Society of Jesus', in Portuguese, Brazilian & African studies presented to Clive Willis on his retirement, ed. Griffin & Earle (Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1995) 133-49

Editor, with T.F. Earle, Portuguese, Brazilian, and African studies presented to Clive Willis on his retirement (Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1995, xix + 416 pp.)

'Plautus castigatus: The Society of Jesus and classical drama', in I Gesuiti e i primordi del teatro barocco in Europa, ed. F. Doglio & M. Chiabò (Rome: Centro Studi sul Teatro Medioevale e Rinascimentale, 1995) 257-86

'Jesuit drama : A guide to the literature', in I Gesuiti e i primordi del teatro barocco in Europa, ed. F. Doglio & M. Chiabò (Rome: Centro Studi sul Teatro Medioevale e Rinascimentale, 1995) 465-96

Translator, Irena Kadulska, ‘The persistence of the Baroque in the Polish Jesuit theatre of the eighteenth century’, in I Gesuiti e i primordi del teatro barocco in Europa, ed. F. Doglio & M. Chiabò (Rome : Centro Studi sul Teatro Medioevale e Ruinascimentale, 1995) 311–30

Translator, Proteger la capa de ozono, IV : Halones (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1994)

Translator, Protéger la couche d’ozone, II : Solvants, revêtements et adhésifs (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1994)

Translator, Proteger la capa de ozono, II : Disolventes, revestimientos y adhesivos (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1994)

Translator, Proteger la capa de ozono, III : Sustancias extintoras (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1994)

Translator, Boletín APELL (Paris : United Nations Environment Programme, 1994)

With Eric Southworth, 'R.D.F. Pring-Mill: A bibliography of his writings', in The discerning eye: Studies presented to R.D.F. Pring-Mill on his 70th birthday , ed. Griffin & others (Oxford: Dolphin, 1994) xv–xxxviii

'Some performance constants in Calderón’s El médico de su honra', in The discerning eye: Studies presented to R.D.F. Pring-Mill on his 70th birthday, ed. Griffin & others (Oxford: Dolphin, 1994) 95-116

Editor, with Clive Griffin, Eric Southworth, & Colin Thompson, The discerning eye: Studies presented to R.D.F. Pring-Mill on his 70th birthday (Oxford: Dolphin, 1994, xxxviii + 230 pp.)

Translator, Blocks and tackles (Manchester: Capcis, 1994)

Translator, La garrapata tropical del Caribe (Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 1993)

Translator, Protéger la couche d’ozone, I : Frigorigènes (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1993)

Translator, Proteger la capa de ozono, I : Frigorígenos (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1993)

Translator, Proteger la capa de ozono, V : Aerosoles, esterizilantes, tetracloruro de carbono y usos varios (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1993)

Editor & translator, Bartolomé de las Casas, A short account of the destruction of the Indies, Penguin Classics (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992, xliv + 144 pp.)

Editor & translator, Cálculo del coste: Evaluación de opciones para limitar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1992)

Translator, Boletín del CAP-IMA de las Naciones Unidas (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1992)

Translator, Audit de la Terre: L'environnement mondial 1972–1992 (Rio de Janeiro: United Nations Environment Programme, 1992)

Translator, Inventario del planeta: El medio ambiente mundial 1972–1992 (Rio de Janeiro: United Nations Environment Programme, 1992)

Translator, Exame à Terra: O meio-ambiente mundial 1972–1991: E agora, para onde? (Rio de Janeiro: United Nations Environment Programme, 1992)

Translator, Produire plus propre 3-5 (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1991-92)

Translator, The centre of France (Bourges: Mairie de Bourges, 1991, 60 pp.)

