Stephen Parkinson, M.A. (M.A., Ph.D. Cambridge)
Former Associate Professor in Portuguese Language and Linguistics,
Emeritus Fellow of Linacre College
Stephen Parkinson retired in 2015, and retains a research interest in medieval Portuguese literature and Portuguese Linguistics. His post-retirement research project is the edition of the 13th-century collection of songs in praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Cantigas de Santa Maria. A preliminary Anthology was published in 2015; he held a Leverhulme Trust Emeritus Fellowship between 2015 and 2017, and plans to complete the full edition of 420 poems by 2025, in parallel with a musical edition by Prof. Manuel Pedro Ferreira of the Universidade Nova, Lisbon. He received grants from the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust and the Modern Humanities Research Association for the creation of the Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria ( which maintains a web database on the sources and manuscript collections of the Cantigas. He was General Editor of The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies from 1988 to 2015. He was one of the editors of the groundbreaking Companion to Portuguese Literature and Reading Literature in Portuguese. He was involved in a research project (with Professor Aditi Lahiri) on Portuguese loanwords into Bengali and early Bengali dictionaries.
‘ “Deus Deus! Non me maravillo”: Internal transmission and textual criticism in the Cantigas de Santa Maria’ in Verdades Duplas. A verdade do texto e o verdade material. Cancioneiros e fragmentos galego-portugueses ed Déborah González, Argamed 5/2022, Santiago de Compostela, Centro Ramón Piñeiro, 2022, 86-106
‘Aberturas e finais: rubricas, refrães, estrofes iniciais e estrofes terminais nas Cantigas de Santa Maria’, in Alfonso X e Galicia, ed Mercedes Brea and Pilar Lorenzo Gradin, 2021, 283-315
‘Doing lines: refrains and copyists in the Cantigas de Santa Maria’, Medievalia (Buenos Aires), 52:2, 2021, 131-153
‘Responsion, accentual metrics and metrical irregularity in the cantiga de amigo’, Revista Galega de Filoloxia 21 (2020), 91-137
‘The Blessed Virgin Cheats at Dice: Cantiga 214 and the Alfonsine Miracle Kitchen’ Medium Aevum, 115-137
‘Supporting research with poetic metadata: the Oxford Cantigas de Santa Maria Database’, Revista de poética medieval, 33 (2019)
‘Lexicologia e critica textual: o Vocabulario em Idioma Bengalla e Portuguez e o Marsden Lexicon’ in Estudos Linguísticos e filológicos oferecidos a Ivo Castro, ed. Ernestina Carrilho, Ana Maria Martins, Sandra Pereira and Joao Paulo Silvestre, e-book, Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, <>,. 1103-1120.
‘Perdidas e achadas: cantigas de loor no Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional’, in Avatares y perspectivas del medievalismo ibérico. Actas del XVII Congreso AHLM (Roma, 2017), ed. Isabella Tomasetti et al., 2019, 399-409.
‘Géneros imaginados na lírica galego-portuguesa: a “cantiga de seguir” e a “cantiga de vilãos”’, in Poesía, poéticas y cultura literaria, ed Andrea Zinato and Paula Bellomi, Ibis, Pavia, 2018, 375-390
Alfonso X, the Learned. Cantigas de Santa Maria. An Anthology. MHRA Critical Texts, 40, London: MHRA, 2015
‘Text-music mismatches in the Cantigas de Santa Maria’, Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia (online), 1.1 (2014) 15-32
Cláudia Pazos Alonso and Stephen Parkinson (eds) Reading Literature in Portuguese. Commentaries in Honour of Tom Earle. Oxford: Legenda, 2013
‘How to Eat a Spider: Alfonso X’s Cantiga 225’, in Pazos Alonso & Parkinson, Reading Literature in Portuguese, pp. 5-14
Stephen Parkinson and David Barnett, ‘Linguística, codicologia e crítica textual: interpretação editorial da variação interna nas Cantigas de Santa Maria’, in Ao sabor do texto. Estudos dedicados a Ivo Castro, ed. Rosario Álvarez Blanco, Ana Maria Martins, Henrique Monteagudo Romero, Maria Ana Ramos, Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, 2013, pp. 467-80
‘Cut and Shut: On the Hybridity of Cantiga 173’, eHumanista 22 (2013), 49-64
‘Uma nova edição das Cantigas de Santa Maria’ in Avanços em Literatura e Cultura Portuguesas. Da Idade Média ao século XIX , ed. Petar Petrov, Pedro Quintino de Sousa, Roberto López-Iglésias Samartim and Elias J. Torres Feijó, Santiago de Compostela - Faro, Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas – Através Editora, 2012, pp. 9-25
‘The Miracles Came in Two by Two: Paired Narratives in the Cantigas de Santa Maria’, in Gaude Virgo Gloriosa: Marian Miracle Literature in the Iberian Peninsula and France in the Middle Ages, ed. Juan-Carlos Conde and Emma Gatland, PMHRS 69, London, QMUL, 2011, pp. 65-85
‘Alfonso X, Miracle Collector’, in Alfonso X El Sabio 1221-1284, Las Cantigas de Santa María, Códice Rico, Ms. T-I-1, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial,El Códice Rico de las Cantigas de Santa Maria, coord. Laura Fernández Fernández and Juan Carlos Ruiz Sousa (Madrid, Testimonio, 2011), vol. II, pp. 79-105.
