St Cross College in partnership with the Sino-British Fellowship Trust (SBFT) offers the following scholarship for which it invites applications from applicants who will be studying for a doctoral degree in the Humanities at the University of Oxford in the academic year 2017-2018. The scholarship is open to applicants who are students or academic staff members at a university, other higher education institution or vocational training institution in China. Applicants should apply for a place on a DPhil in their preferred Humanities subject area and must list St Cross College as their first choice college.
The Scholarship will have a value of £15,000 per annum and be tenable for the three fee-liability years of the doctoral course. The successful Scholar will be guaranteed to have a room in College accommodation (at the standard rent) for the first year of their course. Applicants for the Scholarship will need to explain why their proposed programme of research is ineligible for other funding. The successful Scholar will be required to complete the standard SBFT funding form once they have received the offer of the Scholarship and to provide a written report each year outlining their research to date and any publications or conference proceedings arising from this.
The Scholarship is tenable only at St Cross College. An application form can be downloaded from this site or requested by email. Written requests should be sent to the Admissions and Academic Assistant, St Cross College, St Giles', Oxford OX1 3LZ. The application deadline is Friday 20th January 2017.
(Details from the St Cross College website: