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Magdalen College


Tuesday, November 15, 2016 - 5:00pm

Magdalen College, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 4AU, Common Room (Cloisters staircase 3, first floor).

"Voyage littéraire par-delà les frontières : analyse de l'écriture nomade dans l'oeuvre de Linda Lê" by Veronica Ntoumos - de Remy

Toby Garfitt's Francophone seminar at Magdalen College is hosting a lecture on "Voyage littéraire par-delà les frontières : analyse de l'écriture nomade dans l'oeuvre de Linda Lê" by Veronica Ntoumos- de Remy ( Sorbonne University and ULB). Taking stock of the fact that contemporary French literature explicitly encompasses literatures hitherto regarded as peripheral or marginal, Veronica Ntoumos - de Remy will discuss on one of these minority traditions : Francophone Vietnamese Literature and more especially Linda's books. By studying a marginal literary corpus, this lecture will raise questions about the normative status and the legitimacy of French literature.