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Tim Farrant, M.A., D.Phil.

Reader in French, Fellow of Pembroke College



Tim Farrant's main research interests centre on nineteenth-century prose narrative and literature and the visual arts. Recent work has included a general study on Balzac, papers on Hugo and Gautier, and Taylor and Nodier's monumental topographical series, the Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France.


French language and literature, focussing on the modern period in the Oxford syllabus (1715 to the present).


'Observation et vision: une lecture de Sarrasine', L'École des lettres, 13 (July 2003), 83-94

'Balzac et le mélange des genres', L'Année balzacienne, 3ème série, 4 (2002 (2001)), 109-18

Balzac's Shorter Fictions (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002)

'Du livre illustré à la ville-spectacle', in: La Modernité avant Haussmann (Paris, Éditions Recherches, 2001), 123-138

Editor, with J. Simpson, Jules Flandrin: The Other Fin de siécle (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 2001)