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Queen's College


Join us for an evening dedicated to translation and the classics put on by the Queen’s College Translation Exchange. The Exchange brings together expertise in literary translation and outreach within the College, University, city, and country to develop a broad programme of translation-related activities for students, schools, and the public.

The focus of the Translation Exchange is on bringing students from the Medieval and Modern Languages, Oriental Studies, Classics, and English faculties together with teachers and pupils from local schools for translation workshops. With an emphasis on translation as a creative, inspiring, and aspiration-raising activity, these workshops will channel the students’ expertise in translation and enthusiasm for language-learning and literature into enriching literary experiences for young people from primary age upwards. 

At this event, Nicolas Pasternak Slater will discuss his translation work and introduce his forthcoming version of Pasternak's Dr Zhivago. Nicolas studied Russian at Oxford in the 1960s, before working in machine translation and becoming a doctor. In recent years he has become a celebrated translator of Russian classics. The talk will be followed by a Q&A and a wine reception.