See lists of all academic staff, students, and administrative staff at the faculty on the main People page.
Professors and Associate Professors
Researchers, Fixed-Term and College Staff
Clara Baudet
- French
Research topicGrand Tourists and Marginal Figures in Early Romantic Naples
Language Lecturers
Doctoral Students
Beverly Marie Adrian
- French
Research topicResurrection, Reincarnation and the Perfectibility of the Soul in Nineteenth-Century French Literature, from Maistre to Hugo
Joseph Begley
- French
Research topicMemory and trauma: Representations of the French Revolution in the 19th-century novel
Irina Boeru
- French
Research topicEdging towards the Afortunadas: tracing memory and identity in the ocean narratives of Le Canarien
Rebecca Boyd
- French
Research topicConjuring the Self: Renée Vivien and the Hermetics of Identity
Ramani Chandramohan
- French
Research topicConceptualising conversion: reading Herbert’s 'Li Romans de Dolopathos' in its manuscript context
Cameron Etherton
- French
Research topicThe Poetics of Testimony in Jacques Derrida’s Later Writings
Mathieu Farizier
- French
Research topicHow to do politics with words? The resurgence of revolutionary poetry in contemporary France
Louise Ferris
- French
Research topicProust through the lens of Derrida, Nancy and Malabou: the breaking down of the distinction between the self and world in new forms of materiality
Lillian Fontaine
- French
Research topicGhosts of Colonies Past: Spectrality and Haunting in 21st Century Algerian Francophone Literature
Anna Glieden
- French
Research topicRepresentation and Perception of Sculptures in French Eighteenth-Century Literature
Aditi Gupta
- French
Research topicJean-Baptiste Gentil (1726-1799), A Traveller, Patron, Collector, and Historian: A Page in Indo-French Cultural Relations
Alice Hawkins
- French
Research topicFeminine Subjectivity and Virtue in Medieval Romance: the cases of Guinevere and Iseut
Sabrina Hogan
- French
Research topicAttention and distraction in sixteenth-century French poetry
Nicola Holt
- French
Research topicWhat can literature do that philosophy can’t? Entering the hybrid worlds of Simone de Beauvoir and Iris Murdoch
Michelle Chunhan Hsu
- French
Research topicGender and Empire in Turn-of-the-Century French Literature on China
Adam Husain
- French
Research topicUnity and Transformation in À la recherche: Proust through the lens of Catherine Malabou
Liam Johnston-McCondach
- French
- German
Research topicLe Plaisir de Brecht: Bertolt Brecht, Roland Barthes, and Literary Politics
Simon Kerr
- French
Research topicThe ‘enveloppe close’: Reading minds in Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu
Akari Kobayashi
- French
Research topicTextual/Sexual Bodies in Translation: Metamorphosing Sex in Ovide Moralisé and Ovidius Moralizatus
Elliot Koubis
- French
- Modern Greek
Research topicAgainst Homochrononormativity: New Queer Times in French and Greek Literature
Maya Kucinskas
- French
Research topicAesthetic of Liminality and Hallucination : the modeling of an imaginary world and the "montage of emotions" – a poetic enquiry in film and literature, from Céline's Voyage au bout de la nuit to Hayao Miyazaki.
Robert Ley
- French
Research topicRepresentations of consumption from medieval chansons to geste to François Rabelais
Eleanor Lischka
- French
Research topicProust and poetry: lyric subjectivity and poetic voice in the work of Marcel Proust
Marie Martine
- French
- German
Research topic'The Silent Tragic of the Everyday': Women Writers in Europe at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Benjamin Micallef
- French
Research topicSemio-Ecology: An Archeology of Difference in European Thought (1948-1968)
Dr Waqas Mirza
- French
Research topicLanguage and Self in Samuel Beckett's Trilogy: the Self-Translation of the Representation of the Mind
Sally Mullis
- French
Research topicAnimal cognition and the arts in early modern French thought, c. 1570-1700
Lynn Nguyen
- French
Research topicBetween fact and fiction: History, storytelling, and ethics in contemporary French literature of the Second World War
Jack Nunn
- French
Research topicCrafting Anthologies in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance France: Collecting, Selecting, Arranging
Sasho Pshenko
- French
Research topicThe late thought of Gilles Deleuze, as presented in Cinema, structuralism, film, literature
Elisian Eleni Maria Ralli
- French
Research topicFrom Bibliophilia to Biophilia: Selfhood and Alterity in the Illustrations of the Fin-de-siècle Livre de Luxe (1880-1914)
Holly Rowe
- French
Research topicEvidence, example, and expérience in the eighteenth-century French essay
Olivia Russell
- French
Research topicReleasing reminiscences: the process of imagination in the autobiographical works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Giacomo Casanova
Hannah Scheithauer
- French
- German
Research topicCross-border Communities: The Limits of ‘Multidirectional Memory’ in Contemporary Literatures in French and German
Kate Sligo
- French
Research topicA French Idea of the Global: the space of diversity at Éditions Stock
Elena Sorochina
- French
- Italian
Research topicThe sylph and sylphide in French cultural production (1681 - 1801)
Nicholas Stedman
- French
Research topicCharles Nodier & the rise of problematic notions of authorial originality in French letters from the 18th to the 19th century
Jacqueline Uren
- French
Research topic‘Le théâtre et la reine’: Marie-Antoinette, Letters, and Courtly Spectacle, 1770-1789
Dana Vuckovic
- French
Research topicThe Consecration and Canonization of Balzac as a Classic Writer: Between the Educational Institution, Adaptation and the Serialized Novel
Elly Walters
- French
Research topicPortraits in Blue: Water and Distress in Contemporary Women’s Writing in French
Jingyan Zhang
- French
Research topicPublic Green Spaces in Parisian Literature and Art (1852-1914): Leisure, Politics, and Gender