It is with great sadness that we inform members of the Faculty of the death of Professor Martin McLaughlin, Emeritus Agnelli-Serena Chair of Italian and Fellow of Magdalen College. Martin passed away peacefully at Sobell House at 6.30 on Friday morning.
Read all the latest news and upcoming events from the faculty on the main News page.
Sean Wyer, Lecturer in Italian at Balliol, has published his new article 'Gourmet and the Ghetto: The "Foodification" of Rome's Historic Jewish Quarter'
Stipendiary Lecturer in Italian Sean Wyer has been awarded the prestigious Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.
This summer, St John's College and Christ Church are running Modern Languages Study Days for Year 12 state school pupils.
Bookings for our Modern Languages Open Day are now open.
Applications for our virtual BAME Humanities Study are now open.
Catriona Seth will be in residence at the Bogliasco Foundation as a Spring 2023 Fellow.
Come and learn more about our language courses here at Oxford.
The fourteenth issue of the Oxford Polyglot has now been released.
Applications for the Faculty's Student Ambassador scheme are open until Thursday 3rd November.
To honour the 700th anniversary of Dante's death, a competition was held to introduce his work to students of all ages.
MML leads the Guardian University Rankings.
Lindsay Johns (BA French and Italian) looks back at his time on the course.
This year's alumni weekend will take place back in Oxford.
We’re over the moon to be holding our Modern Languages Teachers’ Conference in person for the first time in two years… MFL Teachers, book your place now.
Join our MFL Teachers' mailing list for a chance to win £100 for your school.
Warmest congratulations go to Simon Gilson and Hilary Owen on their election to the British Academy.
Funding success as award-winning writer and translator Polly Barton is granted a 2022/23 TORCH HCP Visiting Fellowship.