Translator, Rapport d’activités du CAP-IE de l’ONU 1991 (Paris: United Nations Environment Programme, 1991)

Translator, Research in the Saint-Gobain Group (Paris: Les Miroirs, 1991)

Translator, CEE Tractor Regulations 1991 (Paris: Communauté Européenne, 1991)

Review, Enríquez Gómez, La presumida y la hermosa (Brians or Beauty), ed. Glen F. Dille (San Antonio, Texas : Trinity Univ. Press, 1988, viii + 232 pp.) and Glen F. Dille, Antonio Enríquez Gómez, TWAS 803 (Boston : Twayne, 1988), Modern Language Review (London) 86 (1991) 763–65

Translator,  Nuestro planeta 2-5 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1990-93)

Translator, Notre planète 2-5 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1990-93)

Translator, GRID: Base de datos sobre recursos mundiales (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1990)

Translator, GRID: Base de données sur les ressources mondiales (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1990)

Translator, GEMS: Système mondial de surveillance continue de l’environnement (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1990)

Translator, GEMS: Sistema mundial de vigilancia del medio ambiente (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1990)

Review, with R. Clive Willis, J.S. Cummins, Jesuit and friar in the Spanish expansion to the East, Variorum Collected Studies Series 237 (London : Variorum Reprints, 1986), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 67 (1990)

Review, Louis C. Pérez, The dramatic works of Feliciana Enríquez de Guzmán, Ediciones Hispanófila 38 (Valencia : Albatros, 1988), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 67 (1990) 423

Review, Códice de autos viejos : Selección, ed. Miguel Angel Pérez Priego, Clásicos Castalia 173 (Madrid : Castalia, 1988), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 67 (1990) 416

Translator, Primrose Bordier: A passion for justice (Paris: AB, 1990)

Spanish incunables in the John Rylands Library Manchester (Manchester: John Rylands Library of Manchester, 1989, [iv] + 142 pp.)

Review, Gabriel Lobo Lasso de la Vega, Tragedia de Dido restaurada, ed. Alfredo Hermenegildo, Teatro del Siglo de Oro : Ediciones Críticas 10 (Kassel : Reichenberger, 1986), Modern Language Review (London) 84 (1989) 500–01

Review, Juan de Zabaleta, La honra vive en los muertos, ed. Ana Elejabeitia, Teatro del Siglo de Oro : Ediciones Críticas 11 (Kassel : Reichenberger, 1986), Modern Language Review (London) 84 (1989) 761–62

Translator, Janet Sloss, 'Richard Kane en el Nuevo Mundo', Revista de Menorca , 7th s. 80 (Palma de Mallorca, 1988) 513-46

'Spanish incunables in the John Rylands Library Manchester', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library (Manchester) 70 (1988) 1-142

Translator, Industria y medio ambiente, Dossier ambiental 7 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1988)

Translator, Bosques, árboles y gente (Roma: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 1988)

Translator, Convenio sobre el comercio internacional de especies amenazadas de fauna y flora silvestres (CITES) (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1988)

Translator, Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d’extinction (CITES) (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1988)

Translator, Restableciendo el equilibrio: Las mujeres y los recursos forestales (Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 1988)

Translator, Rétablir l’equilibre: Les femmes et les ressources de la forêt (Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 1988)

Review, Andrés de Claramonte, Deste agua no beberé and Púsoseme el sol, salióme la luna, ed. Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez, 2 vols, Teatro del Siglo de Oro : Ediciones Críticas 5 and 8 (Kassel : Reichenberger, 1984 and 1985), Modern Language Review (London) 83 (1988) 220–23

Translator, Llivia and its Municipal Museum (Barcelona : Ajuntament de Llivia, 1988)

Translator, Limpiar los mares, Dossier ambiental 5 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, Cuidar el agua, Dossier ambiental 6 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, La cambiante atmósfera, Dossier ambiental 1 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, Las arenas en cambio, Dossier ambiental 4 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, Los bosques desaparecen, Dossier ambiental 3 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, Nettoyer les mers , Dossier environnemental 5 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, Sauvegarder l’eau du monde, Dossier environnemental 6 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, Les produits chimiques dangereux, Dossier environnemental 2 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, L’atmosphère en mutation, Dossier environnemental 1 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, La lutte contre la désertification, Dossier environnemental 4 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Translator, La disparition des forêts, Dossier environnemental 3 (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1987)

