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Patrick McGuinness's main research interests include 19th, 20th and 21st century French literature, especially Poetry and Theatre; French and Belgian Symbolism; Belgian Literature in French and Comparative Literature; Anglo-American Modernism,  modern poetry in English and modern and contemporary French poetry. He also has an interest in translation and translation studies. He is working on a study of literature and noticing. A Legenda Selected Essays is in preparation.


French language and modern literature; comparative literature; modern theatre; modern British and American poetry; translation and translation studies.



Academic Books

Poetry and Radical Politics in fin de siècle France (Oxford University Press 2015; pb 2018)

Maurice Maeterlinck and the Making of Modern Theatre (Oxford University Press, 2000; 2004)


Edited Academic Books

Editor, with Charlie Louth, Gravity and Grace: Essays for Roger Pearson, Legenda 2019 

Editor, with Emily McLaughlin, The Made and the Found: Poetry and Prose for Michael Sheringham, Legenda, 2017

Editor, with Nathalie Aubert, Pierre-Philippe Fraiture, From Art Nouveau to Surrealism: Belgian Modernity in the Making (Legenda, 2007)

Editor, with Nathalie Aubert and Pierrre-Philippe Fraiture, La Belgique entre deux siècles: Laboratoire de la modernité, 1880-1914, Le Romantisme et après en France (Peter Lang, 2007)

Editor, Symbolism, Decadence and the fin de siècle: French and European Perspectives (University of Exeter Press, 2000)



Ghost Stations: Essays and Branchlines (CB editions) 2025


Fiction and other prose

Real Oxford (Seren), 2021 (topography/history)

Throw me to the Wolves (Jonathan Cape, Bloomsbury US), 2019 (fiction)

Other People's Countries (Jonathan Cape), 2014 (memoir)

The Last Hundred Days, (Seren/Bloomsbury US), 2011 (fiction)



Blood Feather, Jonathan Cape, 2023

Il rumore che fanno le cose quando partono/The Noises Things Make When They Leave, trans. Giorgia Sensi, Sinopia, Venice, 2023

Déjà-vu: Poesie schelte vecchie et nuove, trans. Giorgia Sensi, Latiano, Interno Poesia, 2019

Five Poems, Clutag Press, 2016

Guide bleu, trans. Gilles Ortlieb, éditions Fario, 2015

Jilted City, Carcanet, 2010

19th Century Blues, The Poetry Business, 2006

The Canals of Mars, Carcanet, 2004




Gilles Ortlieb: Selected Poems, translated with Stephen Romer, Introduction by Sean O'Brien, Arc Publications, 2023

Jorge Manrique, Stanzas for the Death of his Father, Shearsman Classics, 2021. Introduction by Geraldine Hazbun

Hélène Dorion, Ravir. Les Lieux, Arc 2011

Mallarmé, For Anatole's Tomb, Carcanet 2004


Selected editions

The Penguin Book of French Short Stories. 2 Volumes. Penguin, 2022 (editor)

Zola, The Conquest of Plassans, trans. Helen Constantine, OUP World's Classics, 2014.

Lynette Roberts, Collected Poems (Carcanet, 2004)

Editor, Lynette Roberts, Diaries, Letters and Recollections (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 2008)


Editor, Maurice Maeterlinck, Le Trésor des humbles (Paris: Grasset, 2008)


J-K Huysmans, Against Nature/A Rebours, Penguin Classics (Penguin Books, 2003)

T.E.Hulme: Selected Writings, Carcanet Press, 1998 (New Edition/American edition, Routledge USA, 2003)

Editor, with Pierre Jourde, Alexandre Gefen, Marcel Schwob, Oeuvres (Les Belles Lettres, 2002)

‘Jacques Plowert [Paul Adam]’, Petit glossaire des auteurs décadents et symbolistes [1888], (Exeter: Exeter Textes littéraires, 1998) texte établi par Patrick McGuinness


Recent(ish) chapters, articles, reviews etc.

