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Taylor Institution

Free (booking required)

Open Days provide an excellent opportunity to visit the Faculty and meet our tutors and students. The University of Oxford Open Days 2018 will take place on Wednesday, June 27th, Thursday, June 28th, and Friday, September 14th. Colleges and departments across the University will be running tours and information sessions. To plan your day, see these pages.

The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages will be holding information sessions at the Taylor Institution, at 10.30 am - 12 pm and 3-4.30 pm on all three dates. Booking is required (please, note that the afternoon session is a repeat of the morning one, so there is no need to attend both). We shall also hold a drop-in session at 2-3 pm, for which booking is not required.

To reserve your place at an Open Day, please, follow this link.

Download the programme for the Open Days on June 27-28th, 2018 (.pdf).