Germaine de Staël (1766-1817), one of the greatest writers and the most famous woman of the early nineteenth century, is the subject of Radio 4’s In Our Time, hosted by Lord Bragg on November 16 2017 ( He is in conversation with Catriona Seth FBA, the Marshal Foch Professor of Literature and Fellow of All Souls, who recently edited Staël’s works for Gallimard’s prestigious “Pléiade” series (, and with fellow academics Professor Alison Finch (Churchill College, Cambridge) and Dr Katherine Astbury (Warwick).
There is an opportunity to watch Catriona Seth talking about Germaine de Staël on Public Sénat’s Bibliothèque Médicis or to hear her on France Culture’s Les Chemins de la Philosophie, La Compagnie des auteurs and Secret Professionnel.