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I am a journalist and former Oxford University student and I would like to forward you details about internship opportunities for MFL students at EU Radio Nantes.  I think this could be a great opportunity for students on their year abroad. They can come to France for 4-6 months and work at a European radio station.  They must be able to speak and write French well, though they do not necessarily need to be bilingual in the strict sense of the word.  This is a rigorous and serious journalism opportunity for people who are interested in Europe. It's a great way for students to perfect their French and they will be trained to be a European radio journalist through hands on work.

Please find attached the details of the internship, as well as an application pack. Internships are available from March and from September 2010.

Please email to request further information.

Kind regards,

Victoria Sill

(Hertford College 2004)