The inflectional morphology of Romance languages often receives attention, but genuinely comparative, interpretative, pan-Romance, overviews remain rare.
Past Projects
Autonomous Morphology in Diachrony: Comparative Evidence from Romance Languages
Being red vs blushing: The morphosyntax of permanent and transient properties
There is preliminary evidence that predicates expressing permanent properties, like “being intelligent”, and those expressing transient properties, like “being sad”, are systematically associated with non-trivially different morphological and syntactic ex
Creative Multilingualism
The research was being conducted in the context of an unprecedented crisis in language learning in UK schools, which is in turn undermining the health of Modern Languages departments in universities.
The Genetic Basis of Developmental Language Disorders
The aim of this research is to improve our understanding of genetic anomalies that may disrupt brain functions, crucial for speech and language. With such knowledge future intervention can be found to help those who are affected.
Current research