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My research focuses on the reception of Cervantes’ Don Quijote in nineteenth-century France, from the Revolutionary period to the Third Republic. It aims to nuance current critical views on the ‘Romantic interpretation’ of the Spanish novel by studying neglected scholarly texts of that period, while also following the evolution of that new interpretation throughout the century. Moreover, the reception of Don Quijote is used in my research as a valuable vantage point on key nineteenth-century topics: on the one hand, the tensions generated by a society that encouraged self-reflexive individualism while trying to reshape and reinforce the public sphere; on the other hand, the overlapping contradiction between the relatively new forms of elective love and the bourgeois rearming of the institution of marriage.



Lecture series “Don Quijote: Reading Classes”

Tutorial teaching on Balzac.



2024, “Sainte-Beuve’s Quixotic Response to Hugo’s ‘Shakespeare’”, Modern Language Review, 119-1, 36-54.

2022, “‘Sylvie’, or the end of Romanticism”, Neophilologus, 106-3, 381–395.

2018, “Estrategias discursivas irónicas en ‘Madame Bovary’”, Çédille, 14, 377–408.