The Exam Regulator Ofqual has now published its long-awaited Policy Decision on the issue of severe grading in Modern Foreign Languages A level. The report on 'Inter-subject comparability in A level sciences and modern foreign languages' concludes “that there is not a compelling case to adjust grading standards” while recognising “the potential for perceived grading severity to undermine public confidence in these qualifications.”
The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages shares the concern within the sector about the outcome, and the continuing impact of lack of confidence in grading on take-up and progression in the study of languages. It welcomes Ofqual’s plans to expand its work on inter-subject comparability to include GCSE French, German and Spanish (decision expected in autumn 2019).
For statements by the University Council of Modern Languages and the Association for Language Learning see here (UCML, ALL), plus a further article from the Times Education Supplement.