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Examination Schools

Free (booking required)

This year's Open Day for everyone interested in studying Medieval and Modern Languages at Oxford will take place on Saturday, April 28th, 2018. We welcome all potential applicants to the Examination Schools (High Street, Oxford, OX1 4BG) where the Open Day will begin at 10.50 am.

There will be both talks and opportunities for discussion between sixth-formers, undergraduates, teachers, and Faculty tutors. In the morning, to ensure that all prospective students have access to the main room, their parents, guardians, and teachers will be hosted in an overflow room with audio-visual links to the main session. Please, note that there is no parking at the Examination Schools.

Programme for the day includes an introduction to the Faculty, a Q&A session, as well as language-specific discussions. To see the programme in full and to book your place, please, follow this link: Booking is essential.

UPDATE: The General Modern Languages Open Day is now fully booked, but there are still places on all the Sub-faculty Open Days. To secure your place or to join the waiting list, please, follow the instructions linked above or contact

Information about the Sub-faculty Open Days can be seen here:

Although the content of the degree varies from one language to another, teaching methods are similar across the languages, and one of these events will allow you to get a flavour of a languages degree at Oxford, as well as to see a college. Please note that there is no open day specifically for French.


Alternatively, you might consider attending one of the University open days in June or September, booking for which will open later in the spring. On these dates all the colleges and departments will be open, so it can be a good opportunity to explore the University at large.

The header image is of the Examination Schools courtyard. © University of Oxford / Artist unknown