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A unique opportunity to come and hear outstanding poets Martyn Crucefix, Patrick McGuinness and Don Paterson speak about the business of translating, responding to and writing poetry.

The Hall, Taylor Institution, St Giles, Oxford.

Wednesday 15th May (4th week)


Martyn Crucefix published translations of Rilke’s Duino Elegies (2006) and Sonnets to Orpheus (2012) with Enitharmon; Don Paterson’s Orpheus, versions of Rilke’s sonnets, appeared with Faber in 2006; Patrick McGuinness has translated some of Rilke’s French poetry, including in his Jilted City (Carcanet, 2010)

This special event, supported by the EHRC, brings them together to read from their work and discuss Orpheus and Rilke, but also the questions surrounding translation and poetry more generally. Chaired by Karen Leeder, editor with Robert Vilain, of The Cambridge Companion to Rainer Maria Rilke (2010).

Wine will be served. Information from Karen Leeder:

Click on the image to download the poster.