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A Conference at Exeter College, Oxford

Monday, 15 March 2010, 10:00-17:00

This conference brings together leading scholars whose work on the early modern Inquisitions spans literary and historical considerations, as well as geographical boundaries. Their rich perspectives promise fresh insights.

Dr John Edwards (Queen’s College, Oxford), ‘The Spanish Inquisition Refashioned: The Experience of Mary I’s England and the Valladolid Tribunal, 1559’.

Dr Richard Pym (Royal Holloway), ‘The Curious Tale of the Irishman, the Gypsy, and “the Olivares Girl”: A Footnote to History’.

Dr António Andrade (Aveiro), ‘From Lisbon to Venice: The Trials and Tribulations of the New Christian Duarte Gomes’.

Dr Tobias Green (Birmingham), ‘Policing the Empires: A Comparative Perspective on the Political and Social Functions of the Inquisition in the Portuguese and Spanish Overseas Territories (16th-17th Centuries)’.

Dr Victoria Ríos Castaño (Ulster), ‘The War on Evil: Zumárraga’s Inquisitorial Trials against the Indigenous People in New Spain’.

Keynote Speaker: Prof Francisco Bethencourt (Charles Boxer Professor of History, King’s College London), ‘Inquisition and Literature’.

All are welcome.

If you would like to join the speakers for lunch at the College, please send a cheque for £15 made payable to Dr Tyler Fisher at Exeter College by 8 March.

Exeter College

Oxford OX1 3DP

The conference is co-organized by Catarina Fouto and Tyler Fisher, and is sponsored by the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Oxford, and the Instituto Camões Centre for Portuguese Studies.

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