
Event Description:
Trudruá Dorrico, in conversation with Claire Williams and Georgia Nasseh, discusses indigenous literature in Brazil, her curatorship of the I Mostra de Literatura Indígena (Museu do Índio/UFU), and her collection, Eu sou macuxi e outras histórias (2019).
This event will be in Portuguese.
Trudruá Dorrico is a poet, writer, and researcher of indigenous literature, with a a PhD in Theory of Literature (PUCRS). Trudruá won the Tamoios/FNLIJ/UKA de Novos Escritores Indígenas contest in 2019. She was curator of the I Mostra de Literatura Indígena (Museu do Índio/UFU). She is the author of the collection, Eu sou macuxi e outras histórias (Caos e Letras, 2019).