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Weston Library


At this event in the Weston Library, the Translation Exchange will build a 'Spectacular Translation Machine': all hands on deck to create a collaborative translation of a graphic novel! If you are interested in volunteering to help run the machine on the night, please contact



As Brexit leads some to fear isolationism, join us for an interactive celebration of languages and cultures at the Weston Library. This Library Late event is a chance to immerse yourself in a multicultural experience with music, dancing and fun language activities that showcase linguistic and cultural diversity in the UK and beyond.


The Translation Exchange brings together expertise in literary translation and outreach within the College, University, city, and country to develop a broad programme of translation-related activities for students, schools, and the public.


The focus of the Translation Exchange is on bringing students from the Medieval and Modern Languages, Oriental Studies, Classics, and English faculties together with teachers and pupils from local schools for translation workshops. With an emphasis on translation as a creative, inspiring, and aspiration-raising activity, these workshops will channel the students’ expertise in translation and enthusiasm for language-learning and literature into enriching literary experiences for young people from primary age upwards.