The Faculty has access to the widest range of graduate funding opportunities of any Modern Languages department in the country.
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The Faculty is supporting the University of Oxford #AcademicFutures scholarships scheme and is co-funding scholarships for applicants of the Faculty’s MSt and DPhil courses.
The 2023 Language Teachers’ Conference will be held on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 September at St Anne’s College.
Upcoming Events
After Clarice: Reading Lispector’s Legacy in the Twenty-First Century brings together scholars, authors, artists, and translators working in a wide range of languages and disciplines to address Lispector’s place in configurations of world literature.
The Sermon von Ablass und Gnade (Sermon on Indulgences and Grace) is a seminal text for the Reformation: it is the first vernacular statement of Luther’s views on the question which led to his break with Rome; the first printed work of his to reach a mass
The life of Rilke’s work is in its words, and this book attends closely to the life unfolding in Rilke’s words over the course of his career. What is a poem, and how does it act upon us when we read? What does reading involve?
Past Events
Multilingual, Events, MML Annual Conference Taylor Institution