‘Questões métricas nas Cantigas de Santa Maria: estruturas múltiplas, assimetrias e continuações inconsistentes’ in Estudios de edición crítica e lírica medieval galego-portuguesa, ed. Mariña Arbor Aldea and Antonio F Guiadanes (Verba, Anexo 67, 2010), pp. 315-36
‘Front matter or text?: prologues and tables of contents in the CSM’ in “De ninguna cosa es alegre posesión sin compañía”. Estudios celestinescos y medievales en honor del profesor Joseph Thomas Snow, coord. Devid Paolini, New York: The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 2010, vol 2, pp. 252-265
Editor, with Cláudia Pazos Alonso, T.F. Earle, A Companion to Portuguese Literature (Warminster, Tamesis, 2009)
‘Fernão Lopes and Portuguese Prose Writing of the Middle Ages’, in Parkinson, Pazos Alonso and Earle, A Companion to Portuguese Literature, pp. 45-55
'Portuguese', in The World’s Major Languages, ed. Bernard Comrie, 2nd edn (London-New York, Routledge, 2009), 217-232, 3rd edn, Routledge, 2018, 224-239
'Portuguese Studies - Language and Linguistics', in The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 69 (2008), 352-72, 71 (2009), 325-35
'The Evolution of cantiga 113: Composition, Recomposition, and Emendation in the Cantigas de Santa Maria', La corónica, 35.2 (2007), 227-72
'The Portuguese final nasals: documenting a chronology', Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies, 6 (2002[2007]), 287-306
'Concurrent patterns of verse design in the Galician-Portuguese Lyric', in Proceedings of the Thirteenth Colloquium, ed. Jane Whetnall and Alan Deyermond, PMHRS 51 (London: Department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, 2006), 19-38
'Rules of Elision and Hiatus in the Galician-Portuguese Lyric: The View from the Cantigas de Santa Maria', La corónica, 34.2 (Spring 2006), 113-33
With Deirdre Jackson, 'Collection, composition, and compilation in the Cantigas de Santa Maria', Portuguese Studies, 22 (2006), 159-72
'Portuguese' in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2nd edn, ed. William Frawley, New York: Oxford University Press Inc., 2003, vol. III, pp. 371-75
With Antonio Emiliano, 'Encoding medieval abbreviations for computer analysis (from Latin-Portuguese and Portuguese non-literary sources)', Literary and Linguistic Computing, 17 (2002), 345-60
‘Versification in the Cantigas de Santa Maria’, in Teaching Medieval Lyric with Modern Technology dir Margaret Switten and Robert Eisenstein, South Hadley MA. Mount Holyoake College, CD/ROM, 2001
Editor, Cobras e Son: Papers on the Text, Music and Manuscripts of the Cantigas de Santa Maria (Legenda, 2000)
'Structure and layout of the Toledo manuscript of the Cantigas de Santa Maria' in Cobras e Son, pp. 133-53
'Phonology and metrics: aspects of rhyme in the Cantigas de Santa Maria', in Proceedings of the Tenth Colloquium, ed. Alan Deyermond, Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar (London, QMW, 2000), 131-44
'Layout in the códices ricos of the Cantigas de Santa Maria', Hispanic Research Journal, 1 (2000), 243-74
'Meestria metrica: metrical virtuosity in the Cantigas de Santa Maria', La corónica, 27.2 (1999), 21-35
'Aspectos teóricos da historia das vogais nasais portuguesas', in: Actas do XII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 2 (Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 1997), 253-72
‘Portuguese’ in Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe, ed. Glanville Price, Blackwell, 1998, pp. 364-70.
‘Two for the price of one: on the Castroxeriz Cantigas de Santa Maria’, in Ondas do Mar de Vigo. Actas do Simposio Internacional sobre a Lírica Medieval Galego-Portuguesa, Birmingham 1997, coord. Derek W. Flitter and Patricia Odber de Baubeta, Birmingham, Seminario de Estudios Galegos, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham, pp. 72-88
'As Cantigas de Santa Maria: estado das cuestións textuais', Anuario Galego de Estudios Literarios, 1998, 179-205.
'Once a problem, always a problem: the phonology of Portuguese closed a', Oxford University Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, vol.4, ed. Raffaella Folli and Roberta Middleton, Oxford, Centre for Linguistics and Philology, 1999, 117-26.
'Os tabeliães de 1290 e a dialectologia medieval portuguesa', Miscelânea de estudos linguísticos, filológicos e literários In Memoriam Celso Cunha, ed Cilene da Cunha Pereira, Rio, Nova Fronteira, 1995, pp. 667-76.
'Phonetics and phonology of Portuguese "closed a"',in Portuguese, Brazilian and African Studies. Studies presented to Clive Willis on his Retirement, ed. T.F. Earle and Nigel Griffin, Warminster, Aris and Phillips, 1995, pp. 27-36.
'Micro-computer-assisted phonetics teaching and phonetics word-processing: a survey', (with Anthony Bladon), Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 17, 1988, 83-91.
'The first reorganisation of the Cantigas de Santa Maria', Bulletin of the Cantigueiros de Santa Maria, 1.2, 1988, 91-97.
'Portuguese', in The Romance Languages, ed. Martin Harris and Nigel Vincent (London, Croom Helm, 1988), 131-69
'False refrains in the Cantigas de Santa Maria', Portuguese Studies, 3, 1987, 21-56.
'Um arquivo computorizado de textos medievais portugueses', Boletim de Filologia, 28, 1983 (1984), 241-52.
'Portuguese Nasal Vowels as Phonological Diphthongs', Lingua, 61, 1983, 157-77.