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Professors and Associate Professors
Researchers, Fixed-Term and College Staff
Dr Frances Clemente
- Italian
Research topicThe Ecstatic Dis-Order: A Cultural and Literary Investigation of Post-Unification Italy (1861-1915)
Language Lecturers
Doctoral Students
Beatrice Carlini
- Italian
Research topicElsa Morante and Goliarda Sapienza in dialogue: Religion and Gender
Silvia Cercarelli
- Italian
Research topic20th century Italian literature, women's literature, antifascism
Andrea di Serego Alighieri
- Italian
Research topic“in the babbler that lives I demand to be inscribed” / “Chiss. elling dark. ness writing in lights” Amelia Rosselli and Kamau Brathwaite’s poetics of inscription across verse, page and diaspora
Martyna Grzesiak
- Italian
Research topicItalian book history: A copy census of the first printed Italian Bible translation by Nicolò Malerbi (1471).
Cristina Dondi
Roberto Interdonato
- German
- Italian
Research topicAlienation and the Utopian Function of Literature in Anna Maria Ortese and Ingeborg Bachmann
Joseph Kelly
- Italian
Research topic‘Bringing Imperial Rome to life in the Wireless World: Radio, Nationalism and Spiritual Imperialism in Fascist Italy’
Dr Alice Parrinello
- Italian
- Modern Greek
Research topicQueering the South: A Case Study on Emma Dante
Elena Sorochina
- French
- Italian
Research topicThe sylph and sylphide in French cultural production (1681 - 1801)
Victoria White
- Italian
Research topicThe Ethics of Loyalty: decoding the loyalty gene in the works of Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472)
Alessandro Zammataro
- Italian
Research topicAntonio Grifo’s Illumination as a Visual Commentary to Petrarch’s Canzoniere
Carlo Maria Zanetti
- Italian
Research topicBuilding Community through Individual Agency: The Linguistic Roots of Intersubjective Sociality in High Medieval Culture