'City of Mirrors: Odilon-Jean Périer's Brussels', in Writing Brussels, eds Daniel Acke and Elisabeth Beekers, Brussels, VUB Press, 2025

'Lizards and Wooden Tongues: Translating Liviu Campanu', in CounterText (EUP), Spring 2025

'Language, Poetry and Rhetoric', A Cultural History of Ideas in the Age of Empire, eds Johnson and Rosenfeld, Bloomsbury, 2022, pp. 135-162

'Plastic Bertrand: Ça plane pour moi', One-Hit Wonders: An Oblique History of Popular Music, ed Sarah Hill, Bloomsbury, 2022

'Gilles Ortlieb, Etc', Europe, n. 115, 2022

'Valloton and fin-de-siècle France, Félix Vallotton: Painter of Disquiet, Royal Academy of Arts, 2019

 ‘Clifton Suspension Bridge’, in Ground Work, ed. Tim Dee (London: Jonathan Cape, 2018; paperback 2019)

'The Permissions of Translation', in Gravity and Grace  eds Louth and McGuinness, Legenda 2019

Gilles Ortlieb: L'Oetranger', Revue de Belles Lettres, 2018

‘Joan Murray’, London Review of Books, 20 December 2018

‘Their Mad Gallopade: Nancy Cunard’, London Review of Books, 25 January, 2018

'The Ear', Beneath the Skin: Writers on the Body (London: Profile Books/Wellcome Trust) and BBC Radio Three, 2018

‘Diary: Railway Poetry’, London Review of Books, 2 November 2017

'Orhan Pamuk et le musée imaginaire’, Cahiers de l’Herne, ed. Sophie Basch, 2017

'Paul de Roux Between Made and Found' in The Made and the Found: Essays, Prose and Poetry in Honour of Michale Sheringham,   eds McGuinness and McLaughlin

‘Bruxelles: essai sur la mélancolie’, Théodore Balmoral, Autumn 2016

‘Politique du symbolisme’, Communications 99, Démocratie et littérature. Seuil, 2016

‘On the Double’, Poetry Ireland Review, no. 116, September 2015, W.B. Yeats    Special Issue 

‘Meat and Mattresses: Rosemary Tonks’, London Review of Books, 1 July 2015

‘T.E. Hulme’s Ways of Seeing’, Times Literary Supplement, November 2014

‘La NRF et l’Angleterre’, La Nouvelle revue française, ed Alban Cerisier (Paris: Gallimard, 2013)

'French Symbolism’, The Cambridge History of French Literature, eds Burgwinkle, Hammond and Wilson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010)

‘Mallarmé and the Poetics of Explosion’, MLN, 2009

‘Belgian Symbolism and the question of a national literature’, in Aubert, Fraiture, McGuinness, From Art nouveau to Surrealism in Belgium (Oxford: Legenda, 2007)

Maeterlinck’s Serres chaudes and the Decadent micro-climate, in Aubert, Fraiture, McGuinness, La Belgique entre deux siècles (Oxford and Bern: Peter Lang, 2007)

‘Edward Thomas: Poetry’s Tenses’, in Lucy Newlyn and Guy Cuthbertson, Branch Lines: Edward Thomas and Contemporary Poetry (London: Enitharmon,2007)

‘Imagism’, The Blackwell Companion to Modernism, eds David Bradshaw and   Kevin Dettmar, (Oxford: Blackwell, 2005)

‘Symbolism and the Via Negativa of Theatre’, in Against Theatre: Creative Destructions on the Modern Stage, ed. Alan Ackerman and Martin Puchner (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2006)

‘Maeterlinck et le Dieu sauvage’, Présence/Absence de Maeterlinck, eds Marc Quaghebeur and Christian Angelet (Bruxelles: Editions Labor, 2002)

‘Mallarmé’s Tombeau d’Anatole’, in Situating Mallarmé, ed. Gordon Millan (Oxford and Bern: Peter Lang, 2001)



Introductions, Prefaces, Afterwords


Afterword 'Maigret and the Simenons', in Sean O'Brien, For Maigret, Hercules Editions, 2023

Introduction to James Joyce, Dubliners, Riverrun/Quercus, 2023

Introduction to James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Riverrun/Quercus, 2023

Introduction to James Joyce Ulysses, eds Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, Riverrun/Quercus, 2021