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From Thursday, September 20th to Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 the international conference Women in Transition — Crossing Borders, Crossing Boundaries will take place at St Peter's College, University of Oxford and at the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin-American Studies, King's College London.

This international, multilingual conference will bring together scholars, students, and writers — as well as sociologists, psychotherapists, and clinicians — working around the world. By choosing a thematic focus on ‘transition’ in women’s lives, we encourage colleagues to present their research on women who have described how they have crossed biological, geopolitical, political borders, and emotional, sexual, cultural, and linguistic boundaries. The international approach, with speakers — invited authors and artists representing different cultures — will help to emphasise the links and connections that bind women together, rather than those which separate them.

The conference is open to the public upon registration. For further details, please, follow this link.