Academic Background
Teresa Franco studied Italian Literature at the University of Rome, La Sapienza, and completed a D.Phil. in Medieval and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford in 2013. After working for the same institution as Part-time Lecturer and Language Tutor for several years (2010-16), she was appointed Language Tutor at the University of Manchester (2016-17). She is currently Lecturer in Italian at the University of Oxford where she also teaches for Keble and Magdalen College. She is Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a contributing writer for the cultural supplement of the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.
Language instruction across the undergraduate curriculum; Prelims Paper (Levi, Ortese, Calvino, Pavese), Modern Paper (19th and 20th centuries); Sicilian authors and Contemporary Women Writers.
Teresa’s doctoral thesis focused on the Italian poet Giovanni Giudici and his vast corpus of translation from English. She has explored several aspects of Giudici’s poetry (from the importance of mistakes, to the depiction of football, and the meaning of naming), and edited three of the poet’s personal notebooks. Her research interests span from literary translation, to the Italian reception of foreign texts, and women’s authorship. Her recent project examines the female force behind translation and publishing during 1930s and 1980s.
Franco, Teresa, La lingua del padrone: Giovanni Giudici traduttore dall’inglese (Rubbettino Editore, 2020)
Edited volumes:
(co-edited with Cecilia Piantanida), ‘Echoing Voices in Italian Literature’: Tradition and Translation and in the 20th century, conference proceedings, Cambridge Scholars, 2018
‘Quaderni e Taccuini di Giovanni Giudici, anni 1949-1957’, in ‘Giovanni Giudici, ovvero le fondamenta dell’opera’, special issue of Istmi, a cura di Carlo Londero, ottobre 2015, nn. 35- 36, pp. 25-135
Peer-reviewed Articles:
"A Voice for the Partisans: Natalia Ginzburg Translator of Made in Italy (forthcoming in the special issue of Women and Gender in Italy, ed. by Helena Sanson)
'"Nascere una seconda volta": il romanzo di Sylvia Plath nelle traduzioni italiane' in Paragone, agosto-dicembre, 2020, anno LXXI, nn. 150-151-152, pp. 138-159
'L’immaginario della traduzione nell’opera di Natalia Ginzburg’ in Italian Studies, 75, 2, 2020, pp. 1-14
'Giovanni Giudici', in Rivista Tradurre, n. 18, primavera 2020 (online)
‘L’ironia romanzesca di John Crowe Ransom nella traduzione di Giovanni Giudici’, in Studi Novecenteschi, gennaio-giugno 2018, anno XLV, n. 95, pp. 121-141
‘Memorie metropolitane nella scrittura di Corrado Stajano’, Paragone, agosto-dicembre 2016, anno LXVII, nn. 126-127-128, pp. 170-171
‘Essere Giovanni: poesia e autobiografia in Giudici’, in ‘Nomina sunt...? L'onomastica tra storia della lingua, ermeneutica e comparatistica’. Atti delle giornate di studio, Venezia 3-4 marzo 2016, a cura di M. P. Arpioni, A. Ceschin e G. Tomazzoli, con una prefazione di Carla Marcato, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, Venezia 2016, pp. 231-244
‘«Qui sta il ricco e lo strano»: Giudici traduttore di Eliot’, in ‘Giovanni Giudici. I versi, la vita’, Atti del convegno, La Spezia, 12-13 September 2013, a cura di P. Polito e A. Zollino, «Memorie dell’Accademia Lunigianese di Scienze “G. Capellini”», LXXXV, 2016, pp. 271-286
‘«Io troppo mite a guerra così dura»: il calcio nell’opera’ di Giovanni Giudici in Paragone, febbraio – giugno 2015, nn. 117-118-119, pp. 151-173
‘La forza dell’errore, poesia e traduzione in Giovanni Giudici’, Italianistica, XLI, 2, 2012, pp. 91-109