After graduating in 2007, my language skills helped me get a job in an ad agency that was expanding into new markets, and I had the opportunity to travel to Australia, Canada, Mexico and Hungary for pitches and shoots. From there I moved into the newly emerging world of web copywriting and multilingual content management. I enjoyed project work and being my own boss, so I set up my own company in 2013 and have been working on digital projects ever since. Recently I’ve been working on a major digital redesign for a big four consulting firm and a website migration for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the leading UN human rights entity.
I spent my year abroad as an intern in a French telecoms company – an experience I would heartily recommend as the connections I made there led to many opportunities in the years that followed. Oxford helped me develop skills in research, fast report writing and juggling many conflicting priorities! Studying languages gave me a good foundation for programming languages and thinking about the web in terms of visual and semantic codes: user experience, design, content guidelines, governance etc. It has also been indispensable to have a broad understanding of local and cultural variations when working on localisation and automation strategies.

Gabrielle Turner