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A Workshop in Honour of T.J. Reed's 80th Birthday

St John's College, Oxford

The Queen's College, Oxford

18-19 April 2017


Tuesday 18 April

The Barn, St John's College
2.00 Werner Frick, '“Weiß ich nur, wer ich bin”: Enlightened Self-Portraits from Lessing to Goethe'
2.45 Eckart Goebel, 'Chewing: Goethe's Proserpina'
3.30 Tea
4.00 Steffan Davies, 'Egmont and Memory'
4.45 Kevin Hilliard, 'Goethe, Cynics, Wieland'
The Shulman Auditorium, The Queen's College
6.00 Drinks reception
6.30 Martin Swales, 'Enlightenment and the "Transnational" Literary Text: Reflections on Goethe's Faust'

Wednesday 19 April

The Barn, St John's College
9.00 Matthew Bell, 'Publishing the Enlightenment – and Getting Paid for It'
9.45 Ritchie Robertson, 'The Rural Enlightenment of Johann Heinrich Voss'
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Elizabeth Boa, 'Die Marquise von O. and Der Proceß: a Birth and a Death of Enlightenment?'
11.45 Hans Rudolf Vaget, 'The Unlikely Socialist. Thomas Mann: From Romanticism to Enlightenment'
12.30 T.J. Reed, 'A few words'

Registration: by Monday, 3 April 2017, by e-mail to, indicating in particular whether you wish to attend the drinks reception on 18 April.

The event is sponsored by the English Goethe Society, the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford, St John's College, Oxford, and The Queen's College, Oxford.