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De Osma Studentship in Spanish Studies

The Vice-Chancellor gives notice that he will make an appointment to the de Osma Studentship during Michaelmas Term 2010. The Studentship is open to members of the University of Oxford.

Nationality: Any nationality

Level of study: Undergraduate and Graduate students

Subject: Candidates should be concerned with Spanish studies, such as Spanish art history, Spanish language and literature, Spanish history, geography, or archaeology. They must, when presenting their applications, provide evidence that they have sufficient knowledge of both written and spoken Spanish to enable them to make proper use of the facilities of the Instituto as well as a detailed account of their proposed study.

Dr Aït-Touati wins MLA Prize for Comparative Literary Studies

The Modern Language Association of America has awarded its twentieth annual Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies to Frédérique Aït-Touati, of the University of Oxford, Saint John’s College, for her book Fictions of the Cosmos: Science and Literature in the Seventeenth Century, published by the University of Chicago Press. The prize is awarded annually for an outstanding scholarly work that is written by a member of the association and that involves at least two literatures.

More information can be found here.