With the support of the Argentine Embassy in London; the Instituto Cervantes, London; the Latin American Centre, Oxford; the Sub-faculty of Spanish of the University of Oxford; and St Catherine’s College Oxford.
Monday 28 October
5pm. Latin American Centre Seminar Room, Church Walk, Oxford.
Dr Analía Gerbaudo, Universidad Nacional de Litoral, Argentina.
“Las editoriales cartoneras en América Latina (2003-2019). Una intervención “nano” en la construcción de la World Literature.” (In Spanish).
Tuesday 29 October
5pm. Taylor Institute, Main Hall, St Giles, Oxford.
Panel Discussion: “The Meaning of Argentina.” (In English)
Dr Geraldine Lublin, University of Swansea.
Dr Ignacio Aguiló, University of Manchester.
Chair: Dr Guadalupe Gerardi, University of Oxford.
Wednesday 30 October
5pm Taylor Institute, Rm 2, St Giles, Oxford.
The author and journalist Mariana Enriquez, in conversation with Ben Bollig (Spanish Sub-faculty).
Thursday 31 October
5pm Taylor Institute, Rm 2, St Giles, Oxford.
Dr Erika Martínez, Universidad de Granada. Talk (in Spanish) on contemporary Argentine poetry:
“Insolentes: Spleen, cualquierización y expropiaciones en la poesía argentina del cambio de siglo.”
Friday 1 November
2pm. St Catherine’s JCR Theatre, Manor Rd, Oxford.
Film Screening: Los posibles, Santiago Mitre & Juan Onofri (2013). With an introduction by Ben Bollig, Spanish Sub-faculty and St Catherine’s College. We are grateful for the cooperation of La Unión de los Ríos and the help of Agustina Llambi Campbell.
All events are free and open to all.
Contacts: rachel.robinson@stcatz.ox.ac.uk // benjamin.bollig@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk

Analía Gerbaudo teaches literary theory at the National University of the Litoral (UNL), Argentina as well as being a member of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). She is the chief editor of the online literary journal El Taco en la Brea. She directs the publishing house Vera cartonera (CONICET-UNL). Her most recent book is Políticas de exhumación. Las clases de los críticos en la universidad argentina de la posdictadura (1984-1986) (UNL-UNGS, 2016).
In Michaelmas Term 2019, Dr Gerbaudo is in Oxford as a TORCH Global South Visiting Fellow. Her academic hosts are Dr Stefano Maria Evangelista (English), Prof Ben Bollig (MML) and Prof Laura Marcus (English). During her stay, Dr Gerbaudo will engage with Oxford academics and students in a number of workshops and seminars on the topics of literary theory, comparative literature and literary activity in Argentina.
Ignacio Aguiló is Lecturer in Latin American Cultural Studies at the University of Manchester. From September 2019, he will also be Co-Director of University’s Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Broadly speaking, his research focuses on race in contemporary South American cultural production. He is the author of The Darkening Nation: Race, Neoliberalism and Crisis in Argentina (University of Wales Press, 2018), which explores the connections between the 2001 financial meltdown in Argentina and the crisis of narratives of whiteness and national belonging, by examining literary texts, popular music, artworks and films. His current research project looks at notions of kitsch and bad taste in contemporary literature, video clips, films and architecture by Andean artists, focusing on the racial dimension of the politics of taste. He is also co-investigator in the AHRC-funded project Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America.
Geraldine Lublin is Senior Lecturer at Swansea University’s Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting Department. Her primary research area is Patagonia, both in its contemporary form and in historical perspective. She is the author of Memoir and Identity in Welsh Patagonia: Voices from a settler community in Argentina (UWP, 2017). Her initial focus on the ‘special’ standing of the Welsh community in Chubut in relation to the region and the rest of Argentina led her to develop an interest in the wider dynamics of the region, including nation-building in Argentina, indigenous populations and settler colonial theory.
Mariana Enriquez was born in 1973 in Buenos Aires. She holds a degree in Journalism and works as subeditor of the cultural supplement Radar for the newspaper Página/12 and also teaches journalism at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Her works include include the novels Bajar es lo peor (Espasa Calpe, 1995- Galerna, 2013), Cómo desaparecer completamente (Emecé, 2004) and Este es el mar (Random House, 2017); the short story collections Los peligros de fumar en la cama (Emecé, 2009-Anagrama 2017), Cuando hablábamos con los muertos (Montacerdos, Chile, 2013) and Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego (Anagrama, 2016); the nouvelle Chicos que vuelven (Eduvim, 2010); a travelogue, Alguien camina sobre tu tumba. Mis viajes a cementerios (Galerna, 2013-Laguna Libros 2017); and a biography of Silvina Ocampo, La hermana menor. Un retrato de Silvina Ocampo (Ediciones UDP, Chile, 2014- Anagrama, 2018). Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego has been translated into 22 langauges, and won the Ciutat de Barcelona prize in 2016 as well as the 3rd National Prize for Short Stories in Argentina. Her works have appeared in Granta, The New Yorker, Freeman’s and Electric Literature.
Erika Martínez (España, 1979) es licenciada en Filología Hispánica y en Teoría de la Literatura y, desde 2008, doctora por la Universidad de Granada. Entre 2010 y 2012 investigó en el Institut d’Etudes Ibériques et Latino-américaines (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV) con un contrato postdoctoral. Es autora del libro Entre bambalinas. Poetas argentinas tras la última dictadura (Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2013) y de numerosas publicaciones científicas sobre poesía y aforismo en español de los siglos XX y XXI. Actualmente trabaja como contratada Ramón y Cajal en el Departamento de Literatura Española de la Universidad de Granada. Ha publicado tres libros de poesía y uno de aforismos en la editorial Pre-Textos: Color carne (2009, Premio Radio Nacional de España), Lenguaraz (2011), El falso techo (2013) y Chocar con algo (2017). Su obra ha sido incluida en antologías como El canon abierto. Última poesía en español (Visor, 2015) o Centros de gravedad. Poesía española en el siglo XXI (Pre-Textos, 2018).