The Faculty is delighted to announce that this year’s Flash Fiction Competitions in French and Spanish are now open!
Our annual Flash Fiction Competitions invite secondary school pupils to submit a complete story of no more than 100 words, in French or Spanish, for the chance to win up to £100.
Entries are judged by a panel of academics who are primarily looking for creativity, imagination and narrative flair, as well as linguistic accuracy. Pupils’ language skills will be considered in the context of their age and year group: in other words, we will not expect younger pupils to compete against older pupils linguistically. This year, in response to the amazing number of entries we received last year, we have expanded the competition to include a third age category, as outlined below:
• Years 7-9 (ages 11-14)
• Years 10-11 (ages 14-16)
• Years 12-13 (ages 16-18)
The judges will award a top prize of £100, as well as prizes of £25 to a maximum of two runners up, in each category. Certificates will also be awarded to pupils who have been highly commended by our judges. Results as well as the winning, runner up, and highly commended stories will be published on our blog, Adventures on the Bookshelf, if entrants give us permission to do so.
More information and links to the submission forms can be found on our website. Pupils may only submit one story per language but are welcome to submit one story in French AND one story in Spanish if they would like to. For some inspiration, they can have a look at last year’s winning entries in French and Spanish. Please note that pupils must enter the competition themselves: teachers cannot enter on their behalf for reasons of GDPR compliance.
The submission deadline is 12 noon on 31 March 2023.
Bonne chance à tous! ¡Buena suerte a todos!