Review, Juan del Encina, Obras completas, ed. Ana María Rambaldo, vol. iv, Clásicos Castellanos 227 (Madrid : Espasa-Calpe, 1983), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 63 (1987) 386

Review, Gabriel Lobo Lasso de la Vega, Tragedia de la destruyción de Constantinopla, ed. Alfredo Hermenegildo, Teatro del Siglo de Oro : Ediciones críticas 2 (Kassel : Reichenberger, 1983), Modern Language Review (London) 82 (1987) 503–05

Review, Henryk Ziomek, A history of Golden-Age drama, Studies in Romance Languages 29 (Lexington, Kentucky : University of Kentucky Press, 1984), Modern Language Review (London) 82 (1987) 996–98

Review, Juan de Zabaleta, El día de fiesta por la mañana y por la tarde, ed. Cristóbal Cuevas García, Clásicos Castalia 130 (Madrid : Castalia, 1983, 492 pp.), Modern Language Review (London) 82 (1987) 1003–06

Review, Maria de Fátima Viegas Brauer-Figuereido (ed.), António Vieiras Rochuspredigt : Kritischer Texte und Kommentar, Portugiesische Forschungen der Görres-Gesellschaft, Vieira-Texte und Vieira-Studien 7 (Münster : Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1983), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 63 (1986) 300–01

Jesuit school drama: A checklist of critical literature, Supplement 1, Research Bibliographies and Checklists (London: Grant & Cutler, 1985, 218 pp.)

Review, with Peter Skrine, Jean-Marie Valentin, Le théâtre des jésuites dans les pays de langue allemande : Répertoire chronologique des pièces représentées et des documents conservés (1555–1773), 2 vols, Hiersemanns Bibliographische Handbücher 3/i-ii (Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1983-84), and Elida Maria Szarota, Das Jesuitendrama im deutschen Sprachgebiet : Eine Periochen-Edition, 4 vols, vols i–iii (Munich : Fink, 1979-83), Modern Language Review (London) 80 (1985) 981–86

Translator, Nicaragua and the Contras, ITV World in Action, 1985

'Lewin Brecht, Miguel Venegas, and the school drama: Some further observations', Humanitas 25/26 (1984) 19-86

Review, with Peter Skrine, Ruprecht Wimmer, Jesuitentheater : Didaktik und Fest : Das Exemplum des ägyptischen Joseph auf den deutschen Bühnen der Gesellschaft Jesu (Frankfurt : Klostermann, 1982), Modern Language Review (London) 79 (1984) 978–79

Virtue versus letters: The Society of Jesus 1550-1580 and the export of an idea, European University Institute Monographs (Florence: EUI, 1984, 64 pp.)

Catalogue of an exhibition of Spanish and Portuguese manuscripts, printed books, and artefacts held in the John Rylands Library, Manchester, to coincide with the annual meeting of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (Manchester: University of Manchester Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies, 1983)

Review, Ronald E. Surtz (ed.), El libro del conorte (Barcelona : Puvill, 1982), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 60 (1983) 143–44

Review, Malcolm K. Read, Juan Huarte de San Juan, Twayne’s World Authors Series 619 (Boston : Twayne, 1981), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 60 (1983) 146–47

Review, Rudiger Hoffmann (editor), António Vieiras Rochuspredigt aus dem Restaurationsjahr 1642, Portugiesische Forschungen der Görres-Gesellschaft, Vieira-Texte und Vieira-Studien 6 (Münster : Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1981), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 61 (1983) 262–64.

