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Arnaldi Itaca Lg

Ithaca is Someone. Ithaca is You.

Marta Arnaldi recently defended a thesis on American anthologies of Italian verse. She is also the author of a prize-winning collection of poetry. She reflects here on creative writing and scholarship.

Dr Marta Arnaldi
Masterclass Certificate 2019 002

Outreach: Bringing local Schools to Oxford

Natasha Ryan, the Faculty Outreach Officer, coordinates numerous events across the country. Here is a presentation of two important dates in the calendar for our involvement with local schools.

Nicola Brown
Photo 3

Pierre Michon

Pierre Michon gave the most recent Zaharoff Lecture. Ann Jefferson, who translated two of his texts as Winter Mythologies and Abbots (Yale University Press, 2014) reflects on the writer and his works.

Ann Jefferson

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