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Debra Walsh
Inspirational Teacher Honoured by Oxford University

Debra Walsh, teacher of French at Brynteg Comprehensive School in Bridgend, is one of ten state school teachers who have been recognised by the University of Oxford's annual Inspirational Teachers Awards. She was nominated by Elis Harrington, a first-year student at Jesus College studying French and German.

R Gapper Book Prize 2016
Neil Kenny & Patrick McGuinness Win R. Gapper Book Prize

The Faculty is delighted to report that Neil Kenny and Patrick McGuinness have been announced as the joint winners of the prestigious R. Gapper Book Prize for their publications Death and Tenses: Posthumous Presence in Early Modern France (Oxford: OUP, 2015) and Poetry and Radical Politics in fin de siècle France (Oxford: OUP, 2015) respectively.

Promenade Du Jardin
Des boulevards aux jardins : rituels de la promenade au XVIIIe siècle

The MFO is hosting a two day conference jointly organised by Sophie Lefay (Université d'Orléans), Laurent Turcot (Université du Québec à Trois Rivières) and Catriona Seth (University of Oxford) on walking and social rituals in the 18th century. It will include papers on national characteristics of walks, literary and educational walks, royal progresses and botanical collections, garden fashions and commercial activities for walkers. All welcome.

Delphine De Vigan
Conversation with Delphine de Vigan

Prize-winning French author and film producer, Delphine de Vigan, will be in conversation with Henriette Korthlas Altes (MFO) and Catriona Seth (All Souls) at Jesus College, in the Harper Room at Jesus College at 5.15 P.M. on Wednesday 26th April.

738 Madame De Stael
Professor Catriona Seth Interviewed on French Radio

Oxford academic Professor Catriona Seth is interviewed on French radio by philosopher Adèle van Reeth. They discuss Germaine de Staël (1766-1817), a 'thinker without borders', whose works include essays, novels and political pamphlets and whose ideas often show preoccupations with themes which are still present in contemporary debates, from the role of fiction to the way culture can serve to unite people.

Qs University Rankings
Oxford Modern Languages Ranked 3rd in World QS University Rankings

The University of Oxford has been ranked 3rd in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for Modern Languages, just behind Harvard University and the University of Cambridge, with the coveted top five-star rating for research, innovation, and teaching.

Homage to Michael Sheringham

On June 25th the French Ambassador, Her Excellency Madame Sylvie Bermann made the posthumous award of the highest rank in the ‘Ordre des Palmes Académiques’ to the late Michael Sheringham, who was, until last year, Marshal Foch Professor of French Literature. Professor Michel Murat of the Sorbonne came over from Paris for the ceremony and gave the following address:

2016 French Film Competition - Results

2016 marks the fifth year of Oxford University’s French film competition, in which school pupils are invited to watch a selected French film, and write an essay or script re-imagining the ending.

Visibility award
Visibility Award 4: Les Liaisons Dangereuses in 5x5

The EHRC committee is pleased to announce the first recipients of the new Visibility Award Scheme for staff and students in Modern Languages. Number 4 up is, Les Liaisons Dangereuses in 5x5, the pilot for a multimedia project aimed at making modern language texts more accessible and engaging for today’s students.