Review, Agustín Redondo (ed.), L’humanisme dans les lettres espagnoles (Paris : J. Vrin, 1979), Modern Language Review (London) 78 (1983) 203–08

Review, Álvar Gómez de Castro : Sonetti, ed. Inoria Pepe Sarno, Biblioteca di Cultura 153 (Rome : Bulzoni, 1979), Modern Language Review (London) 78 (1983) 470–71

Review, Thomas R. Hart, Gil Vicente, Critical Guides to Spanish Texts 29 (London : Grant & Cutler, 1981), Modern Language Review (London) 78 (1983) 942–43

Review, John Lihani, Bartolomé de Torres Naharro, Twayne’s World Authors Series 522 (Boston : Twayne, 1979), Modern Language Review (London) 77 (1982) 475–77

'Moriscos and cristianos viejos in Granada', in Mediaeval & Renaissance studies on Spain & Portugal in honour of P.E. Russell, ed. F.W. Hodcroft and others (Oxford: SSMLL, 1981) 133-54

Translator, Noise and vibrations (Paris: Cemagref, 1980, 120 pp.)

Review, Sebastián de Horozco, Representaciones, ed. Fernando González Ollé, Clásicos Castalia 97 (Madrid : Castalia, 1979), Modern Language Review (London) 76 (1980) 721–22

'A Portuguese Jesuit play in seventeenth-century Cologne', in Studies in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century theater of the Iberian Peninsula, ed. Michael J. Ruggerio (New York: Folio, 1980) 46-69

Review, Sebastián de Horozco, Teatro, ed. Oleh Mazur (Madrid : Rocana, 1977), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 56 (1979) 151–52

Review, Louise Fothergill-Payne, La alegoría en los autos y farsas de Calderón, Colección Támesis A 66 (London : Támesis, 1977), Modern Language Review (London) 74 (1979) 726–27

Review, Rainer Hess, El drama religoso somo comedia religiosa y profana, Estudios y Ensayos 252 (Madrid: Gredos, 1976), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 55 (1978) 147-58

Review, Henry W. Sullivan, Tirso de Molina and the drama of the Counter-Reformation (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1976), Modern Language Review (London) 73 (1978) 676-78

Two plays of Ahab : Miguel Venegas, ‘Tragoedia cui inditum Achabus’  and Anonymous, ‘Tragaedia Jezabelis’, Exeter Hispanic Texts 13 (Exeter: Exeter University Press, 1977, xvi + 172 pp.)

Review, José Simón Díaz, Jesuitas de los siglos XVI y XVII: Escritos localizados, Colección Espirituales Españoles C 2 (Madrid: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 1975), Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 54 (1977) 244-46

Review, Fraucke Gewecke, Thematische Untersuchungen zu dem vor-Calderonianischen ‘Auto sacramental’, Kölner Romanistische Arbeiten ns 42 (Geneva : Droz, 1974), Modern Language Review (London) 72 (1977) 220-22

Review, Luis A. Murillo, The golden dial: Temporal configuration in 'Don Quixote' (Oxford: Dolphin, 1975), Modern Language Review (London) 72 (1977) 473-75

Review, Robert L. Fiore, Drama and ethos : Natural-law ethics in Spanish Golden-Age theater (Lexington, Ky : University of Kentucky Press, 1975), Modern Language Review (London) 72 (1977) 974–76

Jesuit school drama, Research Bibliographies and Checklists 12 (London: Grant & Cutler, 1976, 54 pp.)

Review, Margarete Newels, Los géneros dramáticos en las poéticas del Siglo de Oro : Investigación preliminar al estudio de la teoría dramática en el Siglo de Oro, Colección Támesis A 35 (London : Támesis, 1974), Modern Language Review (London) 71 (1976) 444–45

'A curious document: Baltasar Loarte and the years 1554-1570', Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu (Rome) 45 (1976) 56-94

'El teatro de los jesuitas: Algunas sugerencias para su investigación', Filología Moderna (Madrid) 54 (1975) 407-13

'Miguel Venegas and the sixteenth-century Jesuit school theatre', Modern Language Review (London) 68 (1973) 795-806

'Some Jesuit theatre manuscripts', Humanitas (Coimbra) 23/24 (1973) 427-34

Translator, J. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, Spain under the Bourbons: A collection of documents, History in Depth (London: Macmillan, 1973, 295